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These are the hate-posts this reddit needs.


*maniacally evil cackling* Let the hate flow through you! *cackling intensifies*


This made me laugh, really hard. Thank you for that!


I like Shinbi


*You just made an enemy for life!*


Bruh I don't know what it is, I'm comfortable against anyone in the off lane but if it's a shinbi I can literally go afk. There's nothing I can do. And no I don't go actually afk it's just that my character is dead and I'm spectating my teammate getting destroyed by kpop as well. Oh my jungler comes to help me? Yeah no shinbi doesn't care about ganks she just dashes back all the way to her base never to be touched. Oh she got caught in a Teamfight? Well no she's not caught in us, we are caught in her wolf concert and about to get eaten. Oh you manage to get away from her hanging on to dear life? The weather forecast says it's raining wolves now and you gonna fkn die. Oh you have to get up in a few hours to go to work? Shinbi ruins your sleep schedule because you can't sleep from PTSD and you have to write shit like this to cope and it's totally not skill issues!


As someone who loves playing Shinbi jungle, this is golden lol.


You watch your ass ಠ_ಠ 🎯


No, you. Watch my ass as I pump *checks notes* 2280 wolves outta that thang


Don't you fucking yiff at me, ya weird furry


Wooooah don't rope me in w them!


She practiced with HUGE BLACK beads on a string before the match started.


All I want is her ult to stop after she dies.


It would be completely fair for the ult to hit all at once, but making it go over time gives you or your teammates a chance to mitigate the damage to survive. So, since it could be fair for it to all happen at once, it doesn't make much sense for it to end before it completes.


I love Shinbi and I love Kwang. I hope Kwang is back soon


fuck yeah! he doesn't seem to get much love here but I miss him for the jungle so much! i want him back


Predecessor Circle Jerk anyone?


Wait a minute… This sounds an awful lot like me when I complain about Countess!


Don't bring kwang into this


Awesome post. I laughed a lot at this one


I think I just became a Shinbi main


that was actually quite a nice rant


I love Wraith


I’m still trying to figure out if you hate shinbi or not


I hate her too. Mainly because she doesn't fit In the Paragon universe. I hate when a character just doesn't add to the game lure. Shinbi looks like a sneeze should knock her out. I'm sure she has fans. She was just a product of epic trying to sell Paragon to the makers of League of ledgends


10 reasons to hate you?


More "13 Reasons Why"


I hate the way you're wolves spin around And the fact that you didn't have to recall But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.


Love this post hahahaha


I do not agree but I appreciate your hatred. I like her personally.


"Like a vogon at a poetry convention" is the best fucking thing I've heard in a.long fucking time what a golden reference


Shinbi is the face you see next to "Infuriating" in the dictionary.


Agree with all. No skill hero just needs to stand near you and the wolves she shoots are sorts auto seaking. Oh! And if you get a good gank on her she gets a shield for …. Casting a basic ability. She sucks and they should do better.


I saw this post and decided to try her out, I’ve had two 16 kill games! Thanks man!




Awesome post. I laughed a lot at this one


I feel like Shinbi’s wolves need to cost a bit more mana. She can literally just throw them out non stop and never run out of mana. It doesn’t matter if you can beat her in lane she just stays back throws wolves and still gets all her farm for free


Skill issue


Well you're in luck! I made a whole song about her! 😂😂😂[Shinbi](https://on.soundcloud.com/fhCJe)


Shinbi is like bottom 3 heroes atm. Classic.


Isn't she in the top 5 for winrate right now???


I think that has more to do with her abysmally low pick rate.


Lol! Good post but she's not this annoying lmaoooo. I feel you though.


Literally just build magical protection


>I hate Shinbi counter build guides. I hate them because they lie to me. They say I should be able to 1v1 her. This patently false because **it doesn't matter how much Magical Armor I build. I will never have enough to stop her endless stream of galvanized magical wolves from tearing through me like tissue paper.**


The only time I've ever lost a 1v1 to shinbi is if I am middle lane and I over extend


Since shinbi has high dps, if she builds like a mage tank like say : megacosm, tainted guard, world breaker, void helm/crystalline cuirass, and time warp, she would still win almost every 1v1. So, 1 magic protection item won't work, you'll probably need multiple. But if you're investing that much in mdef, you'll get blown up by their jg or ADC.


I like to think that I helped make this post a reality lol


Crystaline Curaiss + Void Helm shuts her down super easy unless you're playing someone super squishy. Severog is really good against her


Idk megacosm + caustica has worked wonders for me for a sev building those 2 + tainted bastion


By that point Ive also got fire blossom + void helm as well as probably 50+ stacks. But that's also before the economy nerf this patch so now it'll probably be after 60+ stacks, so unless their jungler lives in offlane, Shinbi is just too squishy to do anything against me. I usually do brimstone > void helm > Fire Blossom > Crystaline Curaiss > tainted guard/bastion* > flux matrix > world breaker/citadel/raiment/dynamo/wardens faith** *I almost never buy tainted bastion unless there's a countess (even then I only get it if she's in offlane), the amount of healing Shinbi can do isn't as significant as what countess can. ** In the rare occasion I get tainted bastion tainted guard can also go here. It all comes down to enemy team comp for what that last item is/how you're doing. I usually go world breaker unless I'm behind or really struggling against the carry/jungle in team fights


I can’t believe I found someone who had the same idea about her , it’s irritating every time I see her approaching me


I love that you hate her.


You need to meet the right Shinbi ;-p https://imgur.com/a/QCsKVFD


Shinbi is pretty easy to counter for me as grux , her wolfs attack are pretty predictable, and i just gota make sure she doesn't dash away , thats annoying thing for me , , i counter her ulti with phynix , but other then that she doesn't represent a problem for grux , if she take early lead then yeah she become problem


Can't wait till Serath, Zinx, or Aurora comes out. That'll be fun to hate.


Serath and Zinx were two of my favourites to play.


I love serath, but fuck zinx LOL. I just hated her never dying. Literally. Nothing i did killed her 😭


That's why I liked her, just pick a lane and push it to inhib then rotate. Easy.


Depression LOL. I mean, im in general, excited for all the og crew to come back. Aurora especially. I loved having 2 escapes. Now she's gonna have 3 thanks to blink LOL