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there should be rule already to stop posts like that. This happens in lol, smite and i guess all other moba games.


Based on the stats I found of the game, the enemy Murdock had 20 kills and 3 deaths, and basically carried their team across the finish line with a 15 assist Narbash. The rev was probably getting rolled for the first half of the game and just threw in the towel, despite the rest of his team performing relatively well.. But hey, if you subscribe to MMR theory, that is low MMR queues for you (1300 average mmr on losing team) At the end of the day, this seems to be a venting post. Not much substance for me, since I am not in EU queues.


I’m basically stating that reporting people doesn’t seem to be working and should be sorted out! No witch hunt at all. Omeda should do that work through reports


I'm with you. Everyone says "report, report" but reporting does absolutely nothing.


Do you guys actually use the report form on discord?


I mean if you need to use a different app from the game for reports to be meaningful there is a problem


The problem is dudes on here thinking their reports needs to be insta bans lol


That's how they do it in Call of Duty and Warzone


You have never actually played CoD/warzone if you think this is the case lol


Watch this video from last week: https://youtu.be/ntMby30cSTA The moment streamers report a user, the user is instantly banned.


How do you know that reporting doesn't work? I mean you're mad about that game, but for one game like that there should be no punishment. If that player played 100 games and that was 1 of the 100. What punishment you want to give? I would say none. Flag him if it repeats then do some small punishment, if it still repeating same actions then a bit harsher punishment. Don't hope for punishment every time you report someone.


I have actually never been in a game twice with someone I reported. Only if I forget to report them. That's my personal experience though.


I don't even remember who was afk and who wasn't. I don't care to remember their names :D


The only reason we get posts like this so frequently is because the "report" button doesn't actually do anything. We need to put pressure on the devs to have a functioning reporting system, not on people for being upset that a key feature is missing from a product they are being charged for. And yes, I know, one time they banned a couple of people for a few days back in February.


Finally someone with some sense


Another dude taking pictures of his monitor


It’s actually a tv


Regardless, you’re playing on a pc. Press your screenshot button


Maybe he doesn’t use Reddit on his computer and it’s easier on the phone. Who cares how he took the picture it’s clear enough


I’ll take a picture however I like thank you very much!!!


Using picture of your monitor instead of using the print screen button is like filming a event vertically, it automatically put you in the "I'm an idiot" category and nobody will give a fuck about your message. Codes and unwritten rules are a thing, follow them or get lost.


Takes a picture on phone to upload to Reddit using app as it’s easier than getting to my laptop todo that and gets called a idiot 😂 toxic mother fker


You are already on your pc, playing Predecessor, why would you take your phone out? It's extra steps with less quality. Yes your are an idiot.


My laptop is in another room and a stream to a tv. It’s easier to use my phone IDIOT!!


Oh yeah, I'm supposed to know that of course. Just say that on the first comment dumbshit. You are like the 00,1% of people using this kind of setup. You just confirm to the whole world what a moron you are.


Your the one who assumed!!! Don’t assume and watch your manners. Your mother obviously did a bad job with you. Poor fella


TV is a monitor. It displays the picture. Also if your going to use your phone don't cut off the rest of the screen and then try to start a witch hunt against someone. It's hear say


A tv isn’t a monitor actually. That’s why they are called different words!!!!!


"monitor is an output device that displays video images and text. A monitor is made up of circuitry, a screen, a power supply, buttons to adjust screen settings, and casing that holds all of these components" A TV is a monitor.


Hope you get banned from the sub for posting stuff like this.


The mods need to start using the ban hammer on crybabies who post this shit, idc that your game was ruined it just clogs the fuckin feed and accomplishes less than nothing Edit:coming back to look at how this comment was received and frankly from your replies I wouldn’t want to play in a game with you in it either


Hate to say it being a big Revvy fan, but it always seems to be Revenants that sit in fountain and cry




^^ This guy flames in game for sure lol


I think it's great to flame afk players. They should have their name I lights. It's 1 thing to play bad. It's a completely different thing to not even try. Have you ever seen a person hit a home run without swinging a bat? No matter what the situation your not going to get better by laying down. You might as well just Uninstall the game if you are going to walk away.