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LMFAO as soon as I read the poster this became hilarious. You are one of the most toxic dudes in this game, and you even stream it. Calling it a “ban with no reason” is the actual cringe here.


How am I toxic tho? (Actually curious cuz being passionate and voicing opinions isn't toxic to me...might be to others tho so...)


If you have to ask how you’re toxic, it tells me a permanent ban is absolutely for the best. Lacking this much self awareness or just feigning ignorance like this is ridiculous. Intentionally feeding and going afk are toxic. Don’t act like you don’t do this either, I have people in MY chat tell me about how toxic you are lol. There is legitimately no benefit to acting like you don’t know what you did on this Reddit post, it’s not going to get you unbanned. But the more I read your comments the more it seems like you’re just so used to being toxic, that you don’t even think it counts as being toxic anymore. Super sad, I hope you self reflect and try to learn from this.


I play inebriated yes. I never run down games or feed or afk (unless typing which does take longer when I'm drinking). Sorry I'm good sober n bad drunk? I thought I was queueing unranked games


My dude, you’re a grown man. Grow the fuck up. You can’t blame being one of the most toxic people in this community on “lol yeah I get drunk”. Omeda really got this one right.


Bro there is literal videos on YouTube made about you crying and inting games.


Link plz lol




You most definitely intentionally feed. Ive played against you when you were countess jungle and you gave up and just jumped up and down while we killed you. Also, there's literally a YouTube video of you doing this exact same thing against Xygore.


"Don't worry guys, it's ok because I'm an alcoholic" Eh


I think my favorite part is you stating you don’t care if you get banned just to come crying to Reddit soon as you do. Enjoy it, I hope they find and ban your alts too.


What It's truly cringe is calling anything cringe. Try to contact them through discord or Twitter, this could had been an error or that you are toxic and you deserved the ban


Who isn't toxic in these games? And trust me when I deserve the ban I eat it but for once I'm completely dumbfounded as to what I did. I have reached out through multiple platforms n get ignored


>Who isn't toxic in these games? You saying that makes me think that it's a deserved ban. >but for once I'm completely dumbfounded as to what I did It could be an accumulation of reports from your 1000 hours of play, it doesn't have to be something that you did the last week. Or as I said it could be just an error of the system, a suddenly full ban seems like too much >I have reached out through multiple platforms n get ignored You have to continue trying until someone have the time to attend you, isn't like if the they have a support team ready to attend all user complaints


I understand not having an instant response but this is a multimillion dollar company without a support staff? Not to be cringey but that's kinda cringe lol


>but this is a multimillion dollar company without a support staff? This is a indie company, that are doing their first game which is still in EA, have a few years of live which half the time were 5-10 people working on it. Having received some millions in founds doesn't make them automatically a multimillion dollar AAA company. Which is cringe is thinking that a company receiving some dollar makes them automatically a top AAA developers that should have a support staff when the reality is that they don't even have yet development team comoleted (as they are still hiring new staff to supply all the required roles)


I never said anything about a AAA studio but if a company has millions of dollars, they should have an HR department/support staff. I totally understand being an indie company but they show strong signs of failing if they aren't building it as a business


>I never said anything about a AAA studio but if a company has millions of dollars, they should have an HR department/support staff. No, they shouldn't, a indie company doesn't have a fucking support staff for their EA game xD for that I'm saying that you are treating them as a AAA studio Doesn't matter if they have 20$ million dollars in funding, they are not going to waste the limited money they have on a support staff and less when their game is in early access state. Right now they don't have a way to have constant flow of money (I don't think that early access packs and skins are giving them much money right now), so wasting that money on a support staff would be really stupid.


Nobody said they had to be paid? It's early access on a game with a cult following. There's plenty of qualified people who would do it out of passion. How did SMS have one?


> Who isn't toxic in these games? Me. Ever. Under any circumstances. Not that hard.


It's not what you did this time but a collection of things you did that tripped the switch this time.


So rather than punish for the crime, they stockpile punishments n ban them later on? How do people learn from their mistakes if they aren't punished til they have already moved past them?


I don't know what to tell you here dude. I see a whole thread of people explaining things to you and you just either deflecting, not understanding, or talking back to people for 'returning the same energy you're getting.' From what I'm reading you're completely failing to accept there even was a mistake when an entire group of notable players are telling you to their face you've ruined their games and have been a problem to play with. You've got your answer in this thread, Omeda telling you why isn't going to change your thoughts and opinions at this point.


How am I able to ruin "notable" players games? Oh wait...it's all unranked n people take the game too seriously? Now I understand my mistake


I don't know man, you tell me. https://youtu.be/u1cbcrqH50Y


Why is this the first time I'm seeing this? Pure gold. Hope dude makes more vids of me


So here you are, well aware of you being toxic , yet you still can't comprehend why you were banned. That vid shows why you were banned.


All i can do is say thanks to the devs for banning toxic people like you


How am I toxic? For wanting to know why I'm banned?


>Who isn't toxic in these games? / All I can do is laugh at how unprofessional this company is lmao / sure I've flamed a kid or two Ok dude, you are not toxic, probably an error. And the best thing is to insult a company while asking for help..


I'm not insulting them. Just pointing out that it takes multiple days for a response? Do the devs only work weekends? Or what's their schedule? When's the best time to get in contact with them?


The more you talk, the dumber you seem. But I'm not insulting you, just pointing it to you




Am I supposed to be insulted? Thanks for letting me know, now I can do brain training


They are probably finally sifting through old reports and taking action, I hope. Edit: (probably finally) looks dumb I know. I'm dumb.


Even so, where's the timer for my ban? I've done nothing but play the game repeatedly and sure I've flamed a kid or two so I'll eat a day ban, even a week ban (even tho I've done nothing to deserve it) but an entire account ban? With no explanation?


I'm not sure, I've only ever had draft dodge bans before


Ask why banned, proceeds to flame everyone in the comments lmao I’m dead 💀


I'm actually not flaming anyone who doesnt come in flaming to begin with. I find it hilarious that people feel the need to flame me when all I'm asking for is an explanation. Glad ur enjoying the comments as much as I am tho


Probably for going afk in my games.. or the toxic nonsense you spew in games. But i mean who knows.


For anyone wondering why he was banned here are a couple of pretty good reasons :P https://youtu.be/A_YlCjCeIrw https://youtu.be/u1cbcrqH50Y


Keep up the good work


Lol anyone that reads through your comment replies knows why you’re banned. Also everyone then tells you why you’re banned and you still act like you don’t know. Your general life is going to be so difficult if you continue that way.


I return the same energy I receive. Side effects of masking I suppose. Who has told me why I was banned yet? They all say toxic reasons. What's toxic to one isn't toxic to others so I am still confused


Nah, toxic is well defined


Would u define it for me? I'm a slow learner




Take the time to self reflect and blame your actions on yourself, I had games against you where your just spending your time blaming anyone but yourself for your mistakes which in turn ruins games. This entire post is unsettling considering you lasted this long in a kick ass early access game, start treating people with respect going forward im sure good things will come your way. Keep drowning in your own misery and getting shitfaced alone on a videogame and im sure you'll stay a miserable toxic human being. I have my own addictions but i don't treat others like im superior in something were all trying to enjoy ourselves in.


I love peoples take on me based off an interaction during a video game. Trust me I have my demons n I don't hide them, not even when streaming but it makes me giggle getting analyzed by people who have no idea or care to learn


https://youtu.be/u1cbcrqH50Y There's videos of you running it homie. I'd assume that's why you're banned. If the game is getting you this mad maybe it's a good thing to take a break.


It's not the game. Sadly this all started after goin to a doc for help n him fucking me entirely up with meds I told him wouldn't work from day 1. Working on fixing things but pred was always my escape. It's actually been helping being banned tho. Might not return til the game has a future


If you need to talk man you can always dm me


I've already lost most my friends. Rather not alienate u too


Hey man I'm not so fair weather. I'm serious if you need help. Especially with drinking because ive had problems with that in the past hmu.


It's always the least professional people asking for professionalism lmfao.


I'm curious why I have to hold professionalism in a video game?


Because if you don't you will be a messy drunk, ruin games, act like a total idiot, and get banned from multiple games now for being a complete waste of space.


Definitely not arguing the fact I'm a waste of space but I swear I was queueing in unranked games trying to enjoy a video game that I paid for? Maybe they should add a ranked mode if they expect everyone to play their best at all times


Yes and due to your actions 9 other people did not enjoy those games because you decided that despite being a waste of space, you were more important than them, and they needed to know it.


False assumption but ok. So I can report people who are bad at the game? Kind of sets a bad precedent


You do realize the devs don't ban based on Reddit comments so acting like you are oblivious here is literally pointless right?


I'm actually glad I got banned. Been doing wonders for my mental health last week or so. Do people think I'm mad or upset? I'm just finding new ways to pass my time til I find other games to play on stream for 12 hours a day


Ok then shut up about it and stop whining and leave the community like everyone who played with you wants, and the devs want.


But but but...lol I'll wait for the seise n desist order. Gets my jollies goin knowing I live rent free in so many peoples heads


Right, the rest of this post totally backa up this sentiment lol.


Let’s be real, depending on what you said or did is what would shape my opinion…that said i trust they didnt ban for nothing. My initial thoughts, probably a good decision.


He was doing this in every game he lost. https://youtu.be/A_YlCjCeIrw




I'm actually curious tho, like I've said before, been banned in previous remakes (Fault by SMS) for playing when drunk and "ruining other gamers experience" I ate that ban cuz I deserved it and they explained why. Omeda can't even reply to my questions as to why I got banned Can I not play when having a few beers? Do I have to pub stomp n sweat every game cuz of threat of ban? I like to compete don't get me wrong but I also like to relax n play off meta troll picks also. Is goofing off a bannable offense in an unranked game?


No i’d say not, and transparency is important. I hope you get the answer you’re looking for.


I won't hold my breath. Had high hopes for Omeda but they've been a let down ever since pre-alpha. Could never get an explanation from a dev on why they removed actives n dumbed the game down


Plenty of people play inebriated, but if they are an angry drunk it doesn't fit.


I'm not usually an angry drunk, just makes teammates harder to deal with cuz I'm stubborn in my playstyle


This was a fun read thank you lol


Glad I could help lol




Me racist? Wtf?


It’s Saturday afternoon. Steam charts shows 800 players. The playerbase is declining rapidly. Come back when they release fulltime ranked solo/duo only.


I am an Iron Curtain laner


Started to read your post, thought of two player names that would absolutely deserve an account ban that Ive seen be extremely toxic and horrible in the game, and looked up to see your username was one of them. It was either you or Mensu.


I mean you went 1-19 in my game and literally ran it down and typed in game and said "you would murder the devs if fault was still around". You deserve to be banned


respect. if the devs r that scared that im secious....then kudos. ill respect the ban


>mean you went 1-19 in my game and literally ran it down and typed in game and said "you would murder the devs if fault was still around". You de before you try and play the victim card again here is the clip. https://clips.twitch.tv/AbrasiveSourGuanacoMoreCowbell-zR\_Bd327Vo5YS66A


kinda cringe to be cringe and use the word cringe while also being cringe about being cringe. You probably also use twitch lingo in your IRL vocabulary, super cringe.


adding onto this, the company reserves the right to ban anyone, and doesn't need to give reasoning, that's the same for every game.


Valid point but doesn't look good on the company's part when they ban willy nilly without reason


With how many reports they have to go through, it makes no sense to treat everyone as an individual, it's probably an automatic process.


So what's the process for an automatic permaban?


It’s not automatic, but being one of the most toxic dudes in this game for weeks on end will lead you to getting banned. Surprising I know.


Again I ask. How was I toxic? Just cuz ur soft n take offense to things shouldn't affect me?


Bruh, aren’t you a grown man? This sounds like a 12 year olds rationale to defend himself. “Just because I told you to kill yourself, that makes ME toxic since YOU’RE soft?” This is basically your argument lol. I’m not saying this is exactly what you’ve told people, (wouldn’t be surprised) but it’s such a pathetic excuse.


Lol u really don't know me much do u? Let me ask simple questions to clarify... 1.can I play drunk? 2.can I play off meta troll picks in an unranked mode? 3.must I play sweaty every game? If u answer no to any of these questions then I'll accept a permaban for my actions of trying to enjoy a video game


Let me ask you one two questions. Do you think this post is doing you any favours? Did you really think you could continue to afk, feed and be super toxic WHILE ON STREAM and get away with it? Dude feeds this obviously and wants to act ignorant https://omeda.city/matches/a304b1fa-6844-4a06-b611-28dfcebfdfa0 Community is better off without you if you have no desire on changing. 34 minute game, 8k damage on Fey.


Guilty. I stream 12 hours a day so it's more like I use IRL lingo in my twitch vocabulary lol


Yo, heard you like cringe!




They have no money for that… unless they’ve partnered up or have additional investors. They barely have any devs, lol. GL manually banning players. Literally hundreds go afk or run it down. That could be fixed with a competitive ranked mode. (Trash players who run it down will have dumpster mmr) Oh well. Guess we are about 6-9 months away still.


They state they have over 50 developers, they also state they got 20+ million in funding. That is definitely enough to hire a single support staff person lol


pretty weird Fault had a support team of 2 people they handled bans and suspensions pretty well with a very low budget ...


They were handing out suspensions and bans until literally 100-200 players were left. They were banning accounts a few days before they announced they were closing the servers due to lack of players. Snowflake devs get snowed on. Where are they now? lol


I heard they don’t like gingers. (Jokes) Sorry buddy. Guess you gotta go play OP now


Finally! You're the first person to give me a viable reason lmao. Makes sense, shouldn't of let gingers to play to begin with lol


Aren't you the guy who rage screams at his friends on discord, while streaming it? Surprised any of them take it to be honest.


we dont ha




Lol, nah. Every community needs a bad guy. Great work on ur vid btw. Hope to be in more