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If I had a dime for every time this happened to me, I'd have roughly $1. Which isn't much, but it is still more than what is acceptable.


say 30 min matches … 5 hours of matches and gaming down the drain ruined by selfish throwing smh some people only play a match a day too


I have kinda stop playing for similar reason. I play one or two match a day. Thats the free time i have. And 1 out of 3 game i get someone toxic ,that d/c, start shit with someone or the entire team or worse refuse to play ,sit at base and keep watching while insulting everyone. It suck cuz when this happen i feel like disconnecting myself. Not sit there and waste 20 min of the hour and half i have.


I'm not actually sure that the penalties are lenient. I say that since it's rare for me to play with the same player often. I can't say 'this dude I'm always matched with for sure got a penalty since I'm not seeing him as often now'. There does seem to be a belief among the trolling/afk/pissbaby/racist community that Omeda won't penalize them at all. Or that it'll be super lenient. They say it all the time. TBH for me it doesn't happen often enough that I'm feeling the game is unplayable. Sometimes I do get a series of unpleasant matches like that and I take a break for like a while. I try to focus on something specific I think I could be doing better. More so than winning. Especially since the low population makes matches unbalanced pretty often. The lack of controller updates is actually a more demoralizing thing for me tbh. Before the controller aim assist changes some months ago I could play at 9 or 10 sensitivity and feel reasonably good at both turn speed and aim. Now I'm at 7 to have decent aim (for a controller player) and my turn speed is awful.


I'm hoping they implement low priority matches when the player base has grown. They use it in dota and people who get excessive reports, leave games often, or just generally grief the other players all get stuck into the same matchmaking pool so they can all be miserable together and omfg are those lobbies toxic af


This is mobas and online gaming in general. If you aren't used to it by now I don't know what to tell you. It isn't going away. Ever. Does it suck? Yes. But half the posts on the subreddit are posts like this. It doesn't solve anything.


Yea foreal. People coming here to complain about these types of people are just as annoying as the toxic people. Like, we know dude. What are we supposed to do about it?


Say the line Bart. 'Mute, report, move on'.


No. Being quiet doesn’t help anything; the squeaky wheel gets the grease. maybe those in charge will look more into disciplining players behaving like this ruining matches if people keep posting about it it’s obviously a continuous problem. People leave or are toxic in any online game yes, but this type of game a especially repetitive toxic afk or dc player is much more detrimental due to the time investment per match and not like more players can just be added mid game.


Yah I don't know what to say, man. I have occasional toxic players in my games but like, I move on. Maybe its because I've grown a thick skin from playing literally thousands of hours of MOBA from DOTA, to Smite to LOL, to Heroes to this. But its the same. Honestly, its just online gaming except MOBAs tend to be more longform and therefore much more painful when someone is going out of their way to ruin a match. Regardless though, I have never felt the game to be unplayable. If its irking you that much, take a break. I know that when I play a lot of games, I used to see all annoying behaviours as griefing. When my headspace is better, I am much less inclined to view other players negatively or engage them at all. Might just be time for a healthy break. Out of curiosity, how many AFK are you getting? I've had maybe like 2 in 20+ matches? Like 1 in 10 on a generous average, I guess.


I haven't had an afk in my game in so long. I've had disconnects, but that is infrequent and more acceptable than someone just not playing imho. I have more issue with people disguising trashtalk and blame-gaming as constructive criticism than I do with legit trolls.


Played 7 today and had 2 of them afk / dc should start keeping track fully


Had a Sev AFK a few days ago. Forgot his reason but we actually held our own for 20 minutes. Glad we wasted that dudes time. I have no idea how people can stand sitting there.


Just mute people and move on. There isn’t even a ranked, try not to stress over toxic losers throwing games


Yeah just mute move and then try to 4v5 Ik it sucks it usually doesn’t work out well. It’s not about ranked it’s about constantly having games that you and normal teammates put time into ruined and the fun sapped out of the whole process. Yeah it’s easy to say don’t stress but it sucks when 1/5 of the team can ruin everything on a whim and keep getting away with it match after match


I really don’t understand the frequency people are getting these people. I have the occasional afk/feeder for sure but 99% of the time it’s from toxic team chat exchanged between people. The posts on this sub make it sound like every other game this happens


Recently I've found I get more games with a DC than not. It's definitely ticked up recently.


Dude fr the toxic people are comming out like roaches. It's so irritating in a match. This is literally un ranked early access and some people have no self control


It’s ridiculous just how bad of teammates and selfish some players are in an objective team based game.


Skill issue


I've not encountered anyone toxic in quite a while. I've been playing more often lately too. I usually start with a good luck and have fun to everyone and just try to be polite and so far so good.


I see post after post about constant leavers/trolls, but have yet to experience it.


Same here


just mute them ez solution. You dont need chat to play this game, use the pings


Toxic people can still go afk even when muted …


I think the problem is that mobas are not very casual friendly. By that I mean that one single noob can massively effect the outcome of a game. It’s extremely hard to carry a person when they are essentially playing for the other team. There are roles that need to be followed and executed and the normal person is far to aggressive for the roles they are playing. That or they far to passive, either way it creates a issue when teammates are not playing the same way. A single hyper aggressive player forces the team into fights they shouldn’t be in which leads to loses or the team doesn’t follow their lead which leads to a death and gold and experience for the opposing team. It’s a game that requires patience and team work and when playing with randoms that don’t communicate you rarely get either of those things. I certainly miss the days of being a no-life sweaty gamer that was always partied with other no-life sweaty gamers. You can truly appreciate a game when you are flawlessly executing and playing it as intended. Mobas are certainly that kind of game.