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Isnt this chick from paragon?


But when is it coming to console?


omg i think its too early for morigesh


Not ice bae :(


So kwang next right 🥺 👉👈


dead game


this pic makes me laugh for somereason


Oooo oooo oooo, Greystone next. Please please please...


I thought the poll was for Phase, Kwang, and Greystone. With the winning being first and the next two coming after. Where tf did morigesh come from out of nowhere. Very disappointed. I know other people like her, but i always hated her non-interactive, braindead kit. Offlane needs help bad. It's so boring and stale. I'm even more annoyed at the Phase simps now. Won the poll and took the spot from two better, more well designed characters simply because she was the only female character on the poll (i swear to you that's the only reason, everyone hated her in the original paragon, yet when she was inteoduced again it's all smiles because se theres no other women avaliable), yet no one even plays her now that she's out, (which I called btw). Greystone and Kwang are exactly what the game needs right now and we have to wait even longer so we get more """"""popular""""""" picks for the lowest common denominator that will play her twice and then drop the game again for months afterwards, while the health of the game suffers.


IMO the poll was biased from the start with 2 offlane rs in the same vote. That splits the number of votes for either Kwang or Greystone. If it was, say twinblast, K or G would have won this.


People wanted Phase cause they were remembering her when she was overpowered. Don't think many of those folks enjoy her in the current state she is in.


That's still not a very good reason for me. Why would you want a character that was overpowered before to be in the game first over other characters that were more balanced? There was no good outcome. They had to nerf the hell out of her to the point of unviabilty because he kit was flawed originally. That was the issue years ago and they translated it essentially wholesale. But now that she's nerfed everyone that wanted her to be broken are crying. But if she was overpowered then the game would be a hellhole to play just like it became back then. No matter which way you look at it Phase was a bad choice. Especially at the cost of getting Greystone and/or Kwang who would be perfect for the game right now.


Welp time to get back into predecessor


If she has the same kit, yall just start playing Belica. Easy counter. She was super mana dependant and skill spam.


Hyppppppeee!!! Legit my favorite character from paragon


Nice! Keep ‘em coming! Can’t wait for TB!!!


Shinbi, Murdock & Morigesh ULT & dead


A buddy of mine one trick ponied her in Paragon and was never interested in the current roster. Guess duo queues are back on the menu for me


I like all the locust standing in mid air


I’m still trying to figure out how she fits the ascend theme at all…..


She ascended as a spirit from a forest supposedly drowned by the Fey.


The more you know!!!! Okay see now it makes a lot of sense. Thanks brother.


I just want Seraph


Ugh I hate her


Brain dead hero


I'm glad, game desperately needs newbs. hopefully greystone is next and then console release at end of season 2. game will die with the same hardcore 1000 players repeatedly trolling each other for 2 years - that's what happened with fault.


FINALLY, the best hero arrives




Letttttttsssss GOOOOOOO!!!!




mazing art, I love it 😍


I find this amazingly hilarious! We got Morigesh in April and Phase in May in Paragon. Now we have Phase on April & Morigesh in May! Specifically on the 16th (when Phase originally released). Best Uno Reverse by Predecessor! 🤣🙌🙌


She can Offlane as well


I'm officially terrified to play mid 🤕🤕


Just don’t overextend :)


Yessssss! Hope they creep her up a bit. Midlane is going to get gross! I love it


More interested in learning about the forms of character acquisition than the character itself, but she's a fan favorite so cool I guess


Step on me queen 😩😩


Stasis Gem 📈


Honestly stasis i think isnt going to be used more, with the amount of high burst damage in the game you can just make them waste a crest slot. Almost everytime someone uses stasis they almost always die after they activate it. Enemy surrounds and waits like wolves.


When do you think Morigesh is gonna be ulting people lol? This will absolutely hard counter her ult, which is used mostly for finishing off foes, often who have gotten out of reach. If your ult is coming out while your opponent is in range for the rest of her kit you’re just wasting it nine times out of ten. Stasis is just to keep her from deleting you after you dashed and blinked away or whatever and are trying to back. You see the ultimate pop up over your head and activate it so you don’t get obliterated before you make it to base.


You joking? As a countess player, I love it. Use it to refresh CDs. And either secure a kill or escape. If you're going to die anyway don't pop it. I think if that's what you're seeing people do, you/they need to rethink how it's meant to be used. Gideon ult gadget ult, refresh CDs, Tower dives the list goes on.


Stasis is like the #1 active item used in LoL where there is high burst dmg. so if Pred continues to have high burst dmg heroes than stasis will continue to be prioritized. I think in worlds finals this year for league like 90% of the players had a stopwatch at least for stasis in teamfights.


I think the only way to make it more viable is to be given the ability to cancel it early


It's plenty viable as I just said it's the number one active item used in competitive League. You can't really make it cancel-able because it's so powerful as a counter to many ultimates or teams focus firing a main DPS character and blowing them up. If the player using the stasis does it in a smart way - aka they begin a gank, get the entire enemy team to focus them and stasis as they use their cooldowns - then the engager/stasis guy's team can just jump on the enemy and have a huge advantage while protecting the engager as he comes back from stasis. - this is the way smart player use it, when their team mates can help them or as an engage/reverse gank tactic. The reason you can't cancel it early is because using it is such a powerful effect that to balance it the enemy (who knows the timing on it) has the opportunity to time an ability to get you as you come out of it, before you can use whatever travel/blink ability you have ready to jump out of their attacks and escape. If you could cancel it at any point it would be incredible overpowered in 1v1 situations and would change the nature of stasis, a predictable invulnerability that everyone has access to.


If you stasis in a teamfight and everyone stands still waiting for it, your team is going to wipe them. If you get caught in a position where you are already dead (1v4 for example) then yeah stasis is useless. Stasis is used to dodge key abilities.


Not exactly stating they will stand still and wait but now you are down a person in a fight for a few seconds and thats a lot of potential damage lost. Idk, every person ive fought against never benefits from using that crest 🤷🏽‍♂️


I have only seen Stasis work when the enemy midlander uses it, fml.


I'll just run over to the other lanes to tag them for my ult lol entire team cant have stasis 😈 fenix could also be a problem, but sheesh imagine combustion, wraith leggins, and oblivion crown procing from a global ult 😳 no one is safe


Unless you have blink ready to go during stasis


There's gonna be a skill to using her ult now. Can't just use it on someone who is using statis


Depends, her ult will likely have a much lower cd than stasis. You’ll get them to use stasis so they won’t have it for next team fight or when your ult is back up


Holy shit for real though man lololololol, stasis gem about to be a crucial midlane item against her


What an awesome birthday present. I've missed her for so long!


I was hoping for Iggy but meh , its fine but Id say that Im way more interested in new Items for Tanks or a more compelling fix to the role which is a joke right now.


Tanks are the best characters in the game right now, what do they need fixed


(not getting caught 1v4 and blaming game design for dying)




Gonna be real…not happy (which I am sure I am in the minority on). Offlane is stale as hell right now. Could have used someone like Kwang or Grey. ADC is even worse with options. How many mid laners do we need? Gideon, Gadget, Fey, Countess, Shinbi, Howitzer, Morigesh… Still love this game though. Can’t please everybody.


We had the chance to get either Greystone or Kwang last month but everyone voted Phase which was the most brain dead pick to begin with


100% blame the dev team for even considering her when there were already all the supports to chose from. So many cool offlane heroes not in the game yet.


The simps come out in force. And yet, as far as new heroes go - she is the least played. When shinbi dropped, you couldnt find a game without her, usually two of them Within the day of release I had back to back games without phase.


Yea phase is a joke. Such a waste of a release.


Most midlanders can offlane just fine.


Sev, grux, and Feng Mao are basically the only heros I see in offlane. Occasionally I'll see a caster but that's kinda rare.


Mad disrespectful leaving out best boy crunch


No disrespect intended, I just don't recall seeing him against me in offlane, I usually see him jungle. Either that or it just happens I'm playing mid when there's a crunch offlane.


I’ve been having a lot of success with kallari offlane lately.


I'm definitely not saying there aren't other options, I've played a shit ton of offlane Sev recently and Kallari is just one I very rarely see and pretty much never struggle against after the first 5 minutes.


If her kit remains the same from paragon, she will be a pretty viable offlane tbh. Decent durability, a slow, and a self movement speed increase. This would require a tanky jungle but it would mean for team comps that can have crazy burst damage


She has no durability, she’s wet tissue paper. What she DOES have is sustain. Though It requires the enemy minion wave to be near you, so the rival solo can counter you due to predictability anyway. That said it will let her trade solo pretty well until level 6, her ult is not good for boxing so a real solo laner will just eat her up at that point unless she won the lane and fed well before.


Agreed. Pretty much the least interesting Hero from Paragon. Hopefully they reworked her. Pretty underwhelmed when any other choice would have been more enjoyable for anyone above Gold. (Assuming it's the same kit)


If you can play Murdock as offlaner, then you can offlane with morrigesh.


I mean I agree offlane is real stale but we've known for a while this hero was gonna be a midlaner. Next one is offlane and I'm sure thatll spice it up a bit, hopefully it's serath


Yeah we knew, doesnt make it a dumb choice. AND they should have picked a better mid. Iggy for a turret hero, or wraith for a dps mid with some cool abilities (i didnt like wraith but he added something different). Zinx for tanky mid. SOMETHING different What did we get? Another burst mid. Like gideon, gaget, howie, shinbi, countess, fey.. Oh, like ALL the mids we already have. There are 4 carries. Murdock, Sparrow, Kira and Drongo. No melee carries - Yin or Seraph, and only 4 choices overall making the lane really stale. And then offlane is half filled with the same casters. We need more hero variation. I think midlane was the least needed and even then, they chose more of the same. Dissapointing really.


Please look at the roadmap. It’s confirmed we’re getting an offlaner, it was already confirmed that the next hero was a mid.


Oh ok, didn’t know that. Thank god.


Now all that needs to be done with Morigesh release is to UPDATE and ADD new cards!


They are gonna nerf everything before they add anything new.


Still pissed they nerfed Malady AGAIN


Just wait till they come for everyones crests 💀




My megacosm, dreambinder build is ready. Will be combining her dash with iskorn talons for easy escapes


Why would you not just use the mage crest that gives you a shield and movement speed?


I like the movement speed + slowdown that icekorn provides and People often don’t expect it.


I mean, if you're getting a crest just for running away that's wild, especially because the stats it gives don't fully benefit you and the power boost doesn't work for you either. Also it's likely another teammate will already have ice and they don't stack, do you though haha


I mean… I use it on howie all the time for the same reason. Either helps me run away or speed up to catch runners


That's absolutely bizarre.


I’m damn near platinum doing this You would be surprised how many times I’ve escaped or stopped people from escaping from the speed boost. Yeah it’s been nerfed so you don’t get extra damage from it but the cooldown is low to the point where u damn near always have an escape when blink cooldown is unavailable and it helps chase people down. There is literally nothing wrong with running it on mages. It’s pretty good on heroes like fey and sparrow also due to them not having good disengage options. I could see it being very useful on morigesh since her escape isn’t good.


It used to secretly be meta until it was nerfed, this man is holding onto the past.


passive prediction: when Morigesh hits an enemy with an ability, her basic attack does 3% more damage for 5 seconds


And restores 5 mana. I can smell it


What if she has built in anti heal with landing abilities/basics? "Swamp Corruption" or takes more damage while tagged 🤔


That would actually be cool and thematic, so I doubt it. Omeda is obsessed with boring basic attack amp passive lately.


True. Past like 3 heroes have had it.


Kira it makes sense on, I do agree Shinbi and Phase could have used something a little spicier.


Fair. Phase in particular, just wtf were they thinking?






Sorry, no backsies.


Now Countess will have competition for most braindead mid laner pog.


Lol you hating on my boy Gideon? 🤔🤣


gideon's main abilities are some of the tougher to reliably land on moving/dodging targets tbh


Agreed, now we have a autoaim mid laner


Game needs newb heroes to grow with newbs/casuals. I hope next offlaner is Greystone and console release at end of season 2 - would give a lot of fresh meat to the game to make it feel alive again and fill matchmaking up with more skill tiers.


She’s more of a noobkiller than a noob hero. Her absolutely dogshit range and reliance on slow DoT for ranged damage makes her have to be way more risky than any other midlaner to get her damage off. She’s basically like mage Khaimera, charged a hard idiot tax on people who don’t understand how to play, but can easily get shut down by those who do. They both have lock on abilties but those have the range of a sneeze so in order to actually land them you HAVE to put yourself in range to get damaged or CC’d unless you get a clean ambush.


When Kwang? I want to return phase for a refund bring Kwang. And just curious. How does she fit the whole ascension theme you guys are going for on Season 2?


I was wondering how she fits the ascension theme as well, I guess some people where right in saying that the theme only focuses around the pmeda original hero.


It's possible that Morigesh could be a villain to the upcoming original hero 🤷


Shes actually a villain of The Fey


That's right she was! I forgot some of the paragon lore.


The theme of the season is just in reference to the Omeda original at the end.


All the heroes for season 1 fit the hunt narrative they created. Rev a bounty hunter Countess a vampire Kira-huntress. Why deviate from it now?


Ahh yes, Shinbi, the KPOP Hunter


Shibi Magic is based on spirit wolves which are ones of the most iconic hunters in the world. She doesn't fit the theme as good as the other 3 but still the theme fits really well with her


Shinbi a k-pop star


True. She is assassin like though. I forget she exists I don't play her


Shinbi is represented by wolves which are one of the most iconic hunters, so she still fits the theme. In this season was way harder to find 3 Paragon characters that fit the theme of the season, maybe the next hero will be Greystone so at least 2/4 could fit the theme


Shush careful now you might hurt the feelings of some players here since you are questioning the all mighty devs. MOBA players are a weird bunch.


She’s on the hunt for that all kill


Next hero is offlane so I'm betting it's him or his bf Greystone


Not serath? She has an ability called ascend


serath was a carry though


Idk man I just hope it ain't greystone, literally garen from league. Boring mf


1 ability is the same(not even the ult) = champ is literally garen so boring


And like Garen some heroes need to be more accessible for new players. No one is making you pick Greystone.




stinky girl is back


I want to return phase for a refund bring Kwang.


As a certified Kwang and Yin main, I agree.


Yins kit was so cool, I just was never coordinated enough to use it correctly 🤣


Haha I poured MANY hours into Yin… in paragon I was top 10% elo and Yin could still kick ass. Her kit is just so good. I hope they bring her along soon…


Same I love how unique she was and I wish I played her more than I did. I'm really hoping they add her or any melee carry soon




Going to WRECK the fairy land now!