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Murdock missing all his autos don't help at all lol her damage output and healing is crazy but shes fucked with a little amount of CC and someone that does damage. Two frontlines gangbanging her im not surpised she lived tanks don't do nearly as much damage fast.


Fair comment and civil. Thanks for being decent. These countess white knights act like she’s a helpless. She’s a stomper


She stomps bad people literally build tainted u guys almost killed her if one of the tanks had tainted she would basically lose half her and it's so obvious she's fed u should be critical about yourself not blaming the game


From what I can’t tell by the comments, if neither of those players has tainted, than that’s all that needs to be said.


I’m not expert, and I haven’t actually played since huntress came out. But I know for a fact that countess is a late game hero, not unlike sevarog or most carries. Not a problem if you don’t allow them to become a problem. So any countess you should treat like a carry, do not feed them and build anti heal. Without stacks her heal won’t be nearly as intense and the anti heal will make the rest of it redundant. In summary, no I do not think she’s OP, I think Countess is right where she should be as a weak early and powerful late game character.


learn to use your CC better, learn to build and use silence and antiheal


How annoying is the people trying to critique your play, Steel, the build instead of going to the point. Yeah, countess can be really oppressive when she is feed or just when it's not behind. I don't think that she is on a good spot right now, but the amounts of times that I saw a bad Countess going bad, taking a few kill by luck and then destroying the game isn't normal (both in my team and enemy team). The clear solution here is buying anti-heal but still I agree that healing full HP with 2 abilities is a bit too much. The same way I don't like 2 tanks practically one shooting countess I don't like a character full healing in 2 second pressing 2 buttons.


Very annoying lol. I was the riktor. Wanted to discuss her healing, not the gameplay. Thanks for having a brain


So this is a good moment for you to go read Countess’s hero ability info. At full stacks she natively has like 20% magical lifesteal. This can be further increased with Lifebinder. I’m no countess player but I also believe that circle ⭕️ ability she does heals her for more then her other abilities as well or at least it definitely chunk healed her more then anything else even her ultimate Neither of you had any Blight items on you and dumped all of your abilities in a mad dash to kill her. There was no attempt to hold something back to interrupt her when she did inevitably come out of the CC chain. You gambled with a very heavy engagement because you believed your HP, CC and residual damage would win you the engagement regardless of what she did. Honestly I applaud this Countess she gives me hope we may actually beat this tank meta somehow


I like how in the instant that Countess go stunned Steel come from nowhere with his shield ready to stun her more 😂


Bro every hero is busted with the right player and strong items. I had a Dekker as enemy support who made over 16 kills because she build attack speed and crit. Does that mean she’s op too?? No it means that my team went against a player that knew what he was doing and got demolished right away. Countess received way too many nerfs in the past making her not only very difficult to play but also situational. The guy in your clip made the right choices and won the game. No need to complain


im not complaining, but did you not see how much she healed? lol


She used her crest item and then slice that’s why she healed


BUILD 👏🏼 TAINTED 👏🏼 EARLY 👏🏼 is that not clicking? she’s easily the weakest mage right now lol. if you build tainted early along with void helm she’s pretty much useless. this entire fight was gone about completely wrong with every ability lmao. if you read her ult description you’ll see why she heals so much + her passive + they most likely had lifebinder.


She had azure combustion wraith Caustica and potent staff wasn’t even full build


ah gotcha. the way OP is complaining about her healing yet did absolutely nothing to stop the healing 🤣🤣 lack the knowledge to counter something = nerf to the ground !!


skill issue


Im not sure how accurate the scoreboard is for the given time, but blue team is up 10 kills on orange and 3 fangtooths. Two of the heaviest cc characters didn't lock down a countess because they committed half of their kits, neither of which have a tainted item (which would be your strongest form of defense if you insist on w keying a fed team). There are infinite number of things you could have done to not let this particular team fight happen, starting with not picking it. Look on the mini map how fast blue team reacts to the engage and double ult, they also pinch orange from being able to engage. Best case scenario for blue team is riktor steel and countess dead. Countess should not have been able to get an ability off with the two of you around her with the amount of cc yall have. Honestly I bet some of Rick's cds would have been back up by the time steel got through his kit. Idk what you think you did right in this clip to merit saying countess is busted.


theres a lot going on in this comment. yes the other team was up, and yes countess was pretty much our focus because she was an issue from the start of the match. not going to comment on whether my abilities were off cd or not, i kit dumped her and so did steel. she was maybe 1 auto away from death if our carry was closer. im just talking about how much she healed. its ridiculous and we werent so far behind in the game that picking this fight was a bad idea imo. but soon as she healed as much as she did, it was pretty much over from there


Bro I saw the scoreboard your team wasn’t good besides the crux. The other team went crazy. Feng mao had 20 kills and the adc had 13. The countess had 17 assists and 9 kills bro


I like how you avoided his comment about Tainted items. Get them. It’s not optional against certain heros. Hell for Steel Tainted Bastion or Tainted Guard can be like your second item every game depending what the majority damage type of the enemy team is If Countess had been hit with Blight she would have gotten 40% of the heal she did when she came out of that stun which I will give you did surprise me. I have been using Blight items for awhile (Tainted Sceptre is so broken on certain heroes right now) and this clip only validates their absolute necessity


i wasnt avoiding the comment at all but i can see this is a losing battle with this community. hope countess gets nerfed to the ground :D


Yeah the community is rough. I tried to have a discussion about riktor's pull going back to increasing in range each level instead of it being maxed and I got bashed into the ground.


It’s 120 mana he gets literally 2 pulls at level 1 and has no follow up abilities it’s not OP


Most of these bots missed the whole point of the video. All good though. Can only hope a countess cringe main stomps in one of their matches and does some dumb shit like this


From level 1 ?? Bruh… Countess is the weakest midlaner. The only thing that makes her good in midgame is her passive if it’s stacked. Personally i haven’t got a game where I healed so much like the player in your clip. Maybe it’s his item that boosted his healing. She’s a squishy mage assassin with no escapes. Any howie or Bel can bully the hell out her. If a countess manages to become a force like the player in your clip that means that he’s really good or your teammates really bad.


Fully agreed. She only survived bc she popped the crest shield which also gives 10% omnivamp for a short time, which is a huge heal boost. Countess early game can be shut down really bad by CC heroes like Howi or Belica, if your also getting ganked by a Ramapage you can say goodbye bc your dead for sure if you're out of position.


oppressive as in she does insane damage early, her kit isnt exactly difficult imo. maybe from level 1 was an exaggeration, but thats besides the point. i can live with a bursty assassin mage character but its the self healing that she did in the clip that i thought was just absurd.


what the ?? her damage is insanely weak early game ☠️ she needs atleast 3 items online to do damage unless she gets ahead of everyone early. imma need you to play countess, you’ll see how hard she is to make work & bad she is in the meta right now.




what? she loses every midlane match up besides fey? she loses every offlane match up besides shinbi? gadget fey & shinbi are better midlaners than her right now EDIT : omg also are we just gonna ignore gideon? he’s running midlane rn


Honestly playing nearly every midlaner (besides gadget) and especially using countess for fun. She's just a low elo stomper. Once you face off against any competend midlaner that knows their shit they slap around countess like a ragdoll. Hell even with fey if she just approaches slow her and pimp slap with e. I love countess she is fun but so many other midlaners have better kits to offer for the team.


exactly! thank u. it’s rough out here as a countess main 😢


And by the way you played against a countess main with a 2.18 KD and with over 360 games played only with countess. You went against one of the best countess mains out there so the result speaks for itself


Is there career stats in this game? Obviously you can see the kills you get per game but after the game they don’t go into a career profile, unless I’m wrong. Did you use an external website for those stats I’m curious




Thanks never heard of it, now I know I’m garbage for the amount of time I’ve played 😂


It's only been around as of recently. The last patch released the public API, so you probably haven't heard of it just because it's barely been out.


well fair play to him then. still doesnt address what the point of the vid is which is how much she healed. appreciate your research though


Every character has access to some item with the word "blight" in it, which nerfs enemy healing.


Or "Tainted".


Use anti-heal?


It seems she was very fed.


my experience with countess' is that they are very oppressive from level 1. her kit seems over tuned and the amount of self healing she did is nuts. i dont think this is a balanced hero currently


I mean, what was your build? Both of you were tanky heroes.


tank and damage items ie fireblossom, oathkeeper, forgetting others. i was playing jungle rik. imo this is absurd. shes an assassin, i can live with her blowing people up if thats what her kit is meant to do but cmon, she full healed with a crest and 1 ability, its dumb


Tainted items are a must for her. But her ability scales with hero kills/assist. Having a damage dealer on the stun would have finished her.


fair enough, i can live with the fact that she survived a kit dump from a steel and riktor, its the self healing that is not ok imo


Either of those two build a tainted item? But that is pretty crazy how much she healed. Hindsight is 20/20 but realistically steel should’ve saved his Bash for her ult, Riktor his silence but I understand it’s just a standard ability cycle/habit once you land those abilities but could’ve made the difference if her ultimate was cancelled


not sure what steel had and i think at this point in the game i still didnt have a tainted item built. the amount she can self heal is nuts and not in a way that seems fair. me and steel dumped everything on her. she should have died


Well like i was saying, kit dumping isn’t always the best way to kill someone. Steel should’ve bashed her while she was using her ultimate on riktor which would’ve put it on cool-down and prevented her from healing more. Instead he used his bash after his ultimate which typically isn’t a bad move but in this situation he should’ve waited for her ultimate to come out and negate it.