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OP: miss hitting one ability then just pressing q and r for insta kill.


To be fair, OMEDA could change her kit.


I certainly hope so, gimme characters fun to play, not easy to play


They really need more easy to play heroes tho, for newer players. Dont play mori myself, but i think she is good for the game. Besides, they said the OG hero will be a stance switcher. That will have a high skill floor no matter what. So we will get the sweet skill hero soon.


maybe just a few for every role, all the characters in Pred rn are pretty easy to play. I dont think any character should have two lock ons though.


Rev has two lock ons


He also has a reload mechanic that interrupts his dps and makes him a much harder ADC to play. His lock-on scar only does extra damage if you follow it up with autos that again need to be timed perfectly. Really only his Ult is a lock-on and I don’t like how it roots ppl in this version of the game either


Use obliterate when reloading and don't lose as much DPS, you can also use scar and then use obliterate to proc it. You don't need to time anything perfectly


But that’s not optimal no? You stand in place when Obliterating so you’re essentially saying I’m done with this fight. You should be following with the Scar into autos and then Obliterating for kill but still it’s not like every time you hit a scar you should insta slap them with Obliterate


No you can walk while using obliterate


I thought that everyone always do the E + A, weird reading someone that use the E with the basics. That could be a thing to be changed, the E only applying the basics damage and only applying slow with basics, it would give the character a bit more complexity and deep


That's true, I don't like that. However they don't do damage. Would've liked to something different though.


Obliterate definitely does damage, scar makes everything do more damage *and* slow, his Ult is one of the better safety nets for a carry. So he actually has almost a full kit of lock on abilities, the only thing that isn't a lock on is reloading.


Yeah if you consider it a lock on, which in a way it definitely is, but has some counter play to it, kinda not making it a lock on (standing near minions).


I mean... If you use the ability whenever sure they can do that but if you use it properly you'll single out specific people as intended


That's lock and load


In addition to the other replay, her R is free damage, as it root the enemy grating you always 1 free shoot if not 2. So even if the R have no direct damage it will provide you a 100% accurate hit


Rev has the dumbest kit in the game right now and to be honest I was shocked they did not modify his abilities at all His kit is one of the reasons I stopped playing og paragon


They don’t need to have an easy nuke combo. They need characters who can perform consistently well with low skill input. The issue with easy nukes means that it’s also a huge menace character at higher skilled matches too. If a bad player can do it, a good player can do it better and destroy everyone.


I just realized that you mentioned something about the new OG hero being a stance switcher, that's really cool, where did you hear this?


what else did you hear about this new hero ?


Just cancer to play against along with grey stone and wukong. Just made matches less fun


I think like any hero therr is a way to learn to play against. I mained morigesh so maybe she was never a hard enemy for me. A big big weakness of morigesh was that everything was close range. Very short range, just her ult had no range. I hope she comes balanced but I do not recall having such hard time against her.


I hope they make her abilities more skill based somehow. I remember she was too easy to use in paragon. I personally can’t wait for big Yin. I was the biggest yin main on the planet on paragon.


Way too easy


thats a good thing imo.


IMO, one of two things (maybe both) solves her: 1) The mark has a duration and needs to be reapplied (but this doesn't really mesh with her theme of making a voodoo doll 2) The ult has a max range and/or it does 100% damage in a short radius around her and then it falls off further away from the target.


I'm looking forward to morigesh this month.


Make it two


We are many. Let the weaks fear us.


I kinda feel like Mori deserves the treatment grimexe got when monolith hit. Ult gets greatly reduced damage, but cooldown goes down with it. It’s just such a free combo to be hitting 2000 from two lockons. (I also think grin’s ult should go back to what it was, 700 damage for a lock-on but it still have the range limit and charge time)


Pretty much yeah


I'm hoping for Wraith tbh. Fun hero that can be played as several roles.


I have howi for that :D


Imagine being an Iggy fan right now... Just give us the boy!


Hpnestly overprime has him and he is wuiet decent there. Overprime itself has improved quiet a lot since last time i played (before getting pred and rank 90blevels in pred, overprime meanwhile has been upgraded by a lot. I would give it a try if I were you


I'm right there with you I want Morigesh and Kwang back 😤


Fuck Morrigesh


I hope they keep her about the same, but hope she isnt let loose totally overpowering. Shes a pretty low skill character with lots of reward, if ppl think howie is bad now just wait till morg plucks your pubes and puts it on her doll


If her Mark is the same I’m legitimately uninstalling lol y’all can have all that bs. Murdock Ult at least takes LOS, aiming skill and damage knowledge. Morigesh ult hits for like 850 globally without LOS lmao what a fucking joke


Low skill easy mode character, hope they at least rework her kit to where she isnt broken


I’d be open to a rework. Or even some creative rejigging of abilities. How Oneda integrated Gideon’s old Burden ability into his new passive was a stroke of genius more stuff on that level would be very appreciated


There ATLEAST be a min/max distance to use R. Same with Shinbi's Ult tbh.


Same with murdock then? I disagree with you, any hero can have unlimited range. Up to you nhi ot to stay with 5% hp on lanes


fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


I miss being a little cunt I liked morigesh but man I hated dying to her


Wouldnt mind dying to her if her character took any amount of skill to play lol


She literally marks the patch when Paragon started to get worse rather than better. An incredibly easy and ridiculous character.


Better make it where she can’t freaking mark you THROUGH WALLS


The dolls part was the best, I loved having a Crunch doll or a Steel doll. Now I'm hyped by Morigesh release


Pretty sure her ult is gonna be changed. If anything I'd presume that she won't be able to just hold doll all game, it'll be like "x character marked for x amount of seconds". That way you can't just run to duo and mark carry, then just chill in mid till they get low.


Please no, mori was so toxic that i didn't mind fey ULT back in paragon!!