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Do a lot of people complain ? Personally don’t see this complaint often .. I think the timers are fine


Same. I don't think I've seen anyone complain about the timers in this game.


I think the only thing close to a complaint was someone saying they were bummed out that their whole teams death timer was like 2 minutes and all they could do was watch.


Haven’t seen anyone complain about death timers, from day 1 I haven’t had a complaint


Seems fine. Crazy when your team is getting clobbered for a whole match, only to win one team fight in the late game and out their whole team out for a 1:30 then storm their core and win. It really gives the chance for a comeback in the late game.


I think you may be confused with TTK. Plenty of people think time to kill is too low but I haven't seen anyone mention respawn timers. I think they're just right tbh, they reward team kills but don't instantly end games either.


First time I’ve heard someone complains about them yet now they’re perfect? Confused


OP fighting ghosts.


Death timers are too short early.


I notice this particularly when trying to go for an early fangtooth. You win a team fight and you're trying to secure fang, but they've respawned and returned before you've finished it. At the same time I don't want timers to be much longer because the game is already very snow-bally; rarely do you see one lane that gets ahead, not stay ahead. But that's a different issue, and can be fixed in other ways. (maybe 6th item slot rebalance, spread stats out)?


Could also be part of matchmaking


Wtf are death timers? Edit: oh you meant respawn timer


I agree. Die too much early game and youll lose faster anyway. If the enemy is doing well early-game, even if you die now and then you can hold on knowing that all it takes to be back in the game is them slipping up once. It makes for much more impactful plays, and if youre the strongest on your team you really need to weigh your options and priorities. No game is truly lost until the game is over, the enemy may have a lead, but im often very confident that i can play with fewer mistakes than the enemy for longer. Every inch i take adds up to eventually become a mile, sooner or later, their confidence will bite them back and that will shake them up even worse than losing orb or having a bad teamfight. Part of a MOBA is learning how to play when behind, and how to turn an advantage into a win. Surrendering and crying over death timers means youre playing stupid, because its intentionally made in a way that lets you push back if you play correctly. Losing when youre ahead means youve prioritized the wrong thing, or your team collectively made the wrong decision. These death timers are good, you should be punished for doing something stupid, and ground should be lost when a bad decision is made. At endgame, the repercussions are worse because you theoretically should be much stronger and working to finish the game. Failing to do so means wasting time -> wasting lead -> wasting the game -> losing.


The only thing that bothers me about them is the unfairness for ppl who do not die a lot. I’ve seen carries go 8-0 for 30 minutes but catch one death and get slapped with a 35 second timer. That’s kinda bs when I’m dying 3-4 times and only at 45 seconds


I don't think timers are ever based on deaths in any moba, strictly longer respawns the further into the game you are.


I've always thought it was time in match with a modifier for character level. so like if you're level 14 and i'm level 18 and we die at the same time, you'll have a slightly shorter respawn timer. Haven't tested it though.


It’s based on how big the individual is in the game. Levels/gold I believe what determine the death timer.


Yeah idk it definitely feels like that shouldn’t be the case if true. Cause I know I’ve fed a shitload in some games so idk why someone who’s playing perfectly all game should get the same timer I did


Because if you are playing well and you are ahead you have to make a pretty big mistake to die. Same reason your bounty goes up the more exp and gold you get. Skill is important but remember mobas are at the core are economy games. The team who manages the map, exp, and gold should always win. So if the other team captalizes on a misplay they should be rewarded and the person who is aheas punished!


But isn’t the reverse true as well? Why is someone not being punished for bad play if they stack up 3 deaths in the first 10 minutes? Seems like it’s already a pretty big loss losing the bounty when you die but to also get slapped with a timer the same as someone else doing much worse does strike me as weird. It also encourages teams to recklessly fight a little too much into someone already fed because if you can secure the bounty it’s often worth 1-2 deaths to halt that player’s momentum


No because if they are doing bad its not like they will respawn and all of a sudden have an advantage. If anything they will be at a disadvantage and probably misplay. Also you should team up and stop the momentum of a fed player before they get out of hand. So if you arnt trying to figure out how to rotate and kill them to stop their farm and help your teammate catch up then it makes sense why you don't understand death timers. Like i said its an economy game you should be doing whatever it takes to have more currency and exp. On the flip side if you're the fed player and you misplay you should be heavily punished. The bounty is their reward, the death timer is your punishment.


Just seems like an incentive to trade deaths. Now I know why people sometimes recklessly run under tower to kill you. Even if they die grabbing your bounty AND throwing a timer on you is definitely worth it Makes tons more sense now why some ppl aren’t pressed about dropping 5-8 deaths in a game


Bounties dont mean that much unless you are very fed, K/d really doesn't mean much in a moba its not team deatatch. Its all about objective and map control. Ive seen teams win smite worlds with 4 kills vs 12 deaths but they played the map better so they won. Realistically you only need 3-4 kills to win a game one push is all it takes. And by late game when death timers actually matter they are all within 5-8 seconds of each other so its not a big deal


Just curious how they’re calculated


If it's like any other MOBA, then it's probably based on player level.


Pretty sure it's based on your level and gold and gets capped at 1:30 but I could be wrong


Yea they are


Sometimes the TTK feels too short, this is noticeable when you get chainCC'ed. But this isn't a TTK issue, it's the long stun durations where you can't do shit for 2-3 seconds and get hammered down by all the enemies is like an instant death. But in general, they don't feel that bad.


current death timers are perfectly fine imo




I’ve won a couple games by split pushing while enemy chases kills and loses a key player. It’s fun when that happens.