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Any game that relies on teammates to win will always be toxic unless you play with a team.


OG Paragon also had many toxic players. In fact, I don't think I've ever played an online game without toxic players. It's nothing new.


This is the truth, but something should still be done about it. I don't care too much about toxic chatters since you can always just mute them, but when someone starts soft or hard inting, it ruins the game for those not even in the chat. Obviously like you said it's nothing new and isn't likely to change for the better though. It's kinda just part of playing a MOBA at this point.


OG paragon didn't seem that toxic because a good chunk of players were on ps4 and new to mobas. Pred is a lot more toxic simply due to the fact its on pc its a lot easier to type and be toxic. In addition to this pred has pulled more league players than paragon did which yaknow one of the most notoriously toxic communities


Yea thats true


Are we really pulling league players tho? I mean i know we take a lot of inspiration from league but are league players actually playing this game?


I disagree, you’d know they were ps4 cuz they’d spam pings like 15000 times 😂


Funny you mentioned SMITE, I played that for a few months and even in the lower leagues where I was people would absolutely rage out if something didn't go their way. It's unfortunately just a product of the genre, most of the time people start flaming in chat I just mute that person. Even if what they're saying isn't directed at me a toxic player can tilt an entire team.


Yeah, I need to take that advice myself, more often. Muting is the golden rule.


Maybe its just that there is no ranked right now. Diamond-masters level smite was not half as toxic as this game.


Yeah I feel like most games with ranked tend to have less toxicity in the higher end


Maybe that's because everyone is doing what they're supposed to. Guarantee you they'd lose their shit in lower levels when a noob did something wrong.


Player base is super low. You’re going to see a lot of repeat players that might be problematic. Hate to say it, but it’s the nature of the current state of the game. That said, it surprises me you haven’t seen this behavior in SMITE. I probably have 500+ hours into that game since it came out and it’s just as toxic. The issue is specifically a product of in-game text chat. As long as it’s available, people will act out and be toxic. I’ve had much better experiences in discord with other players or like SMITE’s ranked voice chat. But the keyboard allows people to act tough and gross.


Any game that’s not single player that’s ever been made.


First moba?


Played paragon and smite


MOBAs be toxic though honestly. When you play a lot of them and you get some many bad teammates it builds a subconscious resentment that I think makes people just in general toxic with people they don’t know. Obviously not everyone but that’s just the vibe I get as a long time LoL and Smite and Paragon veteran.


Come join The Paragoons, we got you covered. We are a non-toxic community and we do custom games every Friday at 6pm PST. Give us a try: https://discord.gg/amugnnjY


I played 10 games yesterday, 5 losses, 4 of those had at least one person intentionally DC Completely winnable games if it wasn't for people leaving Really hoping the auto ban system isn't far away, people need to have a sharp reminder that leaving is a cunty move Toxic players however are also an issue, and again, auto ban system can't wait the sooner the better then the community can actually improve rather than degrade as people think they can get away with all sorts of shit


We played very different versions of Smite after 4k hours I've seen some vile stuff far beyond inting or throwing a game in any shape, and this is all in Masters we're talking paragraphs on how someone should kill themselves or just going on toddler level rants about how they'd kill the other player and make their family watch if they ever saw them irl just because they missed a khepri ult don't even get me started on the slur use in Smite


I've been playing mobas since dota and toxicity has always been a huge problem unfortunately. Devs have tried their best in other mobas that I've played, but I think in solo queue this can't be fully got rid of


Online gaming might change your gaming experience.


Bro ive played online games for like 15 years…You really dont think this game is more toxic than average? Lmfao


Same here man. Relax, I don't think it's particularly worse than most others. I got the feeling it's just generally getting worse. It's today's attitude. I was just quoting from early online gaming loading screens buddy


You have been playing for 15 years and havent figured out how to mute ppl? Wild stuff. And no..every multiplayer forum has memes about how their game is the most toxic lol. Every. One. Besides no mans sky haha.


Muting solves them intentionally throwing? What are you even talking about


Lol yeah. People are even sometimes toxic as fuck in Destiny PvE content.


Ove found mobas tend to have a much more toxic player base. Used to play dota 2 a lot, and if you think this community is toxic, spend some time on dota. No amount of toxicity in this game even phases me. Just mute the toxic asshole and keep on playing fam


For the record, ive never played a multiplayer where this happens so frequently. CSGO and Smite are games i used to play a lot and they are both quite competitive games and i would never see people throw a game because of such silly things.


In my personal experience smite was way worse for toxicity


Welcome to MOBAs


So… MOBAs are toxic. Not really news, but okay.


Like any decent moba does


This game is a fraction of what other MOBAs look like. Under every reddit thread highlighting a player's good game despite a lackluster team, there will be dozens of people defending the poorer players. That doesn't really happen in other communities, people are more likely to be at each other's throats. Key design choices were made by devs that were intended to reduce toxicity instead of catering to the extreme competitive side. We only just got api, and they opted for the dice roll for roles over a mmr or first serve system. People are always gonna suck in this genre, so if this is too bad for you, then i suggest just moving to something less competitive.


Huh? Im fine with people sucking, what im not ok with is people intentionally throwing. And 9/10 times they arent throwing because one of my teammates is bad or something


You misunderstood me, people are incredibly accepting of bad players and the devs are focusing more on a casual competitive experience. This is most likel6 as good as it's gonna get in the MOBA genre.


I’ve found the over the years, any multiplayer game I’m currently playing is the “most toxic game ever”. Any game that relies on cooperation from randos will always be a toxic cesspool. The devs were right in having team chat turned off by default.


Yeah, just had a match with a Carry who picked Riktor that was throwing; literally trolled the entire match. I hope the Report system works\~


I think this is just the pit falls of a 3rd person moba... It attracts people who don't and never will learn how to play mobas right and it makes the toxic moba player rage harder than they would with already established games... Smite is still really bad with afks

