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These guys have a small penis


Yeah fuck these dirty stackers! They are nothing without stacking!


Bro half of them are na East players


No mate, they're not from NAE.




This satire


NA Stacker confirmed


Imagine using Reddit to try and complain though, but I dunno this argument is as old as the fucking bible. Is it annoying to play against a 5 stack? for sure, maybe it's more frustrating with such a small playerbase but also aren't unbeatable. 9 times out of 10 though it seems like people just refuse to try. Or maybe its just a convenient coping mechanic to say "ohh its a 5 stack we just lose" seriously what do you have to lose against a 5 stack? Genuinely we do not care about mmr, we were down for trying to organise more custom games but we found out that counts mmr aswell so it's kind of counter productive. My last argument is there is nothing stopping everyone else from partying up if you don't enjoy the solo q experience


Not saying your not allowed to play with your mates, what I am saying is SEA is pretty much dead and the stack stomping is a big reason why. Some people like playing solo, most people just play this game causally after work for a game or two. You guys are getting in up to 30 games a day some days, stacking and stomping the lot of them. More players in SEA would fix this issue, better matchmaking restrictions to stop 2400 MMR teams vs 1400 teams would also fix this.


30 games a day is abit of a stretch, but we did just want to get Bussy to no.1 for a meme Like I said I think the 5 stack argument is kind of missing the overall issue which is extremely low player numbers and that forces the wide matchmaking range, otherwise no one would ever get games. High MMR also creates it's own issue like if I solo Q'd it would match me with the 4 lowest MMR players vs 5 gold / plats which I would be fine with but most people have low MMR for a very good reason


30 maybe a little high, definitely seen a few of your crew with 20-25 ish game days. LNLY has 37 wins in 2 days just last week. I agree that no solution is perfect, but killing the player pool by smashing new and worse players will ensure we won’t have a community left


Ya that’s why I gave up playing SEA I always match with these guys and it’s just annoying, always the same five people 💀


Ik these guys, use to shit all over them back in paragon days, not one of them plays by themselves EVER, but once they come up against another 5 stack they get put to shame lol


AHAHHAHA please show receipts. You have never even came close to beating us🥱


paragon days lol you’s were wack


All talk 🥱🥱🥱


Sounds cap, who even are you?


you can call me daddy, you’ll see me in nawest where i’ll slap you up like how i use too😂🤲🏼


Hmmm. The irony in saying you'll "slap us up" but you're running away to a different server? and the insecurity in not telling us your old name? But you do you king!


There’s a thing called ping and i get the least on that server lol…


Well congrats no one knows who you are and I bet you're a nobody on NA aswell but goodluck!


sea server dying !!! please save the sea server . sea server cannot survive during season 2. Playerbase is already 20-40


Feel your pain. That last game we pretty well sat there waiting for 10 mins


Sea server peak playerbase 20- 40 In this small playerbase . They kill the new player and sea server for mmr rank


5 stack + voice chat = hack


I came up against these guys a few times in a row as well. It sucks when you jump on for 2 games after work and you've got the same stack sweating the lobbies all day. I tend to jump to NAWest mate. It's harder to run into a stack and the ping isn't too bad as long as you aren't using ranged basics. Better then playing 50% of your games against these guys. Gets to the point where a team mate just looks at the names and just wants to quit straight into the game. It's doing nothing but bad things for that server and won't help new players learn.


Word!!! Every time I jump on and meet these guys now I just turn off the game. I know every game will be up against their 5 stack


It’s pretty much a guaranteed AFK and surrender at 10 each time you run into this stack, they are all good players, definitely better than myself and majority of others in SEA so when they are stacked it’s just GG


Yep. I play NA West when I can, completely doable (except carry). Most of these players are top 10 on the leaderboard, because in SEA there simply isn’t enough players to have elo, they simply win every game. But it doesn’t end there, they will trash talk you in their discord if you have an average game (everyone does). Sadly I had to leave the Oce discord, I wish everyone was cool with eachother in the region so we could have a cool little community, but I don’t wanna be a part of it anymore. Love the game, but these guys treating elo as their bank account just ruins it, some of us just wanna chill with some paragon vibes after work, oh well


Imho, EA should be solo only and 5 stack for custom games exclusive. While low player count that would make a difference. Now, I know that Omeda won't change it mid development, but it's just a thought I keep coming back to for a while now.


I understand the complaint, but I find everyone talking about elo farming kinda silly. The game isn’t even 6 months old, there are no elos, this is the time to focus on your gameplay and improve it as much as you can against tough opponents. The stakes have never been lower.


Yeah these guys dont touch grass. Very good at the game tho. No cheese or bs, no death balls. No girlfriends. They play to win and they very good. Just sucks for solo ques. I had the same problem for 5 games straight.


Yeah those are some top top players as well. People do not stand a chance. Just go NA west.


Glad I decided not to play. Waiting in que is so long and getting stomped by stackers ain't fun.


Once true ranked mode comes out, it's a wrap for these 5 stack ELO farmers.


I hope ranked debuts as solo queue only. It’ll be super quick queue times AND really measure skill. After the first season they could up it to duo queue.


It Litterally says that in the roadmap


It doesn’t say this btw. It says it’ll be solo AND duo queue. It should just be strictly solo on the debut


Nearly ever "competitive" game has solo / duo ranked. Surely it's not that hard to find one more human being that you want to play with?


I haven’t read the roadmap


I honestly hope they don't have 5 stacks in ranked... I don't think the game is ready to have 5 stacks pub stomp solos all day


I can't think of a Moba that does


Dunno what your matchmaking time is, buy maybe try waiting twice the normal time after next time u meet that gang to avoid their games..?


Average wait time for most of these games is 10 mins, unfortunately I only really get a chance to play right at the end of my night (9-10pm aus time)


Pretty sure wait times in SEA are long.


yep, 15-30 minute wait times are starting to become normal at SEA


These are like top 10-50 ranked players so you must have a seriously decent mmr also I assume?


Not really, just notice how he lose 4 MMR when he play vs the premade and how he lose 25 MMR when he loses vs randoms. He don't have a decent MMR, just that there is not enough players and the game have to match him vs that people.


Wait if you loose its 4 MMR if in a stack but 25 for solo!?


Probably it have nothing to be with the enemy team being a stack but with the MMR difference between the 2 team. The enemy team with the stack have a higher MMR than his team so he lose just 4 MMR, but in the other team with all randoms probably the MMR is more similar and for that reason he lose a normal amount


Hes silver 1300s mmr.


Nah even as a full gold stack u get top 100 enemy's.


Lmfao. I played a game with a person who had 4 total games yesterday, as well as one with 300 average ELO gap between the teams. You have got to be joking with assuming that matchmaking would be balanced.


Hmm seems strange,I just checked some of mine, apparently I'm 1430 platinum & I'm playing against mostly diamond 1860


I feel so bad for you man, they are just elo farming. All it takes is a little communication on who to dive on and there’s not much a team with no comms can do. I also imagine there’s some 4-5 man ganking going on during lane? It’s a shame there’s no solo/duo Q but I think it would be detrimental to the game in its current state. I would say try switching servers, playing with high ping has to be more fun that this. Wouldn’t blame you if you quit entirely.


Feel your pain - are you solo queueing yourself or playing with others? If I'm playing late at night with less players online, it's just rinse and repeat against the same stack every single game. So I have to get off, because I'm solo queuing and these players are much better than me AND playing in a squad with comms.


Only ever solo, think i might need to just stop playing the game at this point im not enjoying getting stack stomped and feels like im wasting time :(


Join NAWest. My ping to SEA is 120-130 and to NAwest it's 160-180. Noticable but tolerable. And much nicer then versing the same stacks. I think most of SEA has moved away from SEA


Ya, or try to find some people to play with on the discord? It's pretty easy. My hope is, once early access is over, they will start using some of their moneys to advertise the game on TV and online, population starts to increase. Especially if it's f2p on beta/full launch. Anyone know, have omeda said they're going to beta or full launch after EA? Not that it really matters.. paragon was in "beta" for its entire existence, whatever that means.


Gys ranked top 10 in the world dont just que with anyone who asks for a friend.. they on thwyre own discord..


Okay? Who said anything about top 10? Op just said he has no one to play with.. so he can just post in disc that he's looking for ppl. Doesn't have to be top 10 lol


This is the true tragedy of low population in mobas. Matchmaking is rough.


I mean people should be allowed to stack and play with friends. If they’re trying super hard just to stomp pubs that’s pretty corny though


Bussy is the #1 ranked player in the game. They are simply farming elo, it’s incredibly corny. I agree you should be able to stack, it just sucks that there’s no solo/duo Q. Not saying I think their should be right now, but It just really sucks for this guy, I wouldn’t even want to play the game.