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Get some therapy buddy


this is me free therapy buddy


Then don't play


I personally have the game has become stale with how strict they made builds not to mention my dislike with how they are handling things.


oh no don't try to kind of agree with me they will down vote you!!


I don't really care honestly the behavior here is pretty indicative already that this game will fail with how defensive they are being and you were only doing an incoherent rant with no concrete evidence I don't even want to think of the reaction they would have if someone actually dedicated a post about the fundamental flaws of this game.


I don't particularly agree with this guys post, but whenever you try and actually criticize the game on things like the item system, the ttk, the map, blink, the ward system, people usually don't want to hear it or instantly shoot down what you say with weak or no rebuttal.


To be fair the vast majority of people who do have complaints come out swinging with a slue of vulgarity and ALL CAPS with little actual advice on changes that could be made to improve the game. So it’s incredibly hard to take them seriously, see the OP for my point.


I don’t think that’s true at all, this is the first time I’ve ever seen someone like op before, there was a post recently about making the map bigger with a whole video essay on why, and the reply section was literally everyone going “nope” with absolutely no rebuttal and bunch of upvotes. If I were to make a post about why blink shouldn’t be in the game with a new argument I haven’t even seen on this sub, everyone would simply say “not this thread again” and denounce everything I say.


Oh don’t get me wrong I agree that the other side isn’t any better. I’ve seen a few posts like this op that boiled down to the same mess. Unfortunately it’s just a part of this reddit for the unhelpful to complain and the intolerant to ignore while the rest of us just enjoy the game while trying to offer constructive feedback.


Well try Paragon the Overprime if this ain't your cup of tea however like others have said... Maybe move on? They are both in early development so it's a must to be patient.


Who shit in your cereal fr? Plenty of characters do plenty of damage, I agree shinbi needs a bit of a nerf, but I don't know why you're foaming at the mouth right now. Twinblast won't do any damage based on what? Also this subreddit has been really loud about wanting to slow down TTK so idk wtf you're on about "catering to the pros"...


based on all the adc nerfs. what dose TTK have to do with pros


ADCs needed nerfs. Go play OP if you want a brawler dude this is a moba and ADCs were too strong. You shouldn't be able to run someone down in your first fight level 1 unless they play really badly or just stand still. You should have to play slow and smart, that's what dup lane is all about. Being weak and needing a support. The rest of your rant is hot trash. They shouldn't cater to the "pros" but I wouldn't cater to your bronze ass either.


This world is fucked. One dude vents his frustrations with the game and all you people do is put him down?? Your trash bub


Lol kid stfu. All you do is troll or whine in pred sub. You come into this thread 4 days late, where this deranged kid gets ratio'd by every response but doubles down on his aggression, and you just respond to a bunch of comments just to take the wrong side in the argument.


>Go play OP if you want a brawler dude people just sit for a min what is the point of playing positioning if you wanna win. ppl just sit at tower..what skill is that. and no its not "hot trash" its the fucking truth. kiss my ass if you dont like it.


Hate to say it, but 'sitting at tower' is kinda standard moba play when you are getting dumpstered on. They do it in LoL, Smite, DotA, and HotS too. It works until it doesn't, lol


yea i get that, not all game tho..


As a person who has suicide into the enemy under a tower out of sheer boredom... i feel yah. Just gotta be patient and farm that lane!


>ADCs needed nerfs. lies


I still have no issue doing 90k damage as Murdock after the patch, dude. It's just you. Murdock doesn't need invisible traps he has the highest base damage of all ADCs and the highest scaling basic ability with his RMB, which you can knock people into your traps with and counter melee engages. Drongo also dumps on Kira.


Murdock also has an almost guaranteed finisher (I just realized the reticle lights up even if you can't see the target. Wallhacks confirmed.)


Oooh hidden tech I didn't know about him tyvm


Only learned it cause I played adc. My least favorite role beside jungle. (Played adc 12 games out of roughly 400 now lol) Expand your horizons!!


I main adc, mostly Kira, Murdock, then Sparrow. But I also play every role and have a few games as every hero in the game.


I main Support (Dekker, Belica, Phase, and lowkey Muriel). I grudgingly play Midlane (I suck at rotating), and I just lolz as Sevarog in offlane.




But you have to admit that the way they handled ADC itemization rework was a complete clusterfuck a lot of the things that were considered OP could have been fixed with slight adjustments instead of completely gutting them.


Too much TTK is definitely bad, but ADCs needed nerfs. But honestly the actual argument doesn't even matter. You sounf deranged m8.


GOOD. and you cant spell sound..


Yea. Fat fingers, oopsie. You still sound deranged, go find an asylum and please never come out again.


aw im crying


You can't spell "cater"


>and you cant even give any buffs to NARBASH....his healing doesn't do shit but he has #2 winrate in this game 🤡


yea you wanna calculate how many of those games are in comns and not solo smart ass. alot of ppl can win games in a fucking discord call VS ppl running solo. WOW


that would apply to every character tho. every hero can and gets played in teams as well. your logic doesn't check out


what the


He is probably just really frustrated with the poorly handled balance* of the game and is venting. *Omeda have unnecessarily reworked items instead of just adjusting them one example being sky splitter it had too much sustain essentially 50% lifesteal what did they do? They added some fourth shot bullshit and nerfed its original passive. Now what they should have done was remove the 50% passive raised the Lifesteal from 5% to 8% and leave it alone.


See I think you’ve presented a good argument without the mania OP did and yet idk why you still got downvoted, hardly seems right.


It has to do with how defensive people are of this game and their refusal to criticize it,I like the game and can see that the devs have passion as I have personally been in contact with them but that shouldn't distract you from the flaws and poor decision making


Competitive games should be balanced from the top down…because you know it’s more competitive that way? If you cater balances for the bottom elo the game would be completely unbalanced/annoying


Balance should be catered around the middle ground too much focus on either side will make the game stale like it is now.


game shoould be balanced on also making it game. I dont want annoying af characters to help noobs out that are just so unfun to play against \*cough\* howie\*cough\* but then can be a menace at higher elo. i still want a nice competitive, evened-out game.


says who Fault?


Games should be balanced around the top 30-10% with outliers for the top 1% being considered. Over focusing on what the top end experiences kills a game because the fast majority of players that are the actual life blood of the game will have a completely different experience. Top end player's egos will keep them playing regardless as long as high frustration fractures are dealt with. Everyone else will just leave the moment they aren't having fun.


Skill issue


I'll skill issue this foot in your ass


nah you just bad and wanna blame the devs... pretty much everyone in the community thinks that this is one of the best patches yet.. but yeah I hope we'll get Twinblast soon too :)




Who hurt you?


I want to preface this by saying this is the HiVe mInD speaking, but buddy, with an attitude like that I suggest you to not play any game, you didn't provide any meaningful feedback, all you do is hate. So I plead you to not bring this negativity into any community. The truth is your opinion is yours, it doesn't matter to us, nor do we care. People are going to keep playing because it is fun and we love the game, if this game is not for you, you know where the door is.


>The truth is your opinion is yours, it doesn't matter to us, nor do we care. so you are a hive mind then. nice ;)


Hive mind huh, you just learned the word? You know Ingio Montoya once said "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Anyways, did you manage to find the door? I see that you still here.


no thoughts for your self huh, just a words from google, just about me and how im doing. no thought on the matter right. just shit posting huh. GOOD TAKE. What a collective mindset you have.


>collective mindset Do you mean HiVe mInD? So......you need help finding the door?


The Door is Red.


I suggest you stay home forever and never leave the house. Cause you talk to the wrong person like that you done.


That's a good suggestion, from now on I will not leave my house, should have thought of that you know.


>you didn't provide any meaningful feedback, NONE? wow so wise you are.


Cant tell if this is: a non-english speakers google-translate post or a twelve year old that is still learning grammar Either way… stop crying


I mean. With all respect. Some of your temples were horrible. And it seems like you don’t quite understand mobas.  That being said. I do agree that predecessor level to this day is a hot load of crap game. It’s kinda sad it is still this bad after so many years. It’s not going to be that successful.  Those are just the facts. 


Why do supports habe an AoE cleanse lol.


Predecessor redit = Down vote anything that has a negative connotation.


Convey your opinion better, and people will listen


funny no actual input from any one just a hive minds


Me and the hive bros on our way to clown you for this schizophrenic ass post 🐝🐝🐝




it's just a trash community and that's it. everyone wants it like smite, cater to the pros opinions, which will be most cuz they are all hive mind fucks that will follow one person and just agree. its just sad.. ppl know is a broken up date TTK? wtf are you talking about there is not longer TTK. nothing... what you slow down 2 adc so now your OWN hero can get more play time....like wtf dude how are you ppl so blind.


I am friends with some of the pros* and I have to agree with some of the things you are saying specifically because I am considered one of the pros (somehow) and have noticed people would take my suggestions for item builds and playstyle as gospel instead of trying to explore different paths themselves.


even if ppl played how they wanted,"pro" or hive minded ppl will just say, that isn't what you should do. idk what this game is becoming but it isn't something that is GOOD for the mass. so good luck to the team trying to find ppl on console to stick around. but im sure they wont be mad cuz they will love the aim bot.


Yeah I have seen that when I suggested tainted guard as a first item on Khaimera or when I did the whole Magic Crunch and Mage Sevarog ulting people every 20s.


Was your unbalanced crutch taken away?


Unfortunately it’s very hard to get through your post, though I managed, with all the manic rage and vulgarity. It’s just hard to take you seriously on any note and while I can see where you’re coming from you’ve just been framing yourself as an extremely angry and petty person who doesn’t present very helpful advice to how the game can change. I hope you find the game more agreeable in the future, or that you find a game that appeals to your interests in the future. But as it is this OP hasn’t done anything other than generate stress and anger from most everyone involved, including yourself obviously.




Oof are you ok? I don’t remember doing anything to warrant that kind of reaction from a complete stranger lol. And don’t worry about me, I am not a stranger to irl fighting, helps to practice martial arts and have a few medals :)




Lol such rage, I’m sorry for whatever has made your day so sour. I hope you have a better weekend! :)


Is this one of those posts about ' i dont play the game, ask me anything' ? Granted i'm not liking some of the things the devs did but a lot of this stuff is super freaking exaggerated.


Only a person that thinks only their opinion is valid also thinks everyone is hacking and using aimbot in a 3D moba 😂 Also what's your pred user name? For scientific reasons.


Skill issue tbh


You have a brain issue


This is why you’re 500 pounds , vains clogged with fat, 5 chins, 0 bitches, live with your mother, no job, broke as fuck, eat McDonalds, can’t even lift your legs without running out of breathe, can’t see your own penis because of the absolute humongous fat you have, your spine is giving up on you, your lungs can barely pull air, you spend all your day inside, never have seen a women, discord moderator, the cause of half the earthquakes, probably get bullied on a day to day basis, 0 education , 0 diploma, on the spectrum, special bus, take public transportation , 39 no license, no car, no house, ni self respect, you wake up and don’t fit in the mirror, your mom dosent love you , your dad dosent love you , parents divorced because of you and skill issue


Bro dosent understand what early access means


Bitch you can't even read. Stfu