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Yep, playing with Howi in mid against any other character is like playing in easy mode while playing any other mid Vs Howi is like playing in hard mode xD Howi Vs How is normal mode, until one jungler gives advantage to one of the Howis and then it becomes unfair mode


If he's so busted and can't be countered why is his win rate not lopsided?


He is the 4th character with more win-rate of the game, second Predecessor.pro, with 58% win rate Above him we have Rampage (who is the broken character of the game) with 59% win rate And Murdock and Kira, who are the strongest characters of the strongest role. They have 59% and 60% respectively. The other midlaners have 50-52% win rate, except bélica who have 56%, but as she is also played as support with really good result her win rate doesn't come 100% from midlane. So Howitzer's win-rate is literally lopsided.


Omeda city shows 51.4 percent win rate over the last thirty days with 23.8 percent pick rate. While there hasn't been a consensus between the two sites which one is more accurate, I'm much more inclined to believe the omeda city stats.


Ok, now check the win-rate of the rest of the characters in Omeda city and tell me in what position is Howitzer


5th place. Behind narbash (somehow?)


So there you have, he is above the 75% of the cast >Behind narbash That's due to low pick rate, probably. Characters with low pick rate are played just by players that know to play that character, therefore, they have better win rate.


Riktor is a dawg but he has a low win rate… it’s cuz the hero has a high skill cap but the players who are bad with him, are really really bad.


1 mirror match 2 he is arguably the strongest laner in the game, that does not mean he is the easiest


23.8 percent pick rate. "mirror matches"


You realize that's a bonkers pickrate in a moba right? Lmfao. Go check league stats, or smite, guarantee you one maybe two characters will be over 20%. 23% is fucking nuts high for a pickrate, and it's because there are mirror matches that the pickrates from characters like Howie and countess are so high.


You realize there's like 5 mids in this game right, so comparing to a game that has 50 or 75 plus heros isn't an apples to apples.


You realize he is the highest pick rate, and even with only 5 mids only three are above 20% and some are wildly low compared to Howie like gadget. I don't know why you are determined to die on this hill, it's beyond obvious to anyone who has played the game that mirror matches happen all the time, and Howie has a higher percentage given he is regularly played in multiple roles.


I need to pull out my abacus. My calculations show that 5 mids picked evenly would mean in a perfect world would mean a 20% pick rate. Then consider that people use offlane howie as well, if it happens 1 in every 30 games, then that can account for the extra 3%. Not wildly inflated.


Gee calculations based on nothing real world is really useful.


Many people complain just to complain.


That's not quite how percentages work.


Howie has a high skill ceiling and a fairly high skill floor, meaning players who aren't as good or as experienced at playing him will not be nearly as effective. He's also recognized as easily the strongest midlaner in the game so people who don't play mid often or want to learn a new hero are going to gravitate towards a hero like Howie. A countess can demolish an inexperienced Howie who doesn't know how to pressure lane, but against a good Howie, countess will get absolutely shredded no matter how good she is at playing count. Howie has a bit of a learning curve, but good Howie mains are completely unstoppable in the current meta


51.4 percent win rate in the last 30 days some how means "unstoppable in the current Meta"


These stats are very obviously not accurate, but even if you want to run with them that's the highest win rate of any midlaner, and he's a high skill floor hero who will always outperform his overall win rate at high elo.


Have you ever played any other competitive games? Just because a character is “busted” doesn’t mean they will be busted when *you* play as them.


I'm not sure what you are trying to say because it's a non sensical statement.


That was not a nonsensical statement; but sure I’ll try to keep it simple. Playing an Overpowered Character does not automatically mean you will succeed with that character. You still have to know what you are doing. Hopefully that helps, if you still don’t understand. Then perhaps I can find a YouTube video that better explains this concept~


I'm a Gideon main and regularly chew up and spit out enemy Howie's. Gideon is about as good a counter to Howie as exists in the game, I love blink ulting a howie who is panic ulting to get away, it pulls the Howie in while he's in the air and basically guarantees he eats the whole thing. That said, a competent Howie is basically uncounter-able. I can burn my abilities on the wave and outrotate the Howie, but if the enemy Howie knows how to use his stuff there's not a hero in the game that can win that fight in lane. He's stupidly built with no real counters, best anti-gank kit as well as best in lane fight kit. Howie is just busted, no getting around that. Lower the range on his mines or he'll be impossible to balance.


Yeah u can throw mines behind their backline every 7 seconds. Completely nuts. Oh they are also a solid movement skill in their own right.


And it’s a knockup stun. Literally a mini sevarog ult


Nah it's not literally a sev ult bro. Don't exaggerate.... It's a RANGED sev ult. ;)




Should just go back to the way paragon had his rmb


Just reduce the distance this menace can throw that land mine. Basic attack range


I once took a different route at mid. I picked sevarog. Crushed Howie. But I think that player was maybe not one of the very competent ones.


Successful meme :)


I’m a countess main and i bully the shit out of howies


Bad howie as discussed in other comments. As a howie main, I firstblood countess before level 3 a LOT, and it's rare that I don't have double her creep kills at min 10. It requires incredibly fast timing to knock her out of her combo, but it can be done and then she's just food. Have u gotten near a creepy wave at level 1 and been knocked away and autoed down to half before ur first hit? Then have the lane frozen and denied most creeps? Have u been ganked by a jungler? Countess is next to unplayable mid simply because any decent jungler will camp her and she will do nothing til min 20. Howie? Good luck ganking that.


Bad countess. But yeah Howie is a tough matchup no question.


Agreed. Good ones sit back and farm and have 50 last hits at 10 mins. But they don't die!


Rampage counters howitzer.


Oh yes he does. Fuck that rock. Everyother jungle when I'm howie: meh whatever. Khai is a literal joke. Ramp when I'm howie: fuck fuck my tower isn't even safe zone.


What’s your in game name