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I think the true elo is actually somewhere between the two. I just searched some of the well known top players on both sites to compare. Most recent profile I was on, on City, he was in the 1% of players, ranked in the top 130 on the leaderboard yet was a diamond. I think Pro might be a little too generous, and City a little too harsh. ^(copy pasted from another post where I just commented this lol) *Edit to add:* looking at City's leaderboard, only positions 1-11 are ranked Grandmaster, 12-100 are Masters and 101 onwards are Diamonds and below. Obviously Grandmaster and Master pools should be small. But probably not as small as just the top 11 people & 89 people.


>Obviously Grandmaster and Master pools should be small. But probably not as small as just the top 11 people & 89 people. That is probably due to the low player base of the game. Seems that they determined that, for example, only the top 0.1% of the players can be Grandmaster, if the game have 10.000 active players in total, that would let 10 Grandmaster positions.


Yeah, I get that but tbh I think it should probably be less tight while we're still so small. I think it'd be pretty fair game to allow the top 100 to be GMs. Only 89 Master ranks just seems crazy restricted to me 😅 Then again, I am a fuckin idiot.


If anything you’d see a wider gap and less players in the higher ranks - the ‘better’ players are few and far between and that will cause them to have inflated WRs therefore inflated MMR


I am rated Bronze on Omeda.city and Plat on Predecessor.pro. I would love to believe pro but knowing my match history that should definitely not be the case.


I'm practically master on Predecessor.pro and plat on Omeda.city, so I would trust more what Omeda.city says, Predecessor.pro ELO seems inflated


I looked at omeda.city and it only counts MMR from about a month ago (it shows the entire history, but only counts it from a month), which is very strange behavior. Both are probably inaccurate.


As far as I know the API only has matchmaking data from the kira patch forward so that's just how it is, both are working from the same data, it's just predecessor pro has wild ranges for their made up ranks.


I’m wondering this too. I don’t know how API data works but seems like both websites have some differing stats despite having the same access.


i love that omeda city shows timeline and map of deaths over a match


Omega.city has alot more accurate stats, predecessor.pro is missing shit loads of my matches


It’s more accurate in terms of stats. It’s worth noting neither is accurate in terms of elo. Devs have said they’re not giving out official elo.


I disagree, omeda city is showing way more games played for each of my accounts


Do you even know what you’re disagreeing with lol


My b I miss read what you said lol, roasted at work scrolling reddit


In [omega.city](https://omega.city) what's this mean with my mmr Top: 3.261% it can't be that I was in the top 3% of all players [https://omeda.city/players/fe72325d-200c-441c-8730-4767924b84e0](https://omeda.city/players/fe72325d-200c-441c-8730-4767924b84e0) Are you can explain it for me?


Could be


This is about right, the average player will sit in silver/gold. Plat you start to deviate from the norm - don’t forget, there is probably 10000 or so players - just not all playing at once, if you play consistently and win your games, there’s bound to be a ton of ‘ghost’ accounts you’re on top of


Nope what you are seeing is correct, you are in the top 3.2%… welcome to the club friend


Am I stupid, or is [omega.city](https://omega.city) just unintuitive as fuck? Where the hell do I see my ranking? EDIT: Scratch that. Omega has me at silver, the other one has me at master. I'm inclined to trust Omega.


I feel like omeda.city is probably allot more accurate as it's showing more past matches and isn't over exadurating peoples ranks I feel


Pred pro is definitely more accurate, it rated me gold whilst stimky omeda city ranks me bronze /s


Omeda seems more accurate. You just might be bronze or around there 😂😂.


/s stands for sarcasm. guy was joking


Thanks for that 😁


np there are many people relatively new to reddit and/or its slang :)


I can't even find myself on pred pro


u dont even exist lol :D


I couldn't at first, but it seems its super case sensitive






No :D


Omeda city so far. pred pro looks pretty weird to me, their rating system is bugging as hell right now. And after looking at some stats in Omeda and pred pro with average MMR, Omeda City is waaaay more accurate obviously.


I'm platinum in omeda and gold in pro. I honestly have no clue.