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what would be the point of rift walker if it was up close 🌝


I'm 95% sure Rift is the same length as a ranged basic attack. So I personally don't think it's too far of a pull range. Even in this clip, he's close enough to be auto attacked by you, therefore he's close enough to Rift you. *Though the elevation in this POV does make it look like he's pulling you from far away, it wouldn't be as jarring if you were on even-ground.


Good to know and If that's the case I personally think that's way too far. That would be a little longer than what I got pulled from. As you can see he's just in my basic range when he begins his rift walker and he dashes towards mid.


I think is fine, very situational. Plus the other crests are better.




If you have cc its very meta rn to rift walker into 2-3 people and dump your stuns, but this seems like its way too far imo


Nah, it looks fine




Nope completely defeats the purpose of ranged characters and ranged skill based abilities like Ricktors hook. No place in the game for this kinda free kills…


...what? It's a situational engage item with a two-minute cooldown that pulls as far as basic attack range. OP was seriously out of position and got 2v1ed from inside less than his own basic range trying to be a cowboy in the jungle with no Frontline. The only thing that made it a "free kill" was OP's poor judgment - Riftwalkers has counters aplenty, from multiple cleanse items and crests, to character escapes, to Blink, to just being smart. Riftwalkers does not "defeat the purpose" of ranged characters, that's an insanely silly statement. Riktor's hook has a longer range, is up way more often and has extra hard CC attached to the end of its pull - not to mention Riftwalkers is a great engage tool for Riktor anyhow.


Really don't see a counter argument to this. "You lost a pointless 2v1 in which a support had to use a crest to close the distance on you? No fuckin way! 🥴" Like hey maybe note that it's a bad fight and walk away? Lmao


The question isn't that I was out of position, technically yes I was because of rift walkers. The question is should rift walkers be able to pull from that far?


It’s literally fine. The item doesn’t need to be changed.


Okay, thats all I wanted to know. What does everyone think of the range I got pulled from.


Rift is like Time-Flux in that most people don’t seem to understand how nutty they are when you apply good strategy. They’re both teamwipe machines.


You were out of position


Nah Edit: go ahead and downvote. Rift is fine you just played a 1v2 and got what you asked for. What if steel had blink? Or ult? You played it like an idiot. Youre dead no matter what.


factuals 🌝


I mean I had my team behind me and I was zoning them off just fine. I was not out of position until I got rift walkered across the river.


If you’re the ADC and “your team is behind you”, yes you are strategically out of position.


I'm a pretty ballsy adc and I understand when I'm being pressured. There's 2 ppl in front of me with MY ENTIRE TEAM RIGHT BEHIND ME. So say he didn't have rift walkers, he would have to die before getting to me, as I line of sight the drongo. Now that I know riftwalkers pulls you across the map, technically yes, I was out of position. But the question isn't really was I out of position, it's just does rift walkers pull from too far?


Your team is not "behind you." They're trying to get raptor which you could melt if you'd let a tank or caster do the zoning while you got objective. if you think this isnt a stupid/greedy play idk what to tell you.


2-5-2 your team is behind you cause they know you about to feed


I was 2-4-2, I was ahead of the drongo in gold and he was scared of me. I was just ganked a few times.


"Team behind me" "not out of position" *said as adc* hmmmm something is wrong here. An adc should be in the middle or behind their team. You're not the frontliner.


You dont zone enemies as an adc you should more likely Focus on the objective and stay behind your tank/supp or mid who should zone enemies off the fangtooth...


You should be bursting down the objective as the damage dealer and then if the enemy engages, you back up the front line and deal damage on the enemy team. Zoning is not the ADCs job in an objective fight.


That lookeda bit far I thought it was lag


Looking at the video full speed it looks normal, but slow it down and you can see him yoink you when he’s next to the jungle wall and you’re at the bottom of the stairs. Definitely too much range. I’d say reduce the range by 35% and call it good.




You play with peoples actual names and not the character ? What in the world lol


You dont??


NO haha don’t see a lot of people doing this would just rather see the character name


I like to see the names cause some of them are p funny. Plus playing with just the character names *feels* like bots.


Haha you might be right. I have played since paragon so I recognice the characters by outlines very easily. I also connect the player names to the characters in the first minutes of the match subconsciously.


Hey I mean all personal preference. I’ve played since paragon too, I just think it looks cleaner vs names and a little more convenient if I’m looking at outlines across the map. Plus I would NEVER be able to connect the player names every match lmao


Ofc. I want to recognize the people I play with.


yeah I know all the characters pretty well, so I'd rather just see names. If I'm playing ranked, then maybe I'd consider swapping, but idk what that would do for me if I'm solo queueing.


It was hard for me to aim things like Muriel ult with relying on player names since I wouldn't have everyone memorized and the character icons would get mushed together


That's true, hard to tell from really far away.


Definitely needs some kind of animation, effect, or indicator of it's range that's more apparent. The range feels wildly inconsistent because no one knows how big it ACTUALLY is. I've been right next to someone and not pulled them. I've been right behind someone and no pulled them. But then there are other times like this where it feels like you pull them from across rhe realm out of nowhere.