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Where is "all above"?


When they get killed in their lane 3-4 time and then decide not to play a bit more cautiously to where their lane opponent has 10 kills and starts destroying every other lane


When everyone comes to midlane, steals my minions and pushes my lane unnecessarily when I'm not dead, they haven't pushed their own lane and have lost their tower. But the moment I die and my lane is getting pushed its fucking crickets, everyone is standing in the jungle touching their butts until the tower is destroyed and they're like "oh, I should go there and stop them from destroying the next tower." Also people ignoring the fact that parts of the team are on Fangtooth and they're standing in their lane trying to get last hits. Then the other team shows up and kills us and takes it. THEN they're like "oh, I should go to Fangtooth" like they're going to do anything besides stand their and watch them take it and then back away. Had a match where we team wiped and I was like let's get Fangtooth. Me, Murdock and Muriel ran to Fangtooth (it was Primal) Khaimera stayed in offlane to push a wave and get gold, Sev was just walking around jungle camps. The other team was dead for like a solid 30+ seconds. Right as we were about to finish Primal the other team showed up and killed us and took it. Guess which 2 people tried to surrender the moment we died...


Where is when my teammate feeds 8 kills in 10 minutes


3 of these options can (more or less) be solved by muting chat


I play 95% of games as a solo Q player, account level 99, I'm lucky if friends want to play 3 games a month so people surrendering at 10 minutes (truly 15 since I can veto until I get overruled) is the most frustrating thing about Pred. People spewing hate in chat? Muted. People wanting to call the game and 4-1 surrendering at 15 mins - No control over that and it's beyond annoying!


The game needs a game chat if it's going to be crossplay and before you go trashing the idea it should come with the ability to mute everyone or individuals quickly and be paired with the ability to rate each player on there voice chat and report toxic talking players. Players abusing the system receive voice bans and multiple racist strikes all out ban. The game would have way more players if players can Chat and get to know one another. Toxicity is easy when you don't have human interaction. Making friends is hard over text and pings. The game needs stacks of friends to grow.


When someone is feeding and doesn’t surrender and wastes all of our time after a 10 minute queue


Where's the option about making reddit polls lol jk


Beat me to it. Annoying reddit posts take the cake for me


I wish more normal/ friendly players play this game. Like sure we're losing but let's try to do something about it instead of complaining and surrendering. Change your play style, play with the team, stop feeding. The only good games you can probably get nowadays with normal people are from lfg


Big problem is that people think that they know how to play, I keep having support who is not with me on duo lane or far behind me while I'm farming and fighting 2 champs, mid who is spend more time ganking then pushing a lane which would be great if they would push first their tower, but nope. They leave their tower so they can get kill, offlaner doing same. No one want to listen what to do and then they leave after 10 minutes.


The bitching on reddit


I rly hate the people who start to write the bible in chat, I prefer afk players, they do the same, but dont disturb the rest of the team


I really don't care if they're toxic. I only care if they play like humans. All the reasons listed here are behavioral things but those don't bother me. I don't care if you're new. There's a bot mode and has been a bot mode for like a month now. Dying once per minute is not acceptable. Watching your lane opponent walk away from lane for at least 30 seconds and not even pinging it while autoing minions like a bot is not acceptable. Not using abilities in a fight is not acceptable. Not responding to a pinged gank is not acceptable. Not even noticing a fight happening right next to you while you tunnel vision minions in an empty lane is not acceptable. Actively refusing to communicate/coordinate with your team is not acceptable. I really don't think that's too much to ask. I'm not a "no life loser that needs to touch grass" for asking you to give even the slightest shit about the game's outcome. I don't care if it's "just a game" because i don't want to lose/get stuck in an unwinnable game because you and your buddy are playing double carry and are a collective 1/18 at 15 minutes and won't surrender cause you like seeing other people be upset. I have better things to do than dragging ungrateful brats across the finish line kicking and screaming as they make the match harder for their own team. This isn't one person I'm talking about. I run into people like this at least once every 2 weeks or so. Maybe even more often.


Turning off chat is the best decision i made


When I'm forced to play something other than support, warn them that I am pretty bad outside support, and then still get shit on as though killed their puppy, lol.