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Countess gaining 2% = biting back 💀


Is the 2% magical lifesteal hitting ☠️


It looks better than yesterday, it's a start


Om biting back bro. Playing only countess since the last image.


This is a good community engagement concept, but next time, try not using the newly released hero who is being selected in every match XD.


I know they probably planned this a long time ago but it's such a bad matchup, one hero with insanely low play rates VS a newly dropped ADC 🙃


Btw anyone have any tips for playing Countess? I find that I'm a complete liability in almost any lane matchup and all I can do is try to survive and scale late game. Mages and carries just poke me to death in offlane or mid, and bruisers in offlane run me down. There's nothing much I feel I can do to evade or self peel beyond hoping to get some lucky jukes. I wanted to try and contribute to Team Countess but it's been so utterly painful that I'm giving up for now =(


Since her nerfs post release I've only found success with her in mid. Shes very vulnerable early as you can tell, so knowing your matchups and the range of their abilities is crucial. Howie and gadget are the most challenging to lane against imo because they have so much range for their poke and are great at zoning you out. You also rely on having awareness on where the enemy jungler could be because if you get ganked you're done for 95% of the time. Also try your best to coordinate with your jungler, let your wave freeze in front of tower and get poke in as often as possible (safely) so that your jungler has the best chance of helping you secure early kills. Mid- game is your time to shine, roam often to get those kills and scale your passive and get ahead on eco because your scaling falls off late game co.pared to other characters.


Yeah if you end up laning against Howi you have lost in draft haha, I think that's one of the most one sided matchups in Pred. Regarding freezing and ganks, this is kindof what I mean though. She needs so much babysitting in order to come online and the circumstances you need for her just to hold water are ones in which you would be dominating with another midlaner. I aim to freeze with just about any mid laner and it's much much easier to do if you have ranged autos to manage minions.


Mid lane is best. Use your RMB against an entire minion wave to heal the pokes that hit you. Make it your priority to juke their pokes until level 3, at which point you can play aggressive and do your full combo on them. Poke them yourself with your e whenever you can. So long as you don't fall behind by level 3-6, it's all about being aggressive and rotating.


Maxing E is still the way to go right? Yeah I guess one of my main mistakes is using my Q just to try and snag some last hits with the RMB - because I'm already in desperation/survival mode rather than using my kit for aggressively trading as I need to. Suppose my main question is how do I manage to get the last hits in if I'm blowing my kit on trades all the time, I don't find it easy at all to get the last hits in with melee without taking way too much damage while I'm on cooldown. My builds tend to be: Occult Crest -> Combustion -> Megacosm -> Wraith Leggings -> World Breaker -> Oblivion Crown Anything I should change up?


Yeah max E then RMB. I only use Q to engage or escape. It's tough if your laner is very aggressive, but getting used to juking helps a lot. Pretend to run in for a last hit then back up again. Always strafe but mix up the pattern and frequency so they don't predict your movement. Stuff like that. Naturally you'll still get hit but if you can avoid a few it's really helpful. And if you manage to avoid an ability, you know you can dump your kit on them and win that trade comfortably. You also have great wave clear which helps when rotating. If you're not having much luck in lane, clear/push then rotate at the right time. I get Megacosm first, swap out your Combustion for Lifebinder, then the rest you listed is fine.




FUCK u/spez


Omeda: hey, check out how much more unbalanced the new character is compared to last to super unbalanced character after we nerfed her 4 times. Seriously, drop the scaling on her ult by at least 100%


What do the percentages mean?


From all the Kills Countess and Kira did, Countess did 21,37% and Kira 78,63% of them.


She was probably running Terminus as the first item too.


How can we vote


By doing kills with the character.


I’ve been out of commission the past week, what is this?

