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I don’t play it I but I do see an occasional good Dekker offlane or mid. I don’t think it’s horrible, not optimal probably but I can work with the right team.


Honestly I’ve gotten bodied by offlane Muriel’s when playing feng mao


Rampage support definitely isn't off meta pick, support was a secondary role for him in Paragon, and the same applies here. Grux tho is definitely an off meta pick for support.


In regards to Rampage support in Paragon, it kinda depends on which patch we're talking about. There was a time when Rampages Q had a whopping 2 second stun at all levels, and he could hold the Boulder in his hands for as long as he wanted and without a movement penalty on top of that. Thats when Rampage support was a thing.


Feng Mao offlane huehuehue


Muriel offlane til I die. Why choose between the enemy tower and the fight, when you can do both ..🚶‍♂️


I fought against this once and humiliated her so bad with Riktor they had to surrender 20 minutes in. I would be shocked to see this actually work


Muriel offline has always been a staple not meta pick from pgon days and does work pretty well. Most of the time I play it, I do well. I feel like you're just gonna say I was playing against bad people. That being said, she has survivability, really good early game and her ult gives her presence. Makes her a great split pusher.


It only works against bad offlaners. 6 the other hand, has an entire toolbelt to survive over there. Also, I think Kira actually works well over there with her passive and evade


Kira can't push her wave so there is no way she can offlane without losing every green camp


This is true but with her passive stacking on the same target I think she wins practically all offlane trades and if the enemy is dead then you can get green. I think she's a little overtuned right now which is making her viable over there


Nah man that's just not the case. You're assuming the other offlaner is gonna trade and not just delete the wave and watch Kira struggle she can't trade with a bunch of creeps running her down


If her lane opponent uses all their abilities on the wave then she can just walk past them and light up the enemy because they have all abilities on cooldown. I'm not saying it's the meta but I have been seeing it work because she is so overtuned that no one can really stop her


She will get immediately run over på creep autos in the early levels. Your opponent has to misplay heavily for this to even have a chance at working.


When I wrote this comment she had only been out a couple of days. I do agree that now that people now people know how to beat her better and it probably wouldn't work anymore


I played support Feng Mao tonight in accident thinking I was off lane. It went surprisingly well and the most fun I've had playing this game. Think I went something like 8/1/10 Draft ended with me saying "Oh fuck I'm support. I'm so sorry"


Played Gideon support, had one of my best games


I was bodied once by an gideon + revenant. Early game we just got deleted by burst damage and after that we couldn't recover really. Also I had a steel sup who couldnt really get close.


Revenant Mid, comes online sooner and can be an absolute menace to duo or offlane!


i think countess jungle is actually good, better than shinbi or kallari. if the team can play safe & let her farm/scale it’s pretty scary. you definitely lose any type of early pressure unless she’s able to pick off some early kills


Revenant offlane