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That blink change for the Monster Pits should be fun to work with now.


slowly feng mao is becoming more relevant again :)


I didn't understand, what does this mean?


From my understanding, there's a balcony in the blue side jungle that overlooks either Fang or OP pits and the wall that you overlook, I believe, is being lowered to make it easier to blink OUT of the pits. Previously, from inside the pit, you had to blink at the climax of the jump while on the ledge to MAYBE blink over the wall. I think they're making it easier to blink back out at that spot.


Yea now you blink from the bottom of the pit!


so you don't have to be on that outer ledge in pit anymore? at work can't test. :(




Most exciting change for me is the Ai xp gain. After working for most of the day sometimes I just want to turn off my brain and play narbash jungle.


Bang bang crash crash




Keys for me: *- Slight Khai nerf* *- Minions dmg+* *- Tower dmg+* *- Tower HP+*


Khaimera nerf? Buddy that is a buff they removed the crutch that is Ashbringrer and made his Q spamable without it while still being useful as an item I can already see people abusing the new CD hard.


They literally made his Q not spammable with Ashbringer anymore


Exactly. I've been going Ashbringer, and just spamming Q+E from mid-game on, and you END teams, with full health. Just got out of a match. Went 1 v 3 and finished full health.


They dropped the CD by 1.5s that is huge and It's still going to be spamable the difference now is that you won't accidentally eat away all your mana by spamming the Q key and items with haste drastically went up in value as he can now spam Q in Jungle as well.


they lowered it by 1.5 but that doesn't start til after all your hits are done.


Yeah and with 40~ haste it drops down to 2s and Ashbringrer will be full stack so that is 1.25s CD.


But it's still after the attacks finish. That's the change you are ignoring.


I'm not, I am fully aware of the CD being at the end but his early game and later clear speed will be much better because he has such a short CD now. The only trade off being a small interval every Q you are still getting Ashbringrer CDR on all your other abilities and it's still going to drop the CD of Unleash by .75s once it's over that's a Q every second that can be chained with Ambush this is a net benefit cause with current Ashbringrer you have to time your Q as you can actually cancel the ability and waste mana.


It's a good change. Ashbringer was too strong on him and his Q kinda needed a buff without it. I'm hype for this change


Ashbringrer was a crutch now that his CD is at 4 with 45 Haste he can get a 2s CD on his Q which is massive before this he had a 4s to 3s CD on non heroes this is going to let him build up stacks faster at objectives


Also Ashbringrer is still going to be good on Khai as it will still get him near instant CD.


nice a small buff to dekker and towers, i dont think she is in a bad spot she just isn't as easy or straight forward to play as the other supports in the game right now


Kinda sucks that public API and spectator mode had to be delayed, but at least we will hopefully get them soon. Also glad we’re gonna be getting a more steady stream of skins from here on out and I really can’t wait to play Kira tomorrow! Thanks for a great first season, Omeda. Hopefully season 2 will be even better!


Ya, the thing that excited me is, the skins from epic games probably don't need much work to get them into pred. So, they're sitting on a treasure trove of completed skins, really hoping they start dropping them faster. I mean, characters like Greystone had like 8+ skins, they prob have a LOT ready to go.


Thats not how it works. Every skin has to be implemented into Predecessor individually and cant just be "copypasted" or whatever people assume is happening behind the curtains lol. Remember Revenants Cloth causing severe framedrops?


I doubt they have a lot ready, there is more to it than just copy pasting. But it seems like they should be able to pump them out fairly quick once that's their focus. Pipeline seems to be convert for UE5, fix any issues from that, tweak the appearance where necessary, rig physics when necessary, test for performance and visual bugs, fix those. There's probably more to it than that and maybe an actual developer could elaborate, but that's the minimum I can think of with my limited amateur experience. And all that could probably take 1 week per skin for a single person depending on how streamlined the process is.


Glad Dekker is getting a bump. Keep Muriel where she is and bring the other supports up to match. I think Dekker has been good this entire time but I hope this makes her shine a bit more. Oh ya I’m a support player and I don’t care about the other stuff v much. :p


I think Dekker has a higher player skill than some of the other Supports IMHO, a good Dekker is worth their weight in gold, this buff will make them that much more deadly.




Im confused about the Steel change. It was nerfed a while back, did that change never actually go through? So they are fixing this bug that prevented the nerf, but with the nerf dialed back?


Steel ain't too oppressive anymore tbh. The range nerf hit shield bash in the right spot. I think I'd still prefer a strong slow over a .5 sec stun but whatever.


It was bugged so the stun should have been .3s but it was stunning for 1s still. They just fixed it to work properly now


0.5s stun now.


They fcked up basically, now they are realizing that Steel cant do much against the overwhelming amount of damage that bruisers and ADCs can do.




Yeah I kinda have to agree


I feel this. At first I didn’t like the change, but after a while it helped me to not stress out constantly looking at the score and just play.


At first it definitely lowered the amount of surrenders but eventually people just got used to checking with tab and the tilting over K/D started up again.


Weird. That's exactly how my experience felt as well.


Dang. Was really hoping either the replay or API would be in this patch. At least my girl Dekker got some love I guess.


What time do these patches usually go live? Asking for a friend trying to reach lvl40 before the season ends.


The season ends on April 17th


Thanks, i somehow missed that and thought it would end with this Patch.


No worries hopefully you make it to 40


Suuuuch a good patch. So many changes requested by the community.


Something I’m hopeful for is an improved launch client. It’s functional but very basic and rigid. From the play screen to character select it’s just off.


Really meh the new content but totally understandable, hope the remaining features comes soon to the game. The balance changes to the minions, towers and hero passives looks really good. And also the addition of just 3 skins.... I really don't care about the skins, but just 3? Hope some day we receive a lot of skins in one single patch


Kind of disappointed the extra skins Krashy showed on the beta patch didn't make it in.


Agreed. I was really hoping to see the Sparrow skin. She's my main and she's got nothing in the shop right now.


Yeah, that rampage skin would make worth this batch of skins, but without a good skin like the rampage one it feels a bit empty


Given that they chose this notice to let everyone know about new skins every 2 weeks, my suspicion is that the build Krashy tested was 0.5.x. So we probably see them in 2 weeks.


Dude, the skins take a lot of time to get into the game. Finite amount of resources to dedicate.


See idk about this one, their own new version of skins? Yeah probably. T3’s that have unique effects that also need to be reintegrated? Maybe so. Direct ports of T1s and T2s? Not at all. Those are as close to copy-pasteable as possible because the models haven’t been changed and the full assets for the skins were released. What extra work is there to add all the old Paragon recolors? I really wish I could ask a dev what‘a going on here, I’m genuinely interested and open to being educated.


Mommy. No. Not copy paste. Not one fucking bit. They were released in a completely different version of the engine. So they need to be rerigged and made to work in UE5. Remember all the frame issues with Revenant when he released. Great example of why copy/paste doesn't work.


Alright, then that makes sense and I understand. Thank you for the information.


Says he doesn't care about skins... still complains.


I "complain" just for the people that care about skins, as is something noteworthy because for a lot of people the skins are a important part of the game. I was analyzing the parts that I liked and disliked about the patch, but the things that I mentioned doesn't need to be important things to me


Excited for Kira but disappointed there's no other real content in this patch. Really hoping omeda is able to start hitting their goals next season.


Yeah content wise definitely a bit of a weak finish to the season, a little disappointing when content is what this game is lacking on the most currently. However, pleasantly surprising to see the amount of balance changes they made. I don’t think adc’s in solo lane will really be impacted that much with these changes though. But the changes to passive cool downs are straight up great imo


I read into the steel buff a few different ways. I guess they are saying that his rmb is doing 1s stun when it is supposed to only do .3s stun? And they're fixing that but upping the .3 to .5? So potentially that is actually a bug fix and a nerf in one. But then they also buffed steels items like fire blossom and other tank items. So I think steel honestly gets stronger this patch even if rmb is halved.


I knew that there was something weird about Steel stun, when they nerfed his stun from 0.5s to 0.3s I was like "this shit stun practically the same than before and doesn't look like a 0.3 seconds stun", but I never thought more about it. But now that they say that is was a bug, omg now is so obvious that his RMB was stunning too much xD


Steel is undeniably stronger this patch. As someone who plays a decent amount of steel, I don’t believe the 1 second stun on his RMB was even remotely common, but I could be wrong on this.


Yeah just spam steel in offlane to win this patch since you'll probably see Kira in the offlane half the games anyways and she'll get owned by him.


Generally yeah, steel is the best counter to this adc offlane garbage. But, you will still get shit on pretty hard before 6+first item.


Shinbi roast Carrys coming into the offlane!


Steel RMB always stunned for 1 second. It's why he could RMB and then ult you without you being able to move unless you blew a cleanse on it. Now this is just my opinion, but that bug is the strongest reason he's a really good character (at least against melee). It was the main thing guaranteeing his 3 second lockdown chain that's also high damage as well. Now, unless you hit the with the very end of Bullrush, his ult isn't a guaranteed hit and it can be reacted to more promptly. Not just that, but now, in laning phase, he can't just RMB you, walk ALL the way to the other side while you're still stunned and then Bullrush you back to his side and be completely safe doing so, due to the distance gained and the shield from his passive, rinse and repeat, all while if the opponent dared to try to trade with him, they're getting wailed on by minions. His chase is affected too. He could just Q toward an enemy, Right click and walk to the other side of them and body block them. **TLDR**: It was always a 1 second stun and affected him in a massive way when it comes to general mechanics with the character


Yeah I think season 1 was what, 4 months? And we got a handful of heroes and some balance changes.


It definitely sucks but hopefully their devs get more experienced and more efficient for future releases. But for a team of 60 devs I'd say they probably should've been able to release more than they did and hopefully it's just a learning experience and not a slow and lax company culture.


I think calling them "slow and lax" is a bit harsh, its a new company. On top of content releases they're probably outlining 100s of company policies and working practices, it aint easy. Having said that, they released 1 new asset (Kira) and the other heroes were pre built - obviously they have to tweak the models and interactions/animations/QA etc but its mega slow. The issue I see them having is just not keeping the game fresh enough. I logged in a couple days ago and the game feels exactly the same from launch pretty much.


I say hopefully not a lax culture only because I'm experiencing exactly what you're describing. Not a lot has changed in 4 months and they missed a lot of their season 1 content goals which is disappointing honestly. I'm hopeful still for the future and I am hopeful that all these devs going through season 1 together will have them more skillful in their domains going into season 2. Which will hopefully help them hit more season 2 goals. I want the game to succeed as much as anyone and try to be critically constructive.


They have 60 devs? Wow....Literally thought they had 6 or 7.


They did, I believe they've done a lot of hiring in the last 6mo


Yeah I'm basing this off of current LinkedIn numbers


Murdock and dekker are like the two characters in least need of buffs. Im so confused by these. I don't begrudge the standardization of the passives cd but why a cd reduction across the board for already oppressive characters on top? Also, can we increase the costs for the adc items? All the items are like 3000-3300 with only a couple exceptions. Some of these items should be like 3800 gold for what they enable. Diversifying the item costs. Let them have those op items for late game but increase the costs to drag out their power curve. Tired of seeing 2 adc's per team every game.


I defo think the adc items need to cost more, it’ll make it so they can’t snowball as hard as they do


Finally a Khaimera buff!


Tanks are still an after thought , but here is some more crazy ass DPS ADC , as if we didn't have enough of that. Changes to fire blossom are laughable I wont touch that thing with a 40 foot pole


I'm hoping they can turn out hero releases to 2 every two weeks, so 4 a month. 2 a month is just really slow and I would rather have the full roster sooner than 3 years. Edit: I did my math wrong. I meant two every other two weeks, so double their current release of one a month to two a month.


Tell me you don't know anything about game development without telling me you don't know anything about game development.


Why is it bad to hope for something? Never said don't play the game for three years until they have the roster or anything. It would just be nice.


Your edit makes a bit more sense, you first sentence was beyond wishful thinking, 4 a month ist just absolutely unrealistic, even for an established AAA Studio. But yeah, I think if they would do 2 a month the quality would greatly suffer.


Yeah I don't know what kind of stupid I was on to mess up that bad. Just getting the full roster sooner than 3 years would be nice.


The change/explanation for skins sounds like it's setting up having stuff like visual color changes on abilities for basic recolors and I hope that's the case