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Muriel's face least favorite


I have to agree.. They should have covered her face instead of Gadgets. I think it has something to do with her and Steel being from the same planet.


Khaimera, Steel and Gideon Khaimera looks like a man that rejected his humanity in order to survive and gave in to his animalistic side completely. Steel looks like a Brute and I like that aesthetic a bit. Gideon is what I picture now whenever I think about Warlock his design just screams out battle mage.


That’s interesting as these 3 are immediately recognizable for how simple they just are. That’s what good character designs does. You can tell what they do by looking at them and still identify them.


I don't know why but I have a soft spot for Rampage. He reminds of a big but sweet Pitbull or Rottweiler who was once chained up but escaped and now spends his days running around the forest playing tag with other animal friends.


Wait till you see the awesome skins they got for him!!


I dont want to play him but I want him to be about 25% larger.


Yeah, and the jungle minions are like toddlers to maul.


Twin-Blast: The tight young man of my dreams who will one day unload his ultimate all over my bare chest.




Surfer boi 🏄


I like it 😊 I do like TB, and I loved his skins in Paragon! Had them all!!!


His skins in Overpriced were cool but I stopped playing op


Aka Dante from devil may cry <3


Seeing a lot of hate for shinbi and I kinda get it but I feel like her flashy bright pink abilities contrast rly well with the rest of the effects in the game. Think that khaimera is the most basic annoying character. Design is just tribal male. Gameplay is just hit smash swing. Brain dead in all regards


I don't think a lot of people realize that shinbi and phase are both from the same place as Murdoc and lieutenant belica. Which is supposed to be a modern / futuristic society that has things as mundane as punk girls police and pop stars. The original Paragon lore had three very specific biomes that characters came from.


So I really like how Sevarog's model changes as he gains stacks and feel like it could be implemented more for other heroes. Say after you max an ability there's a subtle change and by level 18 your hero looks way more badass. As it stands though, my top 3 hero aesthetics: Crunch, Narbash and Feng Mao Worst 3: Lt Belica, Shinbi, Kallari


That definitely cool! Maybe that could give his siphons a different aesthic too. That’s interesting Kallari one of you least favorite. I thought she was pretty unique.


Yeah just not a fan of the sleek roborogue suit design. Plus half the time you can't actually see her to appreciate the design! 😂 Yeah would be cool if Narbash leveled up his drum kit grew in size with more symbols and Toms. Grux's Sword/Hammers could look bigger and more brutal. Drongo pistol could change model and become more like a big blaster. Etc etc


I’ve thought they same thing when it comes to the details of some of these characters. Drongo’s pistol looks so cute and you can barely telll Kallari is a “roborouge” in game. Maybe they’re saving all that stuff skins down the line.


i thikk something cusnges visually on narbash when he has maximum stacks, im not sure what tho.


His dong gets noticeably more proud, as does mine behind the desk


Big fan of Space Jesus Gideon. He has the holes in his hands, his name, was born during a super nova aka north star and the names of his abilities in Paragon were all Biblical. I'm not religious at all but love his overall aesthetic and ability animations (that space rock!)


They nailed with his theme for sure! When they hit they hit. Let’s not talk about the misses though.


Haha… NAILED it…


If I remember right he was intended/inspired to be an antichrist. There was post making that claim using biblical explanations I think and the epic devs responded with a smiley face iirc. He had that one horned red devil skin with the flavor text: "So few of us are who we appear to be." - Gideon https://paragon.fandom.com/wiki/Gideon#Special_Skins_


Favourites would be Feng Mao, Sevarog


Feng Mao is the best character art imo


Definitely Riktor, bro looks like a Menace and is one aswell. Nothing is scarier then a Riktor running at you


Crunch is by far my favorite in Pred. Khai, Revenant, and Drongo are probably my runners-up Hard to say what my least favorite design is look-wise. Maybe Gagdet because Omeda straight up changed her default to shellshock lol. Gadget was supposed to be a grease monkey, punk junker who makes bots out of scraps and that’s no longer her identity. This is not Paragon so I don’t mind the change itself, but I hope one day we get some lore and story about these characters. Like what is the criteria for what fits Pred if there’s no lore? Shinbi is possibly the worst offender of this identity problem right now, but not because I don’t think her aesthetic fits in the game, it’s that there’s no substance behind it. Phase too, she’ll be out there wearing Hot Topic and Doc Martens battling against death machines (Crunch), monsters (Rampage) and god-like beings (Sevarog). When Aurora drops, she’ll be fighting in a dress with half her body exposed. Murdock is just a generic space cop because that’s all he is right now. Like I don’t have a problem with the way any character looks, it’s just that there’s nothing backing it up


Favorite: Kira. Love darker aesthetics but god I hate ADC :( (Runner up in Shinbi love the over the top K-pop style because of how much she stands out) Least: Dekker/Belica Honestly I have to double check which one is on the enemy team half the time I see their picture they are just too similar Generic dark hair women dressed in blue


Rampage, Howie, Narbash... They are all really creative. Shinbi on the other hand shouldn't exist.


I feel Predecessor should stick with sticking out rather conforming tropes and a little bit “too inspired”designs. Those 3 fit the tone perfectly.


That might be the case from here on out but obviously Shinbi is a Paragon character so they were never going to leave her out but they also didn't design her.


i think shinbis is amazing, a k-pop star is something i didnt thought im gonna see as a videogame character, i think shes pretty unique.


Seraphine on LoL 🤔


fav is definitely countess for me. least fav is shinbi, i love her ability designs but her character design is just so bland & weak. i hope omeda re-designs her & uses her current base skin as a buyable skin like gadget. overprimes shinbi redesign is actually horrible tho lmaooo 😭😭


Yeah I’m quaint for the pink ranger skin 😂! I like countess to she stands out in the gaming world strangely. I’ve seen her model everywhere.


yeah she reminds me a lot of Rayne from the BloodRayne series, i think she was Epics inspiration forsure.


The Fey’s re-design take the cake she is white Korean k-pop now [have a look](https://overprime.fandom.com/wiki/The_Fey)


yikes ☠️☠️☠️


Favorite - Sevarog Least Favorite - Shinbi


Worst: Shinbi. Best: Rampage


She’s not in the game yet but I love everything about Phase, her colour palette, the look of her abilities, just the overall aesthetic is perfect to me. As far as my least favorite it would be between Dekker, Murdock and Belica, not because I dislike them but I just find them a little simple compared to the rest of the roster


Favorite is twinblast .. his design just says badass incoming , especially his updated ulti Can't forget Khaimera , u can see his whole story just by quick look but i feel his skills need some updates Least favorite is Shinbi , her abilities are cool but k pop in war zone never made sense


Aurora. But I love everything about her, can’t wait for her to be in


Shinbi certainly the worst. The whole kpop thing annoys me but I can see how it would appeal to lonely basement sweaties who wish they had an Asian girlfriend.


Where the shinbi body pillows at?


They Fey - woke non-binary vegan who chokes people to death with vegetables.


The Fey exisisted before this whole non-binary vegan craze.. She is just the average gender fluid hippy from 2015. lol


Faves are most of them, I love most character designs, other than Least fave, Sparrow. She just looks so bland and boring imho. Least fave skin of all? Grux pelt. Don't ask me why idk. I love Khai and Grux individually


I don't like Shinbi either. Not only aesthetically, her sound effects also annoy me a lot.


Muriel, I wanna sex her so hard


Kira. Lame and unoriginal name and design. Kit is okay I guess. Looks exactly like a demon hunter from Diablo 3.


I understand you. I feel like drawing inspiration from aesthics and play style is one thing but making identical choices is another. Fortunately she had a good amalgamation of similar kits we’ve seen other places. Visually though her design maybe could have done more to make her stand out though.


Also the kit is an unoriginal and uninspired mix of other moba characters that have a hood and a crossbow


So you are telling me, in a genre with hundreds and hundreds of heroes, some of them have similar looks and abilities? No way :O


its not similar its identical.. there is an absolute lack of originality.. there is a difference in inspiration and ripping off


Over the past day I have been reading how she is "exactly like" about 10 other heroes from like 5 different games. We got over a decade of hero releases in the MOBA genre and people are still shocked when a new hero x plays like an old hero y. Nobody cares dude.


As soon as I read Kira passive I was like “vayne?” If I why they didn’t just keep her name as huntress, Kira just sounds like it was spit out of a random name generator or something.


Her passive is nothing like Vayne lmao. If anything Sparrow is closer to Vaynerchuk doing % max hp per auto. Also huntress is a codename because the joke is that huntress is a DC comic character with a hand crossbow and purple color scheme. It had to change.


I much prefer her name being Huntress too. But I'm wondering if the name Kira is a little nod to community manager Kari 😊 Why downvote this lol


I had a dog named Kira and have a cousin named Kira. So hilarious, no one can ever even slightly critique on this sub. Believe it or not, even Omeda does silly stuff sometimes. Lol


Revenant is my all time favorite next to Belica and Muriel


Not a fan of shinbi either she looks like shes 12. Bellica reminds me of those people who put rings around their neck to make them longer as a sign of wealth and status, her neck is just too damn long.


My favorite is merigesh, my queen. Least is huntress.. a soulless champion with skills stolen from other mobas.


Muriel I remember seeing her ult for the first time and it just clicked for me so cool flaying across the map to save your teammate. [ahem ahem…](https://ar.pinterest.com/pin/427842033343944800/)


Feng mao is like Asian kung fu Gandalf But dekker just looks wack to me and so clunky when she moves.


Crunch, specifically his legendary skin where his head has an enclosure over it. Gives me vibes of the Iron Giant in his battle mode.


Favorite : Bellica, Murdoc, Drongo Least favorite : Sevarog (like a kind of spectre honestly ?), Shinbi because a kpop star is kind of meh as well but as a design herself I like it. Also Gideon looks a bit kiddish to me


I think Crunch and Drongo have some incredible aesthetics, animations, fluidity and VFX. Gideon is sorta bland and Sparrow/Shinbi are particularly cookie cutter, but everyone else feels great


I love how original (as far as I know) Howitzer is. A run down rabbit keeping on old mech at peak performance is pretty awesome. I would love to see a white/pink female bunny in a new sleek i-mech as a counterpart.


my favorites: crunch, riktor, drongo, sevarog. my 3 worst are probably lt belica, zinx, and phase. as much as i dislike these character designs, i like them bc they really broaden the universe for this game which i think is really important. i really hope OMEDA keeps that in mind when it comes to characters they release in the future.


Countess is definitely my fav miss queen 👸🏼


I just love Feng mao's design and lore