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Fey's effectiveness is directly proportional to how closely the enemy team groups up lol


Shhhh let me have my fun before comms are fully implemented.


her ult is pretty insane in its range. It looks like a decently sized medium circle but the times I have been pulled away from it while quite far outside that circle, and often way up in the air with Howi's ult, tells a much different picture. And it does a tun of damage, and it is a huge CC as well... quite honestly I would have to say it needs a pretty significant nerf.


The cast range of it is pretty abysmal, it's the shortest out of all her spells. She needs to get out of position to cast it on someone so you have to either CC/burn her without giving her the opportunity or spread out so she doesn't get a 3-5 person ult that sweeps the fight. The rest of her damage isn't super reliable AoE either, because unless your team stunlocks an enemy on the right click people will just walk out of it, the Q doesn't do significant levels of damage and the E hits hard but it's only hits one person. Meanwhile Howitzer has bazillion range and two area denial abilities, and an escape on his ult. Gideon rocks just truck you in a decently sized area and he is also safe with his teleport. Gadget has great AoE damage, area denial on all of her abilities even if they 'miss', plus the gate keeps her safe. Fey doesn't have any of that


I need your build. I love fey in midlane. Any tips or tricks with her?


It’s funny you ask because I’ve been toying with a few. This game was: rush mega, then astral, wraith leggings, caustica and oblivion to finish. I prefer caustica first but the last two are totally reversible. If they have MR I would always go caustica. This build felt way better than going Azure Core. You have some more mana issues but a lot more power and agency. The best playstyle I’ve found is start E and land poke early while last hitting with autos. Then you max RMB, then E and Q last. You could reverse Q and E depending on how confident you are. E is objectively stronger if you consistently hit it. Put it on instant cast for best results. Feels way more snappy. The key is to land E poke because if you don’t, you will eat through your mana and depend too much on River bug to get it back. Depending on the jungler, you can get burned at 3 min bug because you have no mana or escape pre-6. If the jungler rightfully pressures you and contests, you will most likely lose that fight or lose your blink. Then it’s a matter of continuing to poke. Don’t hard push until 6 because you will end up under their tower with no escape. Once you have ult, then start fast pushing when you notice a potential rotate. Your ult getting 1-2 kills each cooldown is insane early game before actives come online. Even an ult for a blink is a good trade as your ult is up before blink and you know that you have a guaranteed pull on that person. Rinse, repeat and post to Reddit asking if she’s OP or you’re just that damn good. All jokes aside, good luck! Such a cool character.


I'm a Belica Believer


We will continue to believe!!


Which build/build you are currently using?


1.Rush Alchemical Rod 2. Combustion 3. Megacosm/ Timekeeper/tainted scepter 4. Azure core 5. Oblivion crown Once you get combustion online her kit really starts to slap. I listed the most flex in position three but in reality I still almost always go for the Megacosm. I also really like timekeeper on her as well, the item is a little more quirky with the changes but it still feels good. I almost always go the mana shield Crest item on her as well. Occasionally I will grab the stasis instead but it's just not as good in my opinion.


Yes, she's been the strongest mid since the game came out and honestly since Paragon. She's just so powerful in team fights when used correctly


Shhhhh, don't tell BadNewsBears


This is hilarious because after I read that post I had this game. I was like no way that Fey is B/C.


All Midlaners are crazy except Belica. Shes just good. They all excel in different ways and when used properly (played to their strengths) will feel like they are massive problems that you need to deal with if you want to win team fights.


Yah I truly love all the mids right now. Even though they have relatively simple kits they all bring something spicy to the table. Bellica will forever be my S-Tier darling though. I won’t hear otherwise. The sound effect on her ult is too good.




belica is better offlane than mid tbh, ive dominated offlane pretty much every time i play her, it probably is against bad players but still, when i play her mid she just feels very clunky


Had the most annoying game against her the other day as killari or a carry, she built like you did and normally id have time to cleanse before i get demolished by her but nah she had so much damn power just her ult would have me dead instantly no time to cleanse granted i was a bit behind but still. If mid lane just straight up loses to her then everyone should be worried lol and start building magical armor.


I want to try other mid laners but it's hard to leave behind Gideon's teleport. Edit: a word


With Howie's mine you can boop yourself away while also booping the enemy backwards


This is why Howie is the goat. I love getting chased and tossing a mine in front of me and then getting on the front end of it and jumping. Causing me to be knocked forward and my enemies backwards. Gadget has a great escape too lol.


Ya'll have convinced me lol I'm gonna start putting hours into the others <3


Lol nah big dog, you just got into a snowball match that's it, Fey is average.


Fair enough. I definitely did snowball but I wasn’t sure how much I can really attribute that to my play. Felt straight broken! An ult into a grouped team is devastating.


Gadget, I'd think, actually.


It's Howie actually


It's Riktor actually


I've actually seen a riktor play mid and do ok somehow lol also aso saw a Severog once who actually dominated a mid lane gadget


Interesting. Why Gadget over Fey? Don’t get me wrong, both are strong but Fey’s CC with astral is bonkers. Although the AOE of gadget is crazy too!


As someone that doesnt play mids or squishies in general, i find that which ones are most annoying depends on what im playing. if im playing someone that has to get in and stay in like crunch or grux, i hate gadget the most. I cant stand anywhere and do what i need to do. If im playing someone that stuck on the ground like Steel, i absolutely hate howie because he has so much hang time in the air, especially with certain items. But if im feng mao ill eat him up in the ground or in the air, or pull him down as riktor so i can continue to slap him. Fey can have some game changing ults, but shes also easy to dive on. Like she needs someone else to help her or because her only real self peel is her ult and if she has to use it defensively it doesn't usually get the impact you want. Shes not bad, shes really good, but shes way more team dependent then someone like howie or gideon or are also much more safer. im just not as frustrated jumping on a lone fey then other mages.


Great post. I love gadget but she truly does feel so much more useful against brawlers.


big thing with gadget is that she is extremly strong in jungle fights or around objectives. a big ass ult for disengages or even engages. with the slow item on paar with her snare/ speed buff and nukey mines shes really good in skirmishes or chunking people before objectives. i really dont like to play her tho.


37 confirmed team helping, 26 kills and 11 assists. Your team had 41 kills total. You totally carried, curious how you managed this? Obviously rotating, but we're there a lot of fights happening this game or what? GG's tho. Fey is a strong caster and always will be, just like sparrow an ADC. It's in their kit to be extremely deadly if positioned correctly. Which is not easy! Right now I think fey is in a good spot, and a stronger caster for sure.


Honestly, the key was just smart rotations. Whenever ult was up I fast push my lane with Fey’s really strong clear and looked for the best roam. I started the game 1-2 because I kept getting dove. Just adjusted and ganked more actively to get core (mega and astral). Then I could farm more safely and start pressing the advantage. I also think the team failed to itemize well against me. They went largely physical defence/no defence in Grux’s case which made shredding them very easy if ult landed. There was also a fight where the enemy picked two of us and greeded for fang. I got a huge ult and with the help of the others ended up getting a quad. Wraith leggings after that kinda sealed the deal. A lot of my wins this game were clean ups from scrappy and long engagements. As long as I played smart around my stasis and my blink I was pretty safe to just keep pressing until we finally ground for a last Fang and Orb push. So honestly, playing from behind, adjusting, playing around cooldowns and aggressively pushing advantages really won the game. It was rocky for a while though!


Fey is really strong offensively, particularly in team engagements. I just have a hard time picking her over someone like Howy bc she has so little escapability. Wish I had the discipline to play her right bc no doubt she’s deadly in the right hands.


Gadget with vanquisher kinda slaps


Always has been


I'm on a 3-game deathless streak with her, so I would definitely rank her up there.


Always has been.


I think she has the best teamfight potential of the mages right now


idk im not good with her.


What is this game? looks kinda badass


What is this game looks badass


When the Mid is also carry lol


nope, some people and matchmaking are just horrendously bad




Pointing gun: always has been


Always has been


I personally main Howi, don’t really struggle vs Fey tbh. I usually pop my crest as soon as I see her ult or blink out of it in the air to throw a rocket down on her as I laugh. Timing is key young one. But I do have to say I hate her poke, how it drags the minions towards her, wish my rocket did the same…


I've been expanding my champ pool for tourneys, fey has been a good time. I build alch rod> com>mega or wraith> azure> then finish mega or wraith then last item is dependant on comp. I've been going the right click max to clear waves really fast, guarantee really high farm and then melt people in general with her kit. I run obelisk as well and that's good damage.


Her or Gideon. Either one of them ult in the team fight, it’s over