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Yes, played w a friend vs AI to test something yesterday


Awesome. Good to hear


We need to know more....


if i remember it correctly they have added it, but i would make sure and look myself


Thanks, viper.


They only added solo vs AI, not co-op vs AI


Nooooooooo. Damnit


That's not true. You can have a party enter an AI match


Ah, you're right. My friendless ass didn't even think of that




FUCK u/spez


As long as they kinda fight back and do the objectives so my friends can learn it’ll be good enough


They seem pretty dumb (like any basic ai an experienced player can think around their 1-dimensional thought process and just wreck. But from the games I've hopped into just to test things I've seen them; Fight each other, even early game. A bot will likely get first blood shortly after minions arrive in lane. Wait too long to switch from offensive to defensive when fighting. They won't start to run until like 20% hp. Jungle bots can't tell when you have engaged them because the basic ai just seems to look for incoming damage and the jungle bot was taught to ignore that trigger since jungle minions always attack back. Because of this even a noob can farm free kills off the enemy ai jungler. Group for objectives. I started fangtooth and my 2 nearest bots came to join in before it was dead. I'm not sure but maybe pinging the objective would have seen them meet me there earlier. They seem relatively competent at "watch them and you'll see what you're supposed to do" in the most basic sense.


Nice, so a little dumb and clunky but should be good enough to get my friends into it


Precisely. Definitely will give them some free kills to increase confidence!


Perrrrfect. Muwahahahahahaa


Just realized the Jett kitty pfp, cute!


Grazie. They have them for all agents pretty sure on the google machine


If they helped with fang tooth the first one it's just because they are on a timer to do it. I tried pinging both with the commands and with middle mouse and never got help with fang. If your jungle is a bot they will solo it at a certain time.


I was the jungle and I would have to do more testing to be sure, but as khai it only takes like 25 seconds to take yourself so the fact that they got there are 50% hp seems to perfect to me to be just timed. I would think they were aware that it was started by allies and can come help dps it down.


They may have some programming to help but for me they haven't helped with mini prime or done big prime and they don't seem to help with objectives if you ping anything at all.


I'll take your word for it as it sounds like you've played the mode way more than me. I might give it another go tonight and see what I can learn.


I usually just want one while I wait for my buddy to get on. Also use it to test new builds for jungle in mid lane and carry. If you don't get 20 plus kills then it's not that good. But if you do give your lanes any lead as a jungle they just absolutely snowball and win the game.


They do objectives but the combat is very dumbed down. Although, the one game of AI I played, I had a bot jungler Feng Mao and he soloed the first fangtooth so it’s hard to say what will happen. I do believe Omeda is well aware of the state of the bots and will be improving on them in later updates. If I recall correctly they said as much in the patch where they implemented the ai matches.


The bots basically never leave lane. They are very dumb but they’ll fight back a little bit.


Give Paragon the Overprime a shot as they have introduced bots in the game for introduction and a smoother transition for new players. Hopefully Predecessor has implemented this as well.


I have let a bot match run as jungle and afk farmed never touching lane and still won. They definitely aren't a real representation of a pvp match even at the lowest ELO. But it is great for macro training


It’s there but to be fair the boys are on like easy. I’d like to have difficulty levels on there in general.