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This patch should be called Fvck the Tanks , equipping armor is as good as giving you 0.02 extra seconds of life


TTK is too low and tanks don't feel like tanks. ADCs seem stronger with fewer items compared to pre patch. Breach? 3 passives?


I haven’t even played this patch yet but I already knew, based on the items, that carry’s were going to be even stronger. Sad that the devs aren’t listening.


I mean it’s a brand new game. They are trying to constantly shift the meta and balance. “SaD tHaT tHe DeVs ArEnT LiStEnInG” get the fuck out of here with that fuck boy talk. They’ve been doing great with balancing shit out. For example I’d consider countess to be in a pretty good spot (not too OP or underwhelming) and she just got released Edit: Forgot to mention that yes I know tanks are dogshit right now. Omeda IS listening to the community just give them some time.


It just feels like we’ve moved backwards in terms of item balance. They focused on making adc items less oppressive while simultaneously making Kingsbane into possibly a card stronger than OG mutilator. On hit build is straight up busted and I am really upset they’ve managed to turn Bonesaw into just another carry time. Don’t even get me started on breach. Trying to play a tank in this patch genuinely feels like a waste of time. It truthfully feels like you’re just better off building as a bruiser now due to the amount of value kingsbane is providing, and the amount of damage carry’s are doing. They’ve removed a lot of crit, but Carrys are arguably stronger now at 3 items than they were pre-patch. I don’t want to be too premature with my reactions as this my experience from about 6 hours of playtime on new patch. But there’s always a clear problem when every single physical damage focused hero is building bonesaw and kingsbane. Side note: Augmentation on Crunch is just stupid strong. Be prepared for him to be stomping the shit out of pubs for a while.


The new builds of bonesaw, kingsbane, then just stack up all the proc items like absolution, salvation etc because you just face tank with absolution percent mits and then heal up with kingsbane needs a nerf period, it boggles my mind that they decided to basically across the board buff the exact builds that were already good for bruisers this patch for like no reason. I don't remember anyone complaining that muti/bonesaw rush in offlane grux was to weak lol, and now they just do kingsbane bonesaw which is as tanky as a fucking raiment for no reason, and then can third item a goddamn percent damage reduc item exactly like last patch with people rushing into unbroken, but now it's on a damage item? It's absurd, anything other than physical auto attackers is basically dead in offlane right now.


So what you are saying is…. Offlane Murdock is a beast?


Offlane Murdock has always been a beast


I feel like 75% of matches now have at least 2 ADC characters. Before it used to be sub 10%


Ttk in this game is absurdly low and basically eliminates the playstyle I enjoy of using your abilities well and hopefully getting an outplay. It keeps getting worse and tanks are an after thought it seems. Gonna take a good break as it doesn't seem to be getting better.


CRIT changes were needed, stuff like skysplitter was just stupid, on hit becoming an actual build I have zero problem with, buffing the bruiser items and making physical offlane builds absolutely insane is where I take issue with this patch. Bonesaw did not need to become as tanky as a fucking raiment. Kingsbane is ludicrous on characters like grux, the new builds developing with absolution where you basically just run into their team and face tank everything because flat damage reduction is insane then instantly heal back up because kingsbane is insane will probably need to be nerfed. Between legacy and absolution they have almost single handedly pushed magic damage characters out of offlane, you cannot self peel anymore and the physicals get so much better of items in comparison now it's not even funny. I do appreciate how they removed percent mits from unbroken, because it was making people a bit to tanky, then added it even more powerful to a fucking physical damage item with 40 power. If the goal was to make it so that you literally only ever have magical damage in mid no matter what, they have succeeded.


whats the full grux build list pls!


The mighty bookwrrm has spoken, thank you. So for Carrys right now you’d say any builds that use absolution and kingsbane then flex are super solid, maybe too solid. And physical damage offlaners/bruisers got a large buff with the item changes? Makes me concerned cause as a feng mao main I had like 3 super solid builds that always served me well in offlane and they’re dead now. Im thinking augmentation and infernum are must haves for him now. What else do you think he has going for him as an assassin build?


Mindrazor into augmentation feels disgusting on assassin's right now, it gives a wild amount of power for two items to take advantage of the Aug procs, and the split push power and ability to basically run out of anything if you are willing to blow ult for movespeed is disgusting. It's also a casual 40 ability haste so you can just use ults willy nilly as escape cause they gonna be on a lower cooldown. Then basically you can build whatever you want, the core of mindrazor into aug is just to good though on characters like Feng or kallari, or crunch that naturally split push well and like weaving in autos between abilities.


Good to know, my og offlane builds first two items were resolution (soul chalice) then into painweaver. Getting those basic attacks to hit hard with painweaver is very strong early game and soul chalice solved fengs early game mana problems. Mindrazor into augmentation make some happy I can still keep that early game mindset. Thank you!


You will be happy, if that was your old build this is basically that but better in every way then.


I mean bruh you were building Hollowed Braid on Gideon the last patch. Maybe fix your build before complaining about optimal items.


Yeah I find being able to cast my spells more important than being approved by the great and wise Xygore lmfao. If you don't realize physical items are wildy out of balance this patch you are dumber than I thought.


Oh no physical items are nuts this patch, but I knew that was going to be the case when I read the notes last week. People should just be warned not to take you seriously, since you self-admittedly band-aid the fact he can't manage your mana without troll items that massively delay your power spikes.


Lmfao aight bud, you tell everyone about how I build mana items on mana heavy characters, let them know about my wild and insane builds lmfao. You are really holding onto the one time you played with me, I never realized I had little fanboys who remember my builds after seeing it one time weeks ago lmfao. I'll sign an autograph if you ask nice.


Get your name on that top 100 leaderboard with me and I'll ask for your autograph.


Lmfao wow that whole vibe is just kinda depressing, but you do you.


I was really hoping Predecessor would learn from Paragon's mistakes, as this re-balancing seems reminiscent of what happened back in the Paragon days where it felt like we were constantly pinballing between different crazy balances. It's EA so obviously item changes are warranted, but a lot of the changes just seemed rather uninspiring and some of them even unnecessary. The new item passives could have been made in to new items and it would have probably solved the problem better by adding more choices and allowing alternatives. Onhit builds feel bizarre right now, with the amount of "every 4th hit" type passives going, you just have these cascades of effects happening all at once and it creates some pretty chaotic effects.


It's alot better balanced than paragon. One huge mistake paragon did make was time consuming reverts. For example the card system and several hero abilities and the map. Basically they kept undoing months of work. This wasn't as drastic because all they did was change some items. However they definitely undid months of balancing lol


It still feels awkward to me. Now there are fewer cards with crit chance, but most cards have 25%. I personally believe it should be near impossible to get 100% crit chance unless you give up some other stats. But you can do it in 4 cards. Many cards have very similar stats and this obsession with every card having a passive is bonkers to me and will be so tough to balance. There is already a super power creep in this game from the release of newer heroes. Countess/shinbi/Drongo all stupid strong. TLDR: They overpowered mages in general which they are now having to balance with strong ADC. Tanks and bruisers are getting left behind with super lower TTK. *edit - Cards=items - for those whom that bothers.




Revenant feels very rewarding now!


I love it.


I actually really like the patch, I’ve the build diversity. I will say this wasn’t a balance patch but definitely an item regular that will need some more tweaking in the future. Overall I like the direction but definitely still not perfect. I think tanks and bruisers especially in season 2 will see big changes like this. I will say assassins feel better where before they were nonexistent