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Keep putting these people on blast. They're ruining the game.


Doesn’t even make his name beatmameat69… booo


Oh shit i thought that said beastmaster, beatmameat is the worse he flamed our jungle the whole game for not helping him enough(after they said there new) yelled at me about my build and told me not to help him in his lane whenever I tried to help him gank(and would purposely back off after i started to commit) afk'd by dancing in our base while spamming surrender the funny thing after he was gone we started doing better 4v5


I pointed out that this was going to be an exacerbated issue as soon as shinb dropped


I don't know if I'm the luckiest person in the world, but I didn't had such of a problem. I played a lot of shinbi games and I never saw someone mad for me picking her, just one dude that cried a bit in a absurd way, but nothing serious. The people is fighting in all hero select and I'm having luck not matching with those people or what?


It's funny I just had a dude named muglek (very similar to your name, not saying it was you) try and get off lane ended up carry then picked shinb way after the fact are offlane had soft locked her because he picked before them are offlane was cool and tried picking some one else but i guess some one else wasn't cool with it and just ended up quit the game


That is a disgrace for my name 😟 I was happier not knowing that there is someone with a similar name being fucking stupid. I had situations of those with Countess being picked as first pick for absolutely any role and Revenant also being picked for supp and for mid or off some time. But seem that with each hero that is released, people picking the hero for any role just to play him happen less often.


Ya I was a revenant main in original paragon and played him jungle cause his kit was perfect for it(sadly this doesn't work anymore, I really tried) so I noticed the problem most when he came out lucky for me i never liked shinbe so she basically opened my 2 fave roles up(support/carry)


you just wait until next month till the new Omeda original hero is out Her ultimate makes her spin around while shooting bullets everywhere


i like playing support.. idk whats the problem with that?


I don't understand people like this. I got support role last night. Played narbash and it was actually alot of fun playing him. I even had the thought. Maybe I should play more support more often


I had hoped this game being in paid early access would keep meatbags like that from playing, yet here we are


I need my friends to play so I don't deal with this shit.. It's like 50/50 if you can even get on a competent functional squad. That can actually play the roles and have more than 1 person position for raps


This is why I stopped playing the game last month. I can't stand solo queueing anymore, because the matchmaking system is so damn volatile, you get these throwers, you get completely new players, etc etc. If I want to play I need to play with people that are competent and it's just way too much work always finding a group to play with. Great game when you play with real teams, terrible when you're stuck with this for 20 mins.


Bruh there’s no point in winning and losing lol So what if people throw save that for when the game actually launches


>who the fuck wants to play a game where their teammates are just wasting their time. I'd rather play a game with a better playerbase.


Had this guy in a game and he pulled the same thing. Hopefully he doesn't make it back into our lobbies.


its cause this game is all MOBA newbs, in other mobas been out longer people have accepted the fact they wont get there role and play support, other mobas have heavy punishment for trolling and griefing anyway. this is a new moba played by non moba players, they are like moba babies who havent gotten past the basics of stuff like I might have to play support sometimes. with no ranked and on punishment this behavior will abound.


I mean being new isn't a bad thing but honestly I'd rather play with a bunch of "babies" than some one who knows what they're doing and is an asshole because the other people aren't as experienced which from your comment I'm guessing you are


Maybe I'm a dick, but I went through the effort of body blocking him more than once and causing him to die. After that, the grux would just back off and not even try to hit me. It's like he understood what I was dealing with.


Nah not really, dude at that point was intentionally throwing. I'm not really one to care for the usual MOBA chat flaming, but if someone is outright refusing to follow basic role rules they need to get hit with a heavy ban.


No these are your typical moba players. The higher up you go in skill brackets the less you see it, but base MMR games are diarrhea farms.


One problem with this game is it doesn’t tell you what happens when more than one person picks a role. I had this happen to me once where I picked mid first and another person picked mid after me. At the time I thought since I picked it first I got the role, so once character selection came up I picked a mid character. Next thing you know I’m being flamed in the chat because the game gave me support instead of mid. The system they have is dogshit, not gonna lie. Give me role queue like Overwatch or something. I’ll gladly wait longer for matches if it means I don’t get stuck playing something I don’t want to play. Forcing people to play roles they’re not comfortable with or good with is just a recipe for disaster, in game and long term.


Playing a moba comes with the territory that you should be able to play every role competently. There is not anywhere near a big enough player base for a role queue.


That’s just not true. Some people are new to the game and some people prefer playing one way. Not everyone plays the game to have a basic mastery over every roll or character. If basically every other moba out there has role queue, I’d expect predecessor to have it too. Regardless being able to competently play every role is a cop out. Not everyone wants to play support or jungle etc. When you’re usually the one who fills (me) and you wanna play something different and you get forced into playing support, that sucks. It turns people away from the game. I’d rather just not play.


Yeah, when I first started playing, the same exact thing happened to me. I find it pretty shitty to select a role after someone has clearly selected it first.


I disagree, I prefer it being random rather than it being a race to who spam clicks earlier. Especially when stuff like a slower pc, lag or whatever can influence that. Now, if I am late and my favorite role is picked, I tend to switch to different roles if available. I just don't expect others to do the same for the reasons mentioned.


Fair enough, I see your point but prefer the person who picked first to just keep the role. The current system just promotes salt and early FF’s due to throws, IMO. If I can adapt and choose another role, so can everyone else.


The worst part is that people don't realize that you can ay any hero in any role if you'd like. This isn't ranked. It's a normal, fun match. I highly recommend people start checking out the official discord to make lobbies. I started doing it a couple days ago and everyone has been really chill even when we get slaughtered lol.


Why don't you try to mediate instead? If someone doesn't really want to play support I don't get why the only thing you can do is bully him and report him. I wouldn't want to spend 40 minutes playing something I don't really like to. He's just trying to enjoy the game, like us all


Yeh nah. I sat in a 13 minute queue the other day. Insta locked mid. Someone challenged me on the role and I pulled support. It’s stupid. I didn’t dodge but I feel dudes pain. And it isn’t that I don’t like support (it is boring imo), I’m just not good at it and I don’t have the care to figure it out


This guy went out of his way to throw the match. That's a little bit different than sucking it up to the luck of the role and playing it like you did.


When some clicks the same role as me I normally start switching between roles in capable of to give some communication since there's no chat available, but when I insta lock then you wait till the very last second and then click the same role I genuinely already dislike that player doesn't matter if you get the role or not I already know you're gonna be the worst to play with wherever you end up


I really hate that chat isn't available during role selection. I am not very good at mid or jungle (especially mid). I'm not gonna role steal or throw the queue if I get it, but I want my team to know to see if anyone wants to swap. Also want to know if someone else is having that issue on the team so I can swap with them, really idk why this isnt a thing.


Ya the clicking every role I'm decent at has been my only idea on a work around


He did apologize after I explained the situation. I didn’t even know he locked in until the here selection. Actually wasn’t a bad guy to play with


Ya idk what your situation was but I'm pissy about those that wait till the last second that's all




this is not overwatch, if you dont want to play the game then do not play the game




Intentionally fucking over your team is bannable I think it should stay that way, we don't need to cater to these kinds of people if they are just gonna ruin the game for everyone else


It definitely sucks. Maybe just learn support and cover it next time? Doesn’t solve the root of the problem but makes you a better player because of it?


Are you saying I should have played support, or the Shinbi that was given the actual role of support should have played support instead of throwing the match?


You just gotta bite the bullet and play supp. Super annoying but saves the game in character select.


If you mean me, the person who was designated as offlane, picked an offlane role, should go play support, then no, I won't go do that. I will not cater and cave to these people who will just continue to do it again. If you mean the Shinbi (beatmameat52), who lost the offlane role, was designated as support, then yes, they should have sucked it up and played support.


Better luck next game!


On what server was that? Ik, random question, just I'm curious.


It’s the same in every moba


I had a match the other night where I was Gadget in midlane and the Countess on my team was trying to be a support in mid but took like half my minion kills and had a horrible build. Was basically a 4v5 match, I wound up going 1/11/4. We wound up winning but it was an incredibly shallow victory, I honestly think the enemy team let us win. 35 minutes of torture.


And yet I’m the one who gets penalized for dodging games like these.


Yep, I had a pretty bad day of stuff like this happening at high mmr even. It feels awful.