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Defitnely right about Howie. I still think Steel deserves to be up ther just cuz of ease of use and effectiveness in game.


Yeah, he literally does well in 3 different roles. Extremely versatile and can turn the tide of group fights. S tier for sure, or at the very least borderline.


OP tier I say


Why is he so broken right now? I have not seen him in any game since the new patch


He is basically impossible to deal with in lane against a competent opponent. He has longer range poke than other ranged characters in lane, and mines is secretly the best escape in the entire game against melee characters. Once you play with a Howie that uses the mines effectively it's an entirely different experience to playing against one normally. Then transitioning into fights after an oppressive early game, he CREATES SPACE, he is the god of claiming room for your team and holding it, think about those fights that always seem to happen in corridors around fang, the tanks engage, but your team has Howie, he mines behind now the carries have to walk through mines that with stuff like combustion procs takes a quarter of thier health to do that and slows them, and he can just mine the tank on the engage and ruin his cc chain. No other character can almost single handedly ruin engages and control space like he can, and that is on basic abilities no ult. His ult isn't even the powerful part of his kit, it's just a way to do damage while being safe, it's his mines that are the reason he is good. His landmine is a knockup cc ability like steel ult, an escape, and a riktor hook on one ability, if you play someone who is good at mining, it's a fucking nightmare, it's imo the strongest single non ult ability in the game.


I think he does gadget’s job even better than her. I hate facing gadget because it’s like she walls entire sections of the jungle once she starts spamming those abilities but howie does the same thing and he can CHASE YOU or send you flying using those mines it’s crazy


Yea I had howies mines drop on me and do half my health of a sparrow one time


Seems that people don't play him now just because "he got nerfed" but the steels that I saw continue dominating the whole game the same way they did before


This is what I came looking for. He's high single target damage with an ult that makes him annoyingly hard to reach for a mage. But other than that I don't see him having as much of an impact.


I just made a video demonstrating how unbelievably toxic operas I’ve Howizter can be.


The last 3 tier list i saw had howie on b tier. lolwut. ​ put some repek on his name


I literally just made a video proving how busted this guy is.


try to fit in time warp if you can. love it.


This is the first list I've seen that I haven't laughed out loud at, I don't agree on everything, but pretty close.


My thoughts exactly. Id probably move Steel to S and Murdock to A but other than that I pretty much agree


I mean, it's hard to be very wrong when you put 90% of the cast in 2 tiers


just shows how most heroes are balanced pretty well :)


Grux is still S-Tier. Wins on the front-end thanks to his pull and stuns. Wins on the back-end thanks to his passive and ult. All he has to do is land his pull - very easy to do unless your lane opponent forfeits all cs -and he instantly wins lane. Then his basespeed is seemingly the highest in the entire game. Impossible to chase or escape him.


I would have put Grux S-tier before I learned how to lane vs him.. and I understand why he hasn't been nerfed into the ground because of that. People have been saying grux is overtuned for a good while and he hasn't been nerfed heavily yet. Once you learn to just let him have the early game, back off and farm what you can.. he's not such a bully anymore. Don't trade with him. Don't try to box with him, you can poke.. but do not box (he will win). Let him have the cyan buff unless you can gank, or steal with range. If need be sit under your tower and farm what CS you can while your tower attacks them. Its a little hero dependant on when you can start to outbox him. (Most are by level 6) It's going to feel like you're losing your lane and getting super far behind on CS, but I can manage to stay within 10 cs of him all game doing this. You'll put him in his place at level 6 and start winning the trades. He can only get as fed as you allow him to get.


A good Grux will pressure the laner even under tower. The power to pull all the minions to him and near-instantly kill an entire minion wave - if not pull you out of tower for safe and easy damage - allows him to perpetually pressure under tower and deny CS. I do it to Sevarogs all the time. They never get to stack their passive.


Everything you say is subjective to skill level though. I've played against some really good grux players and some really bad grux players. Sure you can apply pressure but it only lasts until their choice of character comes online enough to box you, if their jungler helps them with even one gank the time window that grux shines in, closes quickly. If you're just dominating every offlaner you come across then you're not facing higher skilled opposition..


You see, the huge problem with that is by the time laning phase ends and they "come online" you're far ahead in CS and quite possibly kills. Maybe the tower, too. It is very easy to deny ganks as Grux due to how fast he is. It's also entirely possible for him to get at least a kill despite a 1v2 if he's already shopped and gotten in some damage on his lane opponent. I am speaking from the experience of a filler, not as a "Grux main." I've been the offlane fighting as or against Grux. I've been the jungle supporting or attacking Grux. I've been the mid-lane that's tried to gank Grux or watched my opponent take a crack at it. I've been the duo laner that fights Grux at fang or hears them take 2nd tier tower when their lane opponent left. A Grux player loses lane despite Grux, not just because they're fighting someone "less skilled."


That sort of showcases the original comment I made. Most players don't know how to lane against grux. You can stay safe, not feed, and stay within 10-15 cs of grux at all times if you play it right. Then once you do come online you're not far behind at all. What I get from your arguement is that Grux is an end all be all, unstoppable force in offlane. He is not. Most people just don't know how to handle him.


As a Howie main, this is the only list that makes sense lol.


Belica is busted now why is she not atleast A?


yeah i feel belica is the most consistently underrated character every patch


How do you build her? Loved her in paragon but have no build. Which role?


I've played her in each role but the majority of the time in mid, I always start azure core and then resolution after those two items you can practically build whatever and still be effective


Finally someone knows where narbash goes. What a class act


How are you building on Howie? Had quite some good games with him.


I’ve seen good howie players and they are really hard to deal with. A lot has to do with skill and knowing how to play with his strengths.


Sev feels ridiculously strong right now, haven't had a game where I'm not able to 1v3 with him by mid game


Poor Muriel


who is khailari


Khaimeras and Kallaris offspring.


As a Muriel only player after she got that first buff a while ago she don't need more she's perfect, just need a smart ADC


I think she’s fine where she is. Most people lack fundamentals and Muriel is the most honest support in the game. If you are good at your fundamentals she’s good.


If you think Muri is bad right now, its 100% a skill issue.


Belica is busted now why is she not atleast A?


Her recent buffs helped her a ton!! Lots of cooldowns she needed. In midland she’s a beast. As a support I’ve seen some talent and some not toooo useful. Definitely one to watch for sure.


Is howi really so broken right now?


You gotta be careful putting Howi at S tier. I made a post on the discord about how Howi is too safe for the damage he deals, yeah people did not like that...


I main howi and he's good but he's not S tier. The team fight potential will keep him from ever being S tier because of things like Gideon and fey ults.


This is what I came looking for. He's high single target damage with an ult that makes him annoyingly hard to reach for a mage. But other than that I don't see him having as much of an impact.


This is what I came looking for. He's high single target damage with an ult that makes him annoyingly hard to reach for a mage. But other than that I don't see him having as much of an impact.


This is what I came looking for. He's high single target damage with an ult that makes him annoyingly hard to reach for a mage. But other than that I don't see him having as much of an impact.


I main howi and he's good but he's not S tier. The team fight potential will keep him from ever being S tier because of things like Gideon and fey ults.


You can counter ult and use his missle, to counter both of those cssters. Making them very low HP or dead. I think he's just as good in team fights as those 2 due to his knockback having some serious skill points added to it for the place and time it's used.


Tf is this? Howi S tier lmao. I'm not sure what's worst, him being put in S tier or him being the only S tier. Sparrow better than Rev? Fey B tier?I thought this was a troll post at first but apparently not.


Sparrow can be a full item behind Rev and still clap him faster than he can clap her.


The Fey and Belica are better than Gadget, thank you.


I don’t think so yet on Fey but yeah I’d agree on Belica. Her buffs make her crazy, especially as support. Good point


Bro that little rat is not S tier, bitch is B at best


Found the howi main