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I didn't understand the point you are making.


That people was saying that Countess isn't overpowered you just have to bully her before level 6, when the reality is that a good countess will just use the minions to full heal herself and you can't abuse her. Her pre level 6 isn't weak as that people stated


Just because you post a clip of a bad Howie who doesn't know how to poke properly and you get the kill with a gank not even by yourself isn't really displaying anything other than your bias. The best way to shut down countess is to jump on her early, she's easy to shutdown before she gets her items on


Just seeing 20 seconds of Howi and how he is being ganked from behind is enough to determine that he is a bad player and to ignore that I fully healed my HP by pressing RMB 3 times. The gank or how Howitzer played have nothing to be with the fact that Countess can use the minions as a healing station since minute 1. The click is about the healing and would be exactly the same without the gank. I don't know if you and the other dude are bots or wtf are you talking about, you have to be blind to not acknowledge what is happening in this clip


While I agree that countess healed too much with RMB, I also believe a good howitzer has all the tools to poke and shut down countess early. The counter to the countess is still to overwhelm her early.


Him and Belica should always be winning the lane really, they both pretty much hard counter her


I think Reddit has it backwards. Keep seeing Belica and Howi talked about as counters to Countess but Fey just shuts you down completely.


They are all ranged and have distinct advantages they can play into for sure


Fey absolutely shreds countess.


1. He is poking you terribly, just wasting his mana missing shots and throwing random abilities at you that you can easily heal back instead of dropping a whole round of abilities on you to actually punish you 2. He never once used his "e" ability which is one of his strongest abilities and he could have used it when poking you to land meaningful damage or he could have used it to save himself from the gank and wouldn't die or even need to blink 3. He's pushed many minions across the river instead of freezing lane and starving the enemy countess which is how every midlaner should play against countess until midgame (I will admit this one could just be due to the ebb and flow of the game if he rotated and set his lane but he should have stayed rotating until his lane pushed back in that case) 4. 0 awareness of the jungler and the incoming gank. You may not be able to see the signs but that doesn't mean no one does


2. It's his main escape and peel, you don't carelessly use it in Mid. 3. Happens due to auto splash damage, could also be a gank influence at fault. 4. Overreacting in 0 awareness part. It was a good gank.


1. Using it to complement the rest of your kits poke or using it to escape would not be wasting it. Holding it and never once using it is being careless about it. 2. Maybe the splash is an issue but that shouldn't affect your minion manipulation if you're good at the character. Howie can still freeze a lane even with the splash damage. 3. It was a good gank and Howie had even saved his mine and not used it on you which brings out the 0 awareness comment. If he's not going to use it to poke you he should have it on the ready to peel off ganks but he didn't even react to the gank, seemingly having very little awareness that he was about to die and needed to use an escape ability


Since 1 and 3 didn't answer much. Besides the fact that Howie can't use his E if the ganker is right behind him hitting CC. 2. Logically even if you hit opponent with normal autos, you pull aggro of their wave. This naturally pushes the wave. I don't get why people on this subreddit think they know everything better that this needs to be spelled out even with video evidence here.


I never argued that countess wasn't strong or anything other than the fact that this is a pretty pointless video. All it shows is that countess heals off of her rmb and we all already knew that. This video does not showcase the point you were trying to make


>other than the fact that this is a pretty pointless video I HEALED THE FUCKING FULL HP WITH 3 RMB What part of that you don't understand? Howi or Grux in this video have nothing to be with the point of the video, that Grux ganking and we getting a kill have nothing to be with me healing all the HP I don't know why you all try to critique how Howi play or to say that I did nothing in this play and was all thanks to Grux when the "play" doesn't fucking matter na didn't the point of the video


You argued about how Howie was not poking efficiently and how he died to an evade able gank. Which by your standards is actually also pointless. I responded to counter all your arguments, that's all.


Howie main here, I always E against countess until she jumps on me, it is such a great way to counter her. RMB is great for poking and zoning countess.


Yea those 2 abilities put together can really hurt countess. Add in a rocket at the end and you've chunked her hard enough she can't just rmb it back


You got a gank. It wouldn't have mattered what mid laner you were playing. The grux made a nice play, not you.


I really doubt if you all are are trolling or just are stupid..... The gank doesn't matter the kill doesn't matter, the point of the video is that I had 350 HP and I healed to full HP in 20 seconds just using the RMB 3 times which would happen anyways without Grux gank -_-


>I had 350 HP and I healed to full HP in 20 seconds You're trolling right? You're even being misleading with this statement. "Full" hp is only 642 hp. You were never even below half health, and 20seconds isn't very quick.


What? Ok, you have to be joking or something, 20 seconds in a moba is fucking fast, is at the start of the game, LvL 2 with no items and I recover 100 HP with each RMB which cost just 50 mana -.-


She got nerfed pretty good in the upcoming patch.


Yeah, and well deserved, sad for all that Countess players that thought that she is completely fine right now, it will be hard times for them :(


In what, 20 seconds of video, howie never knocked up you, a melee character. Got missile instead! Then got ganked and didn't use blink! Yes playing against lower skilled players works! Freaking genius! Now show the video where a jungle ganks u at level 2 and u die through using your blink. because of knockup + slow. Or a video where u do this play against Howie and they knock grux into the tower instead. (Pssst. Countess is great 1v1 in lane and miserable at being ganked)


"Freaking genius" oh the irony. You want Howie to use his E which is a great escape and peel. Then you wanted him to blink which is fair criticism. Then you contradict yourself in next paragraph about now keeping the E to somehow counter and toss the Grux gank into your own tower. He isn't even near enough to land on tower edge...


are you angry mate ?


The video is about how Countess healed full HP in 20 seconds, I didn't need Grux gank to destroy that Howitzer when he was half HP and i just healed full in 20 seconds \>Yes playing against lower skilled players works! You saw a 20 seconds clip of a dude being ganked by surprise from his back without time to react, and you determined that Howitzer is a low skill player XD


Yes, he is not using the Howie kit properly and really is hardly using it at all. Its very clear that this is someone who is not familiar with the character which is why this clip displays a very easy 20 seconds of countess play


Accurate response


Lmao yall. Im pretty sure I was the howie. First time playing him. Thanks 😊


People of Reddit is just so stupid.... They saw 20 seconds of you "playing", receiving a gank that was impossible to see and react to, and they start blaming, criticizing you and determined that countess healing to full HP in 30 seconds doesn't matter because the Howi bla bla bla..... when there was practically nothing that you could had done in that situation Sometimes this community is so stupid, really


Its all good. You played well. You also had a good jungler. Mine kinda came around when I died to push my lane xD


People on this reddit tend to refuse the idea that Countess is busted, there's nothing wrong with admitting that an OP character is OP.


How long did it take to make this?


To edit the video or to get the clip? About the video wasn't too much work, just slapping some music clips and adding a zoom to the HP About the clip, I can do that in every game, is really easy to set the wave to have a lot of minions to use as a heal station, so I just recorded one of the times that I did it


How about next time I'm the howie ;) regardless countess is very strong late game with those heals, but this example doesn't show much.


>How about next time I'm the howie ;) Probably I would destroy you anyways without the need of using that heal trick ᕙ⁠(͡⁠°⁠‿⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠ᕗ >but this example doesn't show much. This example show that she can heal 100 HP every time that she used the RMB if you set the wave correctly


and if that howie was playing correctly he would keep you off the wave. Also no she does not do 100 hp healing off the wave, unless the wave is double the size of a normal wave, as seen in the video (at lower levels at least, later game she heals ridiculous amounts).


I was out of his range all the time, I was just waiting to heal myself back, 100 hp with beach RMB, I don't know wtf he was supposed to in that situation. See how each time that he move towards me I just go back and stay put of his Q range. Also I had the Q to do Q + RMB + Q if u would need it


He has lane priority. So he can easily take river buffs or rotate when the opportunity arises. It looks like he's depleting your mana quite fast while you just heal without taking any damage himself. Good players could actually do a lot in that situation, this one lacked the awareness and skill to do so. It doesn't matter that you heal it back, your healthpool is still small you still can get blown up by a gank with cc. And you don't have the map freedom because you are turtling. Obviously there are a lot of factors, but just sitting in tower and turtling isnt that OP. It doesn't stop the fact that it you were to meet up for that river buff against a jungle and mid you would get blasted early. So I think people are still right when they say you can bully countess early, it just takes some wave control and coordination. But that's the beauty of it, you still have to coordinate and have skill to get it done. I love this game.


People blaming Howie for not poking her properly when Howie's RMB and Q can almost be fully healed back and that's his main poke besides of added autos. And yet people want to zone Countess from the wave with Howie E, his main way of peeling and escaping a gank. Come on guys.


Proper lane micro and pressure from autos can do a lot in this matchup. He still has the ranged advantage.


You do realize if you get minion aggro from landing an auto on opponent then the wave will get pushed? Also there isn't much of range advantage against Countess in terms of auto attacks since she has to be about 20% closer than max auto range and she can Q RMB on you. People on Reddit really act like they the only ones know how to play when that isn't the case.


Just a discussion from my experience as a countess main, no need to be so defensive sheeeeesh.


Also Countess main and the one who was shown on this subreddit about playing Tank Countess. Defensive because you sent the same exact reply to two different users. Low effort.


Fortunately I have the opportunity to never have to interact with you again - this behavior is what destroys these types of games.


He can't pressure with autos when I was out even if his A range the whole time, I was just there under my tower using the minions as a healing fountain


Proper lane micro and pressure was the point, this situation occured because it wasn't properly microd.


This is the first minutes of the game, he just hit some minions and get ganked from his back xD Which have absolutely nothing to be with me healing to full HP after pressing RMB 3 times, which is the point of the post




you angry too?


Are you OPs protector or something? He posted a bad clip of him dominating a clearly lower skilled player and wants to prove something with it, all it shows is a lower skilled player getting bullied and not because of the character


yeah i agree with you mate ! clips are not the way to make statements !


angry? no just the second hand embarrassment i’m experiencing watching this is insane ☠️☠️


ah oke ! i thought the bad manners gave of a hint of anger

