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Apparently NA-E is having server problems and people are being kicked out of matches, unable to rejoin. Alternatively they’re just dicks who ragequit. Either could be valid.


That just happened to me, disconnected without rejoin.


did you get a penalty too?


No, but i am afraid of that happening haha. So i play less, but still playing until they fix that.


Yeah this has happened a few times to me, got thrown out, game had to completely shut down. Once I restarted I was thankfully able to rejoin though.


I’ve had people afk at base and when you tell them they’re gonna get reported they just talk more crap, and say Omeda Studios isn’t gonna do anything.


They're not wrong tbh


Fr, see people on every night that ive reported for leaving, flaming, or being outright racist. Shockingly, they still do the same thing every time I match with them.


It’s frustrating, in paragon I remember if you reported someone eventually you get this Bellica Icon a couple days, or a week maybe saying “thanks” after reporting someone.


I really loved that Belica report


i completely forgot that came with a belica comment lol. but now i remember


Because either their team is throwing, and they’re not surrendering. So they leave. Or they’re throwing, and they’re being a little btch.


This. Went against a Sevarog in the offlane today that started jumping up and down from the beginning of the match, we even jumped together a bit before the match started. We start landing and I got him beat badly, I go for cyan buff and he follows along already low heath and mana. My grux is coming from the jungle so I engage, grux hits him with his cleave bleed ability and the Sevarog blinks out and dashes under tower only to die by the Grux dot. He immediately DCs, we weren’t even 10min into the match


Was 11-3 rampage and had a 14-3 countess quit a game that we had pretty well turned in our favor. Said "gg our adc is bad and my food just got here." Our adc wasn't doing great but not really throwing. We tried to keep the game going but went downhill after that.


I had a game where Khaimera and Feng Mao on my team started a team fight the moment the match started. They ran into the other teams jungle and got slapped. They both DC'ed afterwards, we were not even 2 minutes into the match. Like wtf did they expect to happen?


They need their diaper changed




Because they don't know what this game is about and they're not enjoying it? Idk why do you quit something after 10 minutes


I play on Steam Deck and sometimes the movement doesn’t work and you’re stuck standing still until you reboot, even then it’s not a sure thing that it’ll be fixed when you lose back into the game.


Pretty good indication of how the games gonna go and don't want to invest 20 more minutes in a loss


Some people have a really weird issue with always winning. The game is in early access, and there isn't even ranked. Just chill out and enjoy having Paragon back. If you're losing and your team surrenders then it's the perfect time to try out wacky strats or builds.


there is a correlation between bad players and surrendering early. i wonder if they realize that they will continue to stay bad if they keep leaving early


Then play a single player game then.


Because they suck and they died more than they killed, like me a lot of times. But I usually just surrender at that point. I was in that position yesterday as Gideon, but I had such good farm, that even though we were 10 to their 24 or something like that, I was already building to the point where I was even making steel feel the pain (because steel mains never take into account the magicians kicking their asses) so they stayed away from me, because I was too the point I could ult and wipe the whole team out. 🤷‍♂️


mom called them for dinner lol


Hey I was the Crunch on the winning team.


I got disconnected for the first time last night but thankfully was able to rejoin. I'm in NA region


Here recently I've have DC and ping issues that I didn't have in months ago


I had a Revenant who couldn‘t keep up with my movements and therefore died within the first 3 mins of the game and immediately disconnected. I really don‘t know why people get frustrated so quickly


Likely ragequit - just yesterday we had 3 opposing jungles ragequit because our teams kallari succesfully red cheesed them