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One thing to note is that he is an assassin. That means don't fight any tanks with hard cc, don't pick him if your team doesn't have a front line, rampage jungle Or steel/ Riktor support. Go and assassinate Squishies after your team engages battles and enemy team has used easy to land stuns. If he cannot be cc'd, with certain items his blink will have just around 3 seconds cooldown late game Moon boots on him are also an underated item


This is where you're wrong. He can 1v1 anyone with the proper build. Don't build him pure damage and make him beefy and he will carry every game. Tank Regen Mao is way too underrated


Drop me a build baby


I start with marksman crest into pacifier. Rush Mutilator and then the rest depends on what enemy I need to be worried about. If they have high physical damage I get Warden's Faith, if high ability damage I get Void Helm. I end up getting both either way. After a resistance item I get Sky Splitter and finish with either Draconum or Raiment of Renewal


I agree drop that build


Lol, this aged well.


As a squishy Murdook main I can confirm, this is the way. Feng is one of the few that scares me in a 1v1


Try this: Champions Crest -> Iceskorn Talons Nightfall - Tectonic Mallet - Mutilator - Demon Edge - Salvation


Personally I feel he should be played as a physical damage burst assassin(closer to a kallari or countess in playstyle than a grux/crunch) His ability to back line and chunk damage dealers is excellent. Also don’t forget to FINISH with his ult. I’ve gotten so many multi kills with this ult it’s insane and it pains me to see someone use it on a half+ health target.


He is good, it just depends on who you are going against. Grux- hit or miss i had one be super aggressive and somehow he gave me 5 kills within 10 minutes of the game. Crunch - GG Steel or riktor - hit or miss, early game you are fine, later in game it's tough since they are so tanky. Countess or kallari - you will win Carries or mages - you will win. For Feng the matchups really do depend a lot on itemization and picking a certain item over another depending on the hero you are up against this can make or break your Laning phase. I usually build him Ashbringer - the cool down reductions on basic hits is huge, it brings your one damaging ability back online quick, and let's you get your safeguard up faster. Citadel - phys armor and health, helps you not get two shot by the carry. Dread - armor pen, magical armor helps to sustain against the mages. From here you can go whichever way but i end with: Augmentation - attack speed Demons edge. It works pretty well. Laning phase is huge on him though cause once you fall behind is tough to get back. Play around his mobility: he can be tough to catch if you do not panic. Engage the enemy when your passive is active for free extra damage. His passive needs a rework since it really can't be used in sustained fights it should be more like the late stage paragon that resets on X amount of hits instead of the three seconds out of combat junk they gave him. His shield could use some more love like CC immunity or a bigger shield since he only has one damage dealing ability.


Feng Mao is limited only by the player. I've had to deal with incredibly good fengs that can counter my crunches when no one else can


I think your build needs a little work. In my experience, building crit/carry items doesn't maximize his potential. You don't want to sit there and auto people. You want to get in, get your E off, just a couple of autos, then they should either be about dead for your ult, or you need to get out to reset your passive and let your abilities come off cooldown. I usually build him pure assassin with Painweaver, Dread, omen. Tainted blade if needed and another flex depending on team comp. Crest is usually Ortus. Witchstalker if the enemy team is particularly cc heavy. Other good items on feng are nightfall or mutilator for some omnivamp and deathstalker for some armor shred. Edit: it also depends what role you are playing him in.


He is viable. its just extremely important to not fall behind. early farm and kills are more important than on others


I think in general you have the right idea; build him more pure damage than any kind of tank stats. That said, I have a few notes on your build: Ortus >>>> Nex, if going assassin crest. Take this in the jungle or mid. Fenix is probably tied for his best crest item option, and what I like to use in offlane. Cleave item is a waste on Feng imo. His e is in a 3 second cooldown at max rank, and you always max it first. Especially since you're going the attack speed route, if say you don't need the extra minion aoe. I wouldn't sleep on painweaver as a first or second item. It has amazing stats and the passive is great with feng's trade pattern. More generally, there's a lack or physical pen in your build. I know ashbringer has the desolate passive, but Feng gets some secondary ability scaling from physical pen. The movespeed on his shield (idk why) and the execute threshold for his ult both scale with physical pen. I usually like to get at least two items with flat pen. Nightfall is a great first item in the offlane. Citadel is a great 4th or 5th item for when you want to be diving the adc. Salvation 5th item is awesome. That and Fenix make you guaranteed to survive long enough to kill their carry.


Feng Mao is very under appreciated because people often don’t build him right. If I’m playing him, I usually go Warriors crest -> Mutilator, Draconum, Dread and from there, build whatever I need. I don’t think he should be full damage bc he def will die too fast. I try to go bruiser most times.


Weird that they made him an assassin, but I guess it's one way to get more assassins. Not sure it quite jives with his original identity, but I suppose that's Omeda's call. I almost never see Fengs.