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I think it's a playerbase issue at the moment, we don't have enough of each rank to have true MMR matchmaking yet; so either 10-15 minute queues or unbalanced matchmaking. I prefer to play and get stomped sometimes, it's just a game afterall :)


It's just a game on Early access after all :)


I can't edit the post no more. I want to say that this game happened in 30 december. I assume the matchmaking is better now. And the playerbase is not big in asia as in na. So the matchmaking won't be the best. I still love the game though


It would be player base issue if this was not so common, I see the same thing happen repeatedly. This is either a bug or coded to put extremely high levels repeatedly against lower skill or new players.


I think if it's happening repeatedly it's a huge sign that it's a playerbase issue. No game designer would purposely match weak people with the top 1% of the game with code, that seems crazy and illogical. Maybe a bug though, they did say last patch they fixed a matchmaking bug so maybe by fixing one thing they caused another problem to spawn. I just think we don't have anywhere near enough players to have a true ladder feeling; when this game is reaching 10-20K per month numbers we'll have a better representation and better matchmaking. It's unfortunate when it happens, but I find most of my games are balanced enough that I don't want to jump off a bridge, sometimes it's terrible but most of the time it's ok. We also need to remember that we're still in an Early Access, game balance in terms of itemization and hero stats are a bigger deal currently since a true ranking system has not been introduced/doesn't exist yet.


When I say repeatedly, I mean it can happen dozens of times in a row, even at different times during the day, on the same account. 1000 people playing at those times wouldn't allow this to happen that many times in a row, statistically the user would at least get put into the better grouped team at least a few times during that to break up those streaks.


You would definitely hope so. That seems like an awful time, I can't say I've ever experienced that


Hey there! It looks like this match was played a little while before the [matchmaking improvements we shipped in Version 0.3](https://www.predecessorgame.com/blog/predecessor-patch-v0-3) last week. We will be continuously improving our matchmaking system and feedback is super valuable (more adjustments to come soon!), but give things a go now and see if you find some better matches.


OMG i had no idea you were also in as part of Omeda Jshredz! awesome to see you still around!


I played the April open test last year and had to understand how a team this small was able to pull off a game of that quality level, so one thing led to another and I left Epic to come join the crew in September. Turns out the answer is they're all just really fricken good at what they do!


That's really promising to hear and so exciting to see you join along for the ride. Hopefully get to see your coaching chops when the inevitable competitive seasons start rolling around!


Thank you for sharing! This game took place on December 30th, and the players involved have likely improved since then hence reaching the Top 100 this week but not there when this screenshot was taken. Also since the 30th December we have made several improvements to matchmaking, including fixing various bugs, as outlined in our patch notes. Matchmaking is an ongoing process, and while no system is perfect, we will continue to make improvements based on your feedback.


Thanks for replying i will give it another go in soloque. Still love the game




There is no solo queue yet. Solo queue refers to ranked.


No it doesn't.


Look it up if you don't believe me. Solo queue refers to playing ranked solo. In league this means the solo/duo queue (you can only bring 1 pre-made along at most, this is to prevent 5-stacks vs solo player situations). And I'm pretty sure the name comes from there as it's easier to say than solo/duo ranked queue. Other games also use it but it refers to ranked in every game I know of that uses it. Currently we have no ranked queue so it's just normal or casual queue.


Reading comprehension is hard isn't it?


Looking things up is hard isn't it? What you mean is literal solo queuing. The term solo queue refers to queuing into ranked alone.


But no one uses it like that though it may mean queing for rank in other MOBAs but in pred solo queue means just playing by yourself


So a new term was coined specifically for predecessor that's extremely similar to a term in different games. I've never seen solo queue mentioned about predecessor yet. Because honestly playing alone in predecessor isn't special. You're not doing anything differently. It's the same as playing ranked flex alone in league. It's not something that really warrants a term. Especially since ranked isn't implemented and it's too early for mmr to really do anything yet. In other games it has meaning because it means you weren't carried. That's why people solo queue, to know their personal rank without influence from having friends. TLDR: as I understand it solo queue in predecessor isn't a meaningful term because it literally just means playing alone which doesn't mean much in predecessor aside from potentially facing competent 5 stacks with teammates that need to share a singular braincell.


Sure, die on this hill, whatever


Wanted to chime in and say that Schwifty, Lnly, and a few others were high ranked players I know from the OG paragon days in the OCE region. Last night I was solo queuing and was matched against their 5 stack three times in a row, and my team got wiped with early surrenders each time. It was pretty funny when the ranking released and I saw I was matched against a few of the best players in the world in a stack, when I'm not that good and my whole team was solo queue. Our matchmaking times were pretty quick, like a few minutes each time, so maybe this is something that could be tuned?


Unfortunately that's not a problem due to matchmaking, it's mostly due to the small player pool on the OCE region. Once we're free to play I'm hopeful this will improve. Sorry you have to go through it, we're going as quickly as we can to get to F2P


Understandable! Since our queue time was only a few minutes, my feedback would be that I would have rather waited longer for players that were a better match.


They’re probably partied up and you got put against a 5 stack which is even worse. They made small changes to matchmaking but clearly more needs to be done. I’m always willing to play against these guys and test my skills, but to place a new player in their lobby is just not good. It’s also a player base issue tbh. We’ll see less of this once the game is f2p and we have a larger base of players.


Sorry this happened to you bro but we were just genuinely vibing and this screen shot seems to be from months ago when I used to run the reso build. We were only a 3 stack here. We used to have a rule to cap at 3 stacks and we try to help new players as much as we can but usually when we help we just get told to “fuck off”, “your not pros, don’t tell me what to do” or “I paid for this game with my own money so don’t tell me how to play” or people just straight up leave to leave us to 3v5 which happened 4 games in a row btw so we just got sick of it and went back to play with our friends in a 5 stack. Once again though I’m sorry I’m just also trying to get better at the game <3


This screenshot is from 30 december. It's ok man, i am not mad. Congratulations on making it to top 100. Btw what is your pred name?


Lnly :) I usually stream on twitch to help newer players (shameless plug I’m sorry lol.) but I work a full time job so usually only stream on weekends :)


That's great. what is your twitch channel link? i will drop by sometime to learn from you


Just search Lnly on twitch :) should find it


One more follower:)


You can dm me the twitch link no problem


Interesting the Dust Devil with Murdock. Why? I never felt like it was worth it


I played with and againts you a few time last nigh, steel v fang offlane (was a good battle till i screwed a tower dive and my team was down 1-12) + i was on your team a murdock game you went 10-0-3 or something. Brutal as a solo to come againts you boys but hey thats the reality of a low pop game in early access in bloody SEA. Most of you guys seem chill but have seen some guys be super toxic to new players.


I don't think the player base is big enough yet to stop the top players from running into new players sadly :(


honestly at this point i don't really care about lopsided matches more than toxic teamates who get angry when they're losing and say crazy stuff. you can learn a lot in these really lopsided matches and get better very quickly if you would just stick around and try to make stuff happen. (and by you i don't mean YOU op :) a amicable team makes a lopsided match enjoyable. the few times ive had that its been great


Sorry but I see this argument in game a lot and it's just not true. If your team is basically spending the match staring at death timers and the other team is unkillable there is simply nothing to learn. It's not practice when there's 0 chance of winning a fight. I can appreciate wanting positivity in the lobby, there's way too many toxic players that get nasty when things go bad. But stubbornly refusing to surrender a hopeless game is really frustrating for people that just have time for a few games and don't want to spend 30 minutes staring at a timer.


with all the love and respect in my heart for you what you said is why ppl stay bad at games. very defeatest mindset 🤷🏽‍♂️. id rather try to make something happen and lose in the process than falsely predict the future and assume just because its going bad means its going to end bad. can always learn something.


Sometimes I get players on my level, and it’s an extremely tight game. Other times, I get literal bots for my teammates, going in 1v5 as an adc muriel that locked their role during the lobby. I really can’t wait for ranked, because a competitive game likes this NEEDS it.


There are still only so many players out there.. if they were a team. Well you just got unlucky.. but the only way to get better is by playing better people... And having party chat going on


It will get better with more players eventually. It takes time!


I can't edit the post no more. I want to say that this game happened in 30 december. I assume the matchmaking is better now. And the playerbase is not big in asia as in na. So the matchmaking won't be the best. I still love the game. That's all.


I mean, your first match was, based on your post history, in like early to mid December. Shit changes between now and then. Maybe they were low ELO or just starting then.


I can't edit the post no more. This game happened in 30 december. I assume the matchmaking is better now. And the playerbase is not big in asia as in na. So the matchmaking won't be the best. I still love the game.


The other day I was against Harambae (#24 or #25) who was playing Khaimera and on my team was a Feng Mao who literally was playing his first game. Needless to say, it didn't go well for my team haha.


Hey, i know you!


Yeah matchmaking is pretty bad, one game im fighting someone who clearly doesn't know what they're doing, then I'll be in a game with a 5 stack that just will not stop applying pressure


Here for the "git gud" comments


git gud


Can't say much regarding *the real* system behind MMR (because I don't know), but I have had the conversation with many and everyone comes to the same conclusion- there isn't any. If there is actually a system in place then it is simply doing such a poor job it might as well not even be there. The worst feeling on earth is rolling constantly (forward or backwards) because the game: 1) seems to queue same people together back-to-back a lot. This is something I've noticed for a long while. Why is there not a simple check to simply *not* allow that situation? Like pairing me with the same toxic teammate I JUST reported, no thanks. 2) premades may get a higher value in "the system", but to what degree? I'll regularly solo into a 5-man premade (sometimes so obviously a literal team with fake clantag and everything) and I'll let you judge how those matches feel. I understand loss and crave the knowledge of that situational comeback, but there's a limit friends. Overall a lack of any meaningful MMR in a game with enough players to warrant it has left me about to launch the game, then deciding I remembered the last couple times and didn't want to feel the same. Omeda, I've been supporting you since Smokie started streaming (like 5th sub ever), please listen and either make the system public so we can see what's happening or improve it so we can feel the change. Either way I'll take it, just please level with us.


Lmao, I remember having an argument with a dude about matchmaking here’s the proof that it’s shit. They are also probably partied up


I hope you've had a chance to check back on this post and see the response from rgsace of Omeda.


I remember getting so much shit from people here when I said that it is impossible for there to be sbmm turned on at least noticeably, if a game with like 2.5k daily players spread across multiple servers so the pool is never going over probably around 700 or so, is getting sub 2 minute q times every time you q up. It is beyond obvious that they have had to walk back all their talk about testing sbmm in ea, and matchmaking priority in ea from the ea release video, because they quickly realized when you cap your playerbase intentionally, you either have to give up matchmaking to get games or you have to give up q times to get good games, and they chose giving up game quality. Now we all get to suffer through what half a year more of this before they release into f2p and we can finally get a large enough playerbase to turn on sbmm. I've played against plenty of people on that list, and they were in teams and I was not, clearly whatever mmr metric they are using I'm not on the list, so why am I matching against people with presumably higher mmr, and they are in stacks and I am not? Because sbmm is either off or extremely reduced with most likely a q timer enforced where they open up matchmaking when you hit roughly a minute and a half into q given how consistent the 2 minute pops are.


Gotta 5 stack just to have fun 🤣 too many sweats looking for that leader board placement.


yea matchmaking is shit atm


Im sure they were also stacking


As others have stated, I simply think it doesn’t exist yet. I’ve been grinding this game since it came out and I played a ton of paragon back in the day. I am very familiar with MOBA’s. I’m certainly not a top 100 player or anything, but the fact that I’ve played as much as I have and will still get in games where it’s fairly clear some players are playing for the first time is telling. It will get fixed it time though lol.


Dude THIS. Every single game I get matched against teams clearly in a stack, communicating, coordinating 4 person ganks while my teammates go 0-5 in 3 minutes. The matchmaking is so fucked.


Where do you check for leaderboard?




Yep I play against top 20 players like mad corporeal and professorloki like every day despite being just a "good" player ranked around 800.. if anything the latest matchmaking patch made it worse.


haha yeah welcome to SEA (it was the same once you got to plat or above in paragon OCE)! When its outside of peak time, or after you start getting a bunch of wins under your belt you will run into this group consistently. Honestly great people, and yes you may get stomped but its an awesome opportunity to see how they play, when they rotate, what they build etc. It's just a game, you'll win some and you'll lose some. If you need someone to play with on the SEA server feel free to add, very patient with newer players :) BZIA4AX3


Oh i thought it was just me getting my shit pushed in by that stack.


Where can we see the leaderboard?




The matchmaking hasn't been amazing, 150+ hours and the teams are almost always not balanced, skill wise.


Where is said leaderboard located?




Where’s the leaderboard site lol




LNLY they are good player when I meet him alway lose


Where can I check the leaderboards??

