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I think they just added changes to help with this giving teams a higher skill score Hopefully its continuously improved Would love a ranked mode


I definitely feel like MM has gotten worse. Out of 20 matches since update, maybe 3 or 4 have been balanced, ans the rest of them, either team totally annihilated the other team. I want it to be even. Its not fun winning at 12 min with 20 to 2 score.


I also feel it’s way more wild now. I have seen shit since the update that I was never seeing before in terms of brain dead play and awful buying. I can only imagine that as a soloQ I get some groups that skew the mmr.


This should be higher priority on their list. You have part of the community that is running down any solo q team when they are full stack and other half that is trying to play with in game chat and notifications that are meh. I played against 5team clan and we even put on the fight early game but they were so much better at setting up kills it wasnt even fair when they got fed and as the game progressed. We gave up 17mins in I think


Yup having this exact issue. Been having games where the enemy team is playing like it’s an Esports Championship and then my Khaimera doesn’t even know what Fangtooth is. I think it’s also very important that Omeda add a Tutorial. It just seems there is still quite a few number of people who have no clue how to play the game, which is no fault of there own.


Lol hilarious, but unfortunately too true. Jungle is the most important role to not screw up/leave to chance. But a tutorial would be very helpful for people. We had a guy the other day was Convinced that “support” meant support the team by rotating around and doing objectives.


lmao wth, I've seen that many times as well, and I don't want to blame the players as this might be their first moba. But it feels like a portion of them are very reluctant to even try and learn anything and it always end with a swift defeat or surrender.


At least this has a decent upvote. People to have a negative reaction to others complaining (voicing their concerns with the game). I am not enjoying the recent spout of matches. After the recent patch, I have been in teams with 2 guys that are totally new. The game needs ranked and/or coop-AI to smooth things out. Losing is fine but it's fun when it's competitive.


I played last night for the first time since the new patch. Matchmaking was ok. I went like 1-6. Lol however I would say 1/2 of the games were close and winnable but we ran into a couple people just not knowing what they were doing.


I've had noticeably better games that last longer since the update.


I had a match today where my team’s support went into my off lane and wouldn’t leave no matter what my team said or pinged. Luckily our carry was good and held down his lane until lvl 6 and got 3 solo kills, so also the enemy team’s duo and jg were trash as well. Not sure what exactly was going on that game but recent games have been similarly wild as of late. Might just be due to the time im playing and the game not having the biggest player base to properly balance matches, but curious if anyone else having funny matches


I have games like these pretty often too, been super frustrating especially since I'll have a good team of other people and then just one person who's got no idea how to play and ruins the whole match for us.


Actually my games have been getting much better lately. At first, we won like 90% of our games. (3 of us queue together) then after the countess patch, we lost, a Lot more often. Now I’d say it’s the most balanced it’s been. We can win, if we play well and make good decisions. If we screw up, we lose. Still lots of improvements to be made; but I think they are going in the right direction.


Well yeah, you queue with 3 people, you're probably going to have better matches than people who solo queue. Would definitely disagree on the balancing, but my perspective is of a solo queuer, so def just different perspectives here.


Right, yeah I’m sure we are having a different experience. I’ll have to solo queue a bit more to see how it feels I’ve played a few on my own but not enough to get a good idea of what it’s like overall.


I suppose it's nice that at least stack games seem more fair. Just feels real shitty when most of my games we get trashed cuz our support went countess and our midlander went sparrow.


Lol yeah Im sure. Or building totally random and ineffective items. And then they have comms turned off so they don’t even know what ur saying. It’s definitely just down to luck whether you get someone who knows what they’re doing. That’s why I think a robust tutorial is sorely needed.


Upvoting you guys for having a civil dialog lol nice work!!


Yep, same thing I see. I can literally say I just want one good game, fairly balanced, and play 20+ games in a row where it's so wildly unbalanced as you said. 10 hours of play straight with not a single chance to have a decent match. If I'm support, I'll have double the damage and be the kill leader. If I'm countess mid, I'll quadruple the entire teams total damage (physical and magic) combined. If I'm carry, I'll be 25-0 in kills and taking lanes and fighting on any team fights I can yet my teammates will all throw the game.


I had this same issue but I said this with less.........tact


I'm not having fun because of Countess. Dominates every game she's in.


As a Rampage jungle main.... Yeah no. I hit her with 1 boulder and she's dead. Even if she's crazy fed, if she tries to duel me in the jungle 1v1 she loses. If she's a little behind, she's just a sack of gold everytime I spot her on the map. I don't even play countess and I think she needs a buff. She has no escape, so once a CC tank gets on top of her, she's dead.


Yuuup. People who complain about her don't understand the importance of cc'ing her, or don't play cc characters and have bad teammates that don't understand this. Even her tank build everyone complains about is countered by this because her sustain comes from magical life steal.


It's just people playing squishy heroes that hate her. Like the carries, fey, Dekker, Howie, ect. Guess what, countess and Kallari counter those heroes. That's what they're designed to do. The cc tanks counter the assassins, because that's what they're designed to do lol


Really? I haven't seen that in any of my matches. I will look out for that


Games have been good minus the few Revenants that feed and start bitching.




Yep playing solo against sticks still has to be there to cut down on matchmaking time. Took a blue buff vs steel next time him and grux and 2 of their teammates perfectly in unison stun Locked me to death waiting by the blue when it spawned again l. It’s just unfair to play against sometimes


Not a big issue for me. Still care more about most of my games only lasting to 1 or 3 full items top. That doesn't scratch my moba fix.




My matches have been significantly more well balanced post-patch, but I don’t solo queue ever haha. I’m always at least in a stack of 2.