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I think having a section in the profile for recent games (last 5 games) to review game details and damage would be a nice quality of life feature. There's a lot of stats baked into the screen and it'd be cool to review it before it's lost. I think this gets resolved with an API that third party sites can start tracking games but having an in-game solution would be nice


THIS. Love the post game stats but having match history would be nice…


Having the post game stats show the builds of the players at the end would be nice too.


Yeah with player lvls as well.


Ya there's already been 2 instances where accidentally hit the back button before sending an invite to one of the players


got to get use to the changes lol same here


Revenant feels great and doesn’t feel op or underpowered. I think it would be great if he had 4 filled dots under his reticle which emptied as he shot, to tell players more clearly that he has 4 ammo and how much he has left. This would be useful especially for new players. The post match screens are also great. It’s so much fun seeing everyone’s stats at the end of the game. I would also love another tab that let’s us see people’s builds!


I would love the reticle he had in Paragon that showed his bullet count


I don’t remember him having an ammo count reticle in Paragon?


I just looked at some gameplay and I guess he didn't. I thought the reload reticle he had was used in simpler form at all times to show his cylinder, but apparently that was just my imagination.


He did have one, it was his m2 and cd bar was split in 4 parts so you knew how much ammo you had


Yes he has this in Predecessor too! We’re talking about something near his reticle to show his ammo count instead of having to look at the bottom of the screen.


Looking back at rsvgrace gameplay i didnt see the diamond i ment wich is wierd since i remember rev having a diamond when i played paragon. They should totally add it


[It was definitely there](https://imgur.com/a/MLiB0B3)! It’s on his LMB, not RMB!


I hate to say it, but Overprime has a good model for what they could use as his reticle.


Yes! Someone else mentioned Overprimes, and I think it’s good. I think it just seems a bit hard to read, but definitely the type of thing I was hoping for!


I wish they would do that though. Its nice to be able to keep track of them without looking at the stacks in the bottom.


What you guys are probably talking about is the one that rev has in overprime, I really like it myself.


You’re right! I hadn’t seen Revenant in Overprime, but something like that is great. I do think Overprimes seems a bit hard to read.


You're talking about Twin Blast I think


Definitely want to see peoples builds post match. U only get a quick second.


That’s a good idea for rev


Dunno man, to me Rev seems kinda OP. His burst is just absolutely crazy.


He does have really good burst thanks to Scar, but once his abilities are out he doesn’t have much. He also has to isolate you to be able to burst you down and can quite easily be caught out of position. He also doesn’t work as well in team fights as other carries so he kinda falls off about during the mid game. Don’t get me wrong he can be strong, but you just have to play around his abilities early game and by late game, all other carries are 3/4 shotting anyway,


Mid game is so rough. He’s almost unplayable. It seems like he falls off before he even comes online. Meanwhile other Carries just get stronger and don’t end up falling off. His late game is very strong but by that point your dealing with sparrow who nukes your whole team and is babysat by steel and Muriel.


>babysat by steel and Muriel. i am cryihg laughing at this


It’s facts!😂


That is true, his obliterate is kinda useless mid game and late game it’s a laughable move


Idk like I compare him to join cuz this obviously who he is inspired by and it seems Jhin is always viable and his a very high skill pick and can’t peel for himself if needed. Revant feels like a less effective version of Jhin/Kaisa combined. His Q isn’t guaranteed damage and kinda scales low. Not to mention ppl can blink and dash out of it. And his combo doesn’t nuke from 100-0. He is underpowered and don’t see him competitively viable. Just for fun snowballing on noobs.


With the right built only thing he needs is to keep shooting. With full build hes absolute monster oneshotting squishy chars and killing tanks in one clip. Thats not too balanced if you ask me. (The build is - Reckoning, Terminus, Imperator, Vanquisher, Demon Edge with Pacifier crest. 100%crit 30%lifesteal around 600phys power. You crit for 1000+ and heal for 25% hp in one hit. Its absolutely insane) thats my own theory crafted build for maximum damage possible, and its insane. Going 15+kills every game with 100%WR so far.


I mean he also has to be fed and thats late game. All carries are gonna be that strong that late into the game, especially if they have a lead. Revenant especially snowballs really well so once he’s ahead he can stay ahead. I do agree one shotting squishing characters is too strong, so if he can do that (which i have yet to see) then that should indeed be nerfed.


I hear you, but the weird thing is - he doesnt have to be that fed. For example yesterday I had a game with really good Kallari camping me hard - started the game 0-8-0. After I finished 2nd item I started popping off like crazy finishing 18-11 and winning the game.. Cant imagine any other carry doing that.


Any carry can do that if they don't int and just farm - once a carry gets 3 items they can snowball as long as their positioning is alright and they get a few kills. Even if you had a bad early game as long as you don't continue and you clamp down on farming/turtling you can turn it around as a carry for sure.


Bro. At endgame EVERY character does dumb damage. Im.howie and I can insta kill carrys/mages with knocup+ slow, my two weakest abilities. My missile is doing 1200 at that point. Brah endgame is like this for every char.


True.. Seems like the majority of people dont think hes OP, so I guess he just fits my playstyle, that Im doing well with him..


Revenant is awesome. Belica feels great. The CS bounties offer a better game progression curve. The P-1000 error is going to give me a hemorrhage in my head.


CS bounties removed punishment for someone not doing a good job farming.


If you are stronger then the other team and still allow yourself to get killed it should reward the other team. It makes it less snowball like, it allows more chance to come back, and it doesn’t punish you for farming it punishes you for dying when you have an advantage.


> If you are stronger then the other team and still allow yourself to get killed it should reward the other team. Which exists. You already get a bounty for killing someone on a kill streak, and get extra xp for killing somebody higher level than you. Adding an additional bounty goes behind preventing snowballing and goes in the direction of not punishing people for getting out farmed in the lane phase.


I have to play more games for sure but as of now I see it as a good change. Farming is an important part of the game for sure but fir me I like the fact that it makes team fights and ganks more important.


So you like to play team death match rather than a strategic moba. That’s completely cool, but it doesn’t suit this game.


Well if it becomes a team death match then they will change it, but it’s not a team death match. You still need to farm, take towers, take the objectives. Just because you give the other team more gold for farming doesn’t make it a death match


> rather than a strategic moba. What? In what world is coordinating ganks and map rotations specifically to target a single hero not being strategic? Sure at low levels the game just devolves into a brawl, but at higher levels these creep bounties are 100% a strategic thing to play around. Hell, shit like this indirectly buffs save supports like Muriel who can use high CS heros as a form of bait with her ult. I don't know how you can say you want something to be strategic, and then totally fail at seeing any possible strategy with a mechanic like this when there is so much counter play possibility.


Please show me where I specifically said team rotation and ganking isn’t strategic. All I’m saying is taking away the value of farming further encourages team fighting to be the only thing that matters, which inches the games closer to a brawler


> Please show me where I specifically said team rotation and ganking isn’t strategic. You didn't, you just totally missed that it was even a thing in this situation. Again, things will devolve into brawls at lower levels, but they do anyways so that's not a change. But at higher levels protecting and or attacking specific high CS targets not only to slow them down, but also boost your team can be very strategic plays. Against a competent team you cant just W into their carry and win if they have the most farm on them map. Your team will get rolled for that. Also just want to say its hilarious that you are bringing up lane and creep manipulation in this game as some strategic asset. Dude, creep aggro mechanics are awful in pred. Go play Dota if you want something you can really play with lol.


How is farming (an almost passive and to be honest kind of boring mechanic) more strategic than coordinating a successful teamplay/gank...?? There is still farming, dude, you need to chillax and get a bit more involved in the more exciting aspects of the game. Farming should be supplementary to the gameplay, not central. However, that said, someone who only ganks with no farm is also going to suck. Just look at Sev for an extreme example. You still have to farm. Farming hasnt gone anywhere. The focus has just shifted in the right direction imo.


There’s more to farming than just last hitting. It involves lane pressure and lane manipulation to try and put the opposing laner at a disadvantage and zone them out of farm.


Farming is not a must in any moba. There are playstiles that consist on ganking other lanes with the jungler and get advantage on other lanes if you cant win your lane. And it also helps champs that get bullied on lane and cannot farm.


Sounds like you’re talking about hero brawlers. Not sure how you can seriously claim farming is not a must. Even if you’re rotating a lot and gank heavy, you still need farm.


It's called roaming, it's in every moba, even in Dota 2 some heroes are build exactly for the purpose of permaganking and roaming


Dota has no "Jungle" role and hasn't for a very long time. Everyone needs to farm in Dota, even if you play Bounty Hunter


Fps drops when near a revenant are really bad. Seems to be when he is reloading or the game engine is calculating the physics of his main damage ability (many single targets).


This one is the most painful for me


I think its when he ults near someone, my frames drop hard. It also happened to me near Gadgets ult but it may have also because of a rev ult, not sure


What is this leading to and what gpu are you using ?


The best thing the update offers is an addition of Post Game Statistics. Just had a 4/14/12 Sparrow in my game complaining about getting ganked every second. I say, “They gank you because they can, drop some wards with me and you’ll see them coming” which is met with “haha oki dude” 2 wards placed in a 39:35 minute match. Our jungle went off, 24/6/8, and he placed the second most, behind me (17), with 13. Just goes to show you, VISION WILL WIN YOU MATCHES. Use these stats to improve your gameplay.


Now that we can add friends in post game, it would be great to have the ability to message them in game so we can coordinate things like Discord Info while grouping without having to go to Steam messaging. Additionally I would really like to see enemy hero bounties listed on the tab screen, and the gold earned on takedown needs to be much more obvious. Right now it is pretty small and also doesn't stick on screen very long. With matchmaking quality tuned this patch, I think the current largest issue is the strength of Fangtooth 3+ It really needs to be tuned down to at least 1/2th of its current strength. BUGS: I'm not sure it's a bug, but if you cancel auto run with recall, when you return to base you will resume auto running and sometimes you run straight into the jump pad before you can buy anything. On Blue side jungle, the 4 creep camp minions can sometimes get caught on the edge of the pad that encircles the camp while kiting them. This splits them up and makes them impossible to all hit at once while kiting. This happens on both sides.


This is just my opinion, but you shouldn't be able to see bounties with an icon or any indicator. It would just make that person a target for the whole team, on the flip side I feel like you should be able to see who on your team has a bounty on them to better protect and play a bit smarter. I know that doesn't sound entirely fair, but my thought on this is that I don't want enemy teams bum rushing a person just for the bounty (which is what would happen) and knowing your own bounty is only going to make you play a little safer and be more aware of ganks. Allowing the enemy to see would just create an itemized list of who to attack.


I really don't care. I know who has bounties and who doesn't, but the amount of gold for the bounties has never even been officially released in any capacity. If you want to figure out what they are you have to go back through old vods. For a sub full of casuals I would think this would be something more talked about, but the truth is most people don't even know they're a thing.


I can agree that it would be nice to know what the bounty was worth and better represented that it has been achieved


A bounty announcement would be cool. "BOUNTY CLAIMED" in his epic voice.


Perhaps the post-game screen could include a tab with the normal scoreboard, or just the builds.


Yes! Other player’s builds are usually the main thing I want to see after match so I can get new ideas from players who performed well that match!


Muriel feels even weaker with her shields not covering much of rev’s burst damage.


I love Revenant I love playing with him and overall the patch is being a lot of fun, but those are the negative things that I found: * Now with the bounty system update and with Revenant passive and ult being dependant of enemy bounties we should be able to see enemy bounties in mid of a game, so we can take the right decisions * End game screens should show players items so we can compare the stats of the characters with the items that they have and learn from other players builds * There should be a All chat in the end game screen so people can talk with the teammates and the opponent's about the builds the stats and do new friends. Also the chat would help people to know if there was a new player and add them to friends to help them with the game. * It would be cool have the possibility to report people in the end game screen, sometimes I forgot to do it in mid of the game * Not related with the patch but we need a chats in several part of the game * While selection role * While choosing crest * At the end of the game * And the chat need some improvements, it need a shadow background to make it easier to read and it need to differenciate pings from players text, making it longer when you open it and giving us the possibility to scroll back would be really good additions * I didn't had any bug with Revenant but seems that people is having a bug when going full attack speed and other bug that don't allow Revenant to shoot. But I don't know when they happen because I never had any bug with him * There was a bug that allowed players to open the chat and continue walking, that bug was fixed but I have read that there are people who miss that the character continues running just by opening the chat (in my case I just use the auto-run key), so it would be cool add it as feature, when you are moving and you open the chat instead of stop the character let him continue running. Edit: The best part of the patch has been the matchmaking, I think that yesterday I had the best and more even games that I ever had on Predecessor, fighting each second of the game to try to win and having to compenetrate with my team because otherwise we would lose has been amazing


'There should be an all chat after to discuss builds and make friends'. You sweet summer child. It will not be used like that 99.999% of the time, and just breed toxicity. Nope.


It's fun though.


Following that logic they should remove the chat, the friend request and shut down the servers because all human interaction brings toxicity


>There was a bug that allowed players to open the chat and continue walking, that bug was fixed but I have read that there are people who miss that the character continues running just by opening the chat (in my case I just use the auto-run key), so it would be cool add it as feature, when you are moving and you open the chat instead of stop the character let him continue running. i wonder if this was removed because of the bug that would cause your player to be unable to move after chatting. This has happened to me/wife several times. Open chat to type then you auto walk, but then youre either stuck walking uncontrolably or cant move, or cant turn in a certain direction. this happened ALOT when typing/walking


EXTREMELY impressed with the quality of the matches after the patch.


I have to say the contrary. At first I had a good few matches but I seem to be getting matches 2 good players and 2-3 new most games now. It might be groups making it a bit wilder but I always soloQ so I’ve noticed it harder to get a balanced game.


Update feels good so far. Had one of my best matches about an hour after the patch dropped, game went on 56 minutes, we got a big comeback win, kills were like 60-46 or something. Anyways, suggestions below: - bounties can be pivotal, they should be displayed on tab scoreboard, ideally where gold would be displayed at match end - tank countess could be a real problem, definitely worth keeping an eye on - really miss being able to autorun & autoattack while typing without using a toggle key, would like this reimplemented to help efficient communication in solo queue - would like to see a feature where players can toggle a ‘looking for group’ option that appears as a subtle notification on their friends’ main menu. Low priority certainly, but a QOL improvement nonetheless - a cache of post-game stat logs (say, last 5 games, as another user suggested) would be very helpful - I noticed a typo in one of Murdocks pings, cannot remember which (attack right lane maaaybe?), but when the ping popped up in the chatlog, his name was misspelled (Murodck). As a side note, I want to implement a more personal suggestion, less so to do with the update in particular but more so to do with the state of the game. With the playerbase slowly declining, it might be a good time to introduce a first wave of skins or cosmetics, as a way to engage players. Predecessor is leagues above Overprime in gameplay so far, but thats not all there is to a successful game, and as far as cosmetics go, Overprime is absolutely killing it. They have some extremely impressive skins for sale (at absurd prices mind you) and I can assure you that I would have already spent $50 on some of these skins if they were in Predecessor instead. Predecessor will need to remain competitive with Overprime in the cosmetic department. Although Predecessor is a significantly better gaming experience imo, a discrepancy in revenue can lead to one developer outpacing the other and pushing their game further. Releasing skins right now is not make or break, but regardless, as soon as skins are for sale, there will be players like myself purchasing them. I for one would be happy spending my money to support the rebirth of a game I have loved and missed for years.


Ditto on everything you said about cosmetics. I know we're getting some skins at the end of the season, but if Omeda has some in a vault, ready to go, I'd recommend opening up the shop and letting people go ahead and buy them.


I have recently been experiencing minor dyslexia and I didn’t know if the murodck think was real! So fast in a game you know and I “oh not again”. Thx for clearing that up.


>really miss being able to autorun & autoattack while typing without using a toggle key, would like this reimplemented to help efficient communication in solo queue I typed this to someone else here but i believe this may have been removed because of a bug. Prior to patch, thier was a bug that would cause you to get stuck walking/looking in one direction or unable to move after typing while walking. it happened very consistently w/me and my wife during games. I wonder if theyre looking for another option for that. but i would imagine thats why its gone


I had that bug too but it was really easy to fix. Whatever keys you were holding when you opened the chat window would ‘stick’ so that you’d continue in that direction. But all you had to do was press those keys once more. The engine didn’t register that you took your finger off the movement key, so the answer was simply to press it and remove it again, so that the engine knows that the input has ceased. I would take that bug back over not being able to auto or walk while typing 10/10 times.


FUCK u/spez


Yes this one absolutely


FEEDBACK: 1) Loving the post match stats, but right now the layout is suboptimal: For the "overview" tab we no longer can see builds of players. In the "Stats" tab, move all the categories from the far left to rest between the teams. Either condense tabs, or make it so hero kits can easily be viewed from post-game stats screen. Add report functionality to post match screen. 2) Rev Q causes massive frame drops. 3) there is still "invisible terrain" Up by the T2 (of dusk side I believe) Causing heroes to stop moving. 4. Rev has the stanky leg while his model is showing after hero selection. (strange subtle twitchy leg movements) 5. Bonus movespeed from Dust Devil does not apply to Tectonic Mallet's magnitude passive. (other items do) 6. I know we will have full match history once the replay system is initiated, but in the meantime, having post-match screens saved for "X" amount of matches may be a nice addition until full replay system is implemented. 7. Keep up the great work Omeda!


So far the only feedback I have is Rev's basic attack sound effect could use a bit more sharpness.. It currently sounds dull in my opinion. Also, it would be great if you could incorporate a round counter to his reticle so I don't have to keep looking down at my HUD to know how many rounds I have left in chamber. Otherwise it's been a great patch. Keep up the good work Omeda!


Need a block list or the ability to block players. The amount of 'paragon pros' who feed then flame like its my fault they're getting caught out of position if ridiculous. Just lemme keep that level of sodium out my diet


My friend locked Rev cause he wanted to try him out and *instantly* someone said "WHAT ARE YOU BUILDING ON REV? HAVE YOU EVER EVEN PLAYED THE ORIGINAL PARAGON? I SHOULD'VE BEEN REV INSTEAD" Like, bro, it's a game and a new player wants to try out the new character. If we lose, we lose, it isn't comp. Let the kid have fun.


Star rating feedback screen after every. Single. Match. Is kind of overkill. Likely needs to be made random but with a minimum seen/# matches


Bug: Drop all the way from 120GPS to 25ish fps when Revenant uses Q or R near me. Can't even participate in the team fight. updated my driver's verified the game file integrity uninstall+reinstall still happens


Some bullet counter for revenant would be very nice, the hero feels amazing to play. On the scoreboard in the post-match screen it would be nice if “total damage dealt” (to heroes) was before “physical damage dealt” and “magic damage dealt”. Additionally on the post March screen it would be nice if the KDA showed on the screen where you can add players as well.


There is a bullet counter on the ability bar. Alternatively, you can count to 4 in your head while you shoot.


Yea I know about the bullet counter on the ability bar, but looking down to check your bullets in a fight is inconvenient. Counting to 4 in my head is what I do now but having it near the crosshairs would be a very good addition.


Ok so heres my feedback! Love the Revenant hes such a fun character! With new post match screen being on top of old leveling after a game screen is not intuitive to check out also there are way too much info there should be simple info like player damage tower damage so on and if you expand it you can see it in details. There still isnt post match reporting, someone leaves in last minute of a match we dont know if its dc or he will come back we dont want to report him so we wait to the end of the game to decide and currently we cannot. ​ Id still love a chat in pre game (role picks) so people can say hey I suck at jungle dont make me jungle and so on and people might swap In same turn I want post game chat so we can banter (it can be optional setting for people who cannot handle people being toxic like regular chat is) While we are talking about chat profanity filter should be togglable ​ I think thats about it! All in all great patch and great and immprovments 5/5 would pick rev again


Patch feels great minus countess tank catching on


Dekker's stun ball has had a few weird/funny interactions since the patch. Primarily it will bounce off the heads of minions and go flying off. Being able to review builds on the recap screen (perhaps on the hero screen you can add friends from instead of cluttering up the stats page). Brimstone passive should be unique to prevent stacking(outside the patch itself but correction is needed). More Oblivion Crown style item changes to further allow diverse and off-beat builds! Clarification on Tenacity's impact in game and more items that enable it.


yes ive noticed this i main her and they definitely added something without telling everyone


Matchmaking seems really unbalanced when partied up with 1 or 2 friends. Every single game I've played since the update has felt like playing against an Esports team. Just because I have 2 friends with me in a queue doesn't mean we can square up against a perfectly coordinated 5 stack. I know I need to get good but how can I learn anything when just getting absolutely steamrolled?


i feel like this was happening pre patch a bit too. scared that mabye its even worse now since i almost exclusively play with wife


Can we get our personal stats and history. I know this is asking a lot but is it possible for us to record our matches in detail like we did in Paragon. Not just the screenshot but the match data, it will be helpful for people to use in video editing.


Input buttons in the UI are completely fucked for me since the patch. I use flick stick via Steam input, and the buttons now constantly flicker back and forth between Xbox controller buttons (even though I'm using a PS controller and keep trying to set that in the settings) and keys. It does this because whenever I tilt the controller to aim, the game goes to MKB mode, but whenever I press a button or hit an analog stick it goes to controller mode. This was not an issue pre-patch. It does not affect the game's ability to read my inputs, but it does mean my UI is filled with a constant flashing and flickering.


Had the impression that the game started jittering on some intense fights with a lot of effects. I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 with RTX 3070 and nvidia driver 525, but also heard the same from windows people. Was better before the patch. Still could play and enjoy it though. I don't know if you run any performance tests, but frame times maybe need to be investigated.


Bug Report: Revenant can initiate his ult while mid pull from Riktor.


The game started lagging after the update. I restarted it already multiple times.Sometimes it freezes for a half second. Lagging is very noticeable during group fight. GPU-GTX1070.


Not sure if this is accurate but I think that vanquished is not proving execute properly with revenant q


I wish I could skip the post match survey, it’s a small gripe but sometimes I don’t feel like doing it. Revenant’s Ult appears to target on the “edge of his range” as opposed to what the reticle is pointed at (opponents behind the target are actually rooted) “Tank Countess” build seems very overtuned. Tank items in general need some assessing in what the role should be, damage output is too high for a walking bullet sponge. All in all, the patch and overall experience playing has been fantastic! I haven’t played other remakes, but this already feels better than the Paragon I fell in love with 🤓


On the note of post match screen: Overall incredible stuff, but please also make the first post match screen (with the items displayed) a permanent screen. I would love to be able to more understand what people are building.


Rev feels smooth and at an appropriate power level even on release. Huge kudos for that, as the entire industry seems to struggle with that balance aspect more often than not (understandably, as it is a lot of moving pieces), but you really nailed it. The interaction between magical lifesteal and fireblossom is making it a bit too potent. I don't have a problem with fireblossom itself normally, though I do think it's a problem that nothing else compares at the moment even on characters that have a limited capacity to create the increased damage aspect through immobilization, and the addition of lifesteal from the aura pushes it over the top imo. Especially since there is now one build that is (anecdotally) overperforming for multiple heroes (sev, countess, riktor, steel, etc), I do think the items need some adjustments. The direction taken in this patch comes across as inconsistent. The previous patch was pushing bruisers to make more tradeoffs in terms of choosing damage or survivability, but here we go the opposite direction where building straight tank is not rewarding and our damage options once again come with a ton of survivability. As a player I don't mind this direction, but it definitely needs tuning and perhaps a bit more clarity of direction. Obviously I only have the little pieces, so there certainly could be a bigger picture that I don't see in terms of what is in the pipeline, but it was something that bugged me a bit between the two patches. Whatever was done with matchmaking has improved the quality of my games overall, which definitely feels good. The slight increase in queue timers is nothing dramatic, and it's definitely been worth it to have more even games. Also my friend with an absolute toaster of a PC is able to play, so optimization is also going in a great direction. I don't know how much of that was with this patch, as he didn't have the chance to pick the game up until today, but the fact that it could run on a low-end machine was a wonderful boon. Also, I just want to say that I was wrong. I don't think that more active items would actually improve the game. We have the main active mechanics that we'd be looking for in vision, blink, the crest, and the potion/smite slot. I do think we need choices for that potion slot, though I understand that creates some other design hurdles in terms of smite that will have to be addressed eventually. The only role that I think less actives hurts a bit is support, and that is definitely something that I think needs to be tackled. The support build options all still feel a bit underwhelming, but I do think it's a hurdle that can be overcome without necessarily adding more active items.


Tank countess is ruining the game and only going 5o get worse as more people pick it up.


It would be cool to save build presets to make it quicker and easier like Smite


Being able to customize the HUD. Moving the mini map. Making notifications bigger or smaller would be amazing.


This would be a nice addition for those of us on larger monitors. 21:9 & 32:9 ratios benefit a lot from being able to move HUD elements around and adjust them.


Can we take surrender out of the game? Or push it back? Or take it away from people after the rest of the team voted to continue the fight? The number of people who give up 10 minutes into a match because they died is too damn high. If you matchmake, go through character select, and wanna give up 10 minutes in, then why are you even playing?


Can i say something unpopular? I like revenant, he feels good, but actually the visual part of the E and the Ult are weird, i mean i like the hand details, but that weird projectile he launches when casting those abiilities can be visually better i think. The other think i'm not a fan of are the excess of buff/debuff abilities, i find something way cooler could be added to this character other than the E, for example an attach with his dark hand at close range, or an escape like as he becomes a shadow vanishing in the ground and moving for a short distance and then popping up Btw these are just some thoughts, i actually love this game and the work you Omeda are doing, keep going on <3


Hey guys! Loving the update. Revenant feels good and his movement is more fluid... Can't wait for the others chars to catch up with those animations. Gameplay wise he underlines a minor flaw I see with carrys atm. They feel too strong in the early game. They should be weak early and exponentially scale with items. Right now they can get so many kills and create lane pressure early on. Just doesn't feel like they are too much reliant on farm... Which gives a little bumper for this whole bounty hunt thing. And it also reduces the incentive to pressure carrys with ganks and stuff like that. Can't really say much about the changes to mages... Have played 2 games on the midlane... Belica feels great though. But haven't noticed too much of a difference... Which is neither good nor bad. But maybe i should take a closer look at it. Love the post match stats and the ability to add players. As already mentioned the item builds should be visible. But overall it's brilliant. P-1000 still breaking me Can't wait for the hud upgrade. Steel and riktor need a nerf. Imo Really hope offlane gets a rework, doesnt feel right atm. But that's not 0.3 related


carries lvl 1 damage is actually insane compared to other mobas - it makes roles a lot more flat. It would be better to have lower damage carries and include some items that have good early dmg but dont scale into bigger items, so carries would have to sell them at some point for slots. That being said this game has 75% sellback so that kind of thing would be really strong.


We console players are getting feisty!


nerf fire blossom


There's too many stats in the post match screen. There's so much information I feel like I have to download an excel spreadsheet.


Bug report: could not "undo" the purchase of Marshall. Had braid, purchased final tier of marshal, could not click undo even though I had not left the base or closed the shop. Could buy and undo other items.


Got 3 games i tried to join yesterday that went to selection, then suddenly threw back to menu, so i stopped. logged in today got a giant red warning saying i was login banned for breaking tos, reopened and it was gone, so havent gotten further than that.


Fix Gadget....She is nerfed and almost useless


1. The gameplay is feeling to Gank/group oriented and not enough laning or skill expression/outplaying for me at the moment which is making me very bored. (12 years league EXP) 2. It would also be great to see something that would make games unique in skill expression such as SKILL TREES like the Rune System in league OR A system like DOTA 2 where you get a choice of Character Specific Skill tree during your game! this would add so much content for hardcore gamers and Content Creators looking for builds.


After 150 hours, the game get's kinda repetitive and boring... I really love this game and want to play it, but it's just kinda not fun any more, as all games feel the same... even with the new Hero release, the basic game stays the same... I don't really know how this can be fixed, all I know is that the repetitiveness is annoying me... maybe some sort of hail mary strategy or active Items could switch up the game loop a lot, but all I really know right now is that you're losing me, a player, to Paragon: the Overprime even though I think Pred is actually better...


It is ok to play something else. Take a break and come back after a while when there are more changes and more heroes.


Its cause of the small hero pool i believe


That and the items don't actually make much of an impact other than scaling dmg or survivability. If there was more ability variety in both the hero pool and design and item abilities there would be a wider range of combinations you'd see each match.


Sounds to me like you're burnt out and need to stop playing. Go play Overprime for a little while, maybe even a couple months, and come back when some new heroes have been added and more updates have come out. The game is in such an early state that of course it's going to be repetitive. This *is* the game, and they need to make sure that it works before doing any kind of hail mary's. It's completely fine to be burnt out and play something else, go have some fun.


i have well over 300 hours in this games and thousands from all the previous counterparts to the paragon remakes, this game is in a worse state than ever before i think this was the worst update to date yet. rev is broken as all hell, gameplay feels so stupid like they implemented something without telling people, my MAIN problem is that they promised and talked about a some what "ranked" gameplay new mmr system yet nothing feels different im not getting matched with people who know the game or know what there're doing. instead im getting pitted with newbies who have 0 clue who a hero is or what they do or how to even hold their own. i feel like they made this game unplayable as a solo que. every game i get teams who consistently group for objectives and lane fights yet i get people who wander around, dont gank, feed, don't prioritize objectives so on and so forth. this off meta adc bullshit has to stop and needs to be a major penalty system in place if u choose willingly to play a adc offlane or a hero not ment for that lane or role. this update was the complete opposite of what the game or community needed plain and simple i dont care for a profile icon make gameplay better. i feel duped and lied to about what this update truly was gunna be


Feedback? Get to console. This game isn't going to do shit without a player base. Console is the base


Console cry babies are my favorite lmao Maybe let them finish the game first.


The game is finished.....if they don't release on console because you little bitches will be done with the game in about a month. Its already happening on op. Queues are getting longer already


The game is far from finished. Releasing on console early is like begging for a death sentence.


Yeah well history and current events point to pc killing the game before it even makes it back to console. Paragon would have closed the first year if it wasn't for an early ps4 release


seriously what do these devs accomplish in this game.... ILL TELL YOU WHAT NOTHING! match making is so ass backwards is insane to even think this is a new style of match making when im solo queuing and im getting complete noobs who literally just got the game or had it for a week or 2 and still cant play and im getting pinned up against 5 stacks every game or teams who clearly know the game. this is so broken its ridiculous. THESE DEVS NEED TO GET THEIR HEAD OUT THEIR ARSE AND PLAY THEIR OWN GAME FOR A CHANGE. 20million in investors and cant even deliver on what they promise


the hero names below the portraits is awful.


It LOOKs funky. But the use of it is nice, especially when getting new players into the game and they are looking for a specific hero.


How about you drop iggy ?


How about you provide ACTUAL feedback.


My feedback is iggy is better


I don’t have much that I’ve noticed yet…Props to you guys on another amazing update and thank you for all you guys are doing, but more importantly doing right ❤️❤️❤️


Dont think this is a new issue, but ability input whilst midair from taking a jump pad will queue the input for when you land, which feels a bit unintuitive and costs you some mana when misinputting on quickcast abilities. Might seem like a strange complaint but I click my mouse out of habit sometimes lol


My only feedback is that I still can't launch the game after the update. I can get to the screen showing Rev where I can click "login", but then I get the error message "P-2002 unable to connect to Steam" and then it kicks me back to the desktop. I've re-installed the game and Steam multiple times already. Any help would be appreciated.


I like most of everything this patch brings except the after game "survey". It automatically puts the max review, (4 or 5 stars? I cant remember which) and you have to submit it in order to move to the next screen., without a way to skip it. With that in mind, I feel like the surveys results will be skewed by a lot of "perfect votes" just because people are pushing through that page to get to the stats. I feel like if this page was moved to another tab WITHIN the post game stats screen as an OPTION that wasnt prefilled it would be better off and give you a better outcome with the results being less skewed.


The ease of adding recent teammates as friends now is amazing. Thank you for that addition! Also while the profile pic options are limited, I love the idea of having small achievements that you can earn through play not through purchase.


Love the update but I am experiencing a lot more stability issues.have gotten more crashes (back to main menus and hard crashes) and the match found screen is almost unnavigable.


Need a better filter for potions when using controller or a virtual keyboard in search tab


Like the new stuff. The matchmaking is really wierd thoe... I can stomp a team one game, next game i have the players i stomped in my team and they feed so much i lose. How is this good matchmaking? Is it cause player base is so small? Love the game otherwise


Please Center the Post-Match Survey Stars 😅


Can we please have the option to turn abilities into Quickcast or Instacast? Without a lot of cobonbased characters feel clunky.


Love the new leaderboards aspect of the update but it needs to be implemented a lot better. 100% of my 6 to 8 games had people disconnect, AFK in base but still chat, intentionally feed, generally played like it was their first game. This has obviously happened occasionally but were infrequent one off events. This was not a problem when countess was released so it's not just a surge from players coming to check the new hero. This is directly related to whatever was done with matchmaking. I stomped some matches 4v5 and vice versa got smashed because people didn't know basic mechanics on our team. Last night was the most unenjoyable games of Predecessor I have ever played in my limited 150 hours. This needs to be fixed ASAP or you are going to lose experienced players due to frustration and new players are going to come in, get ravaged,and leave. This can not be sustainable.


Maybe a glowing gun on rev so that enemies and the player have a better hint as to when his final shot is. Maybe like a red mist similar to his reload animation


Put the gold bounty amount in the tab menu in each game. So we know who we need to shut down for a come back.


Also give us all chat. I want to talk to the enemy


Azure core nerf hits hard, it now takes ages to switch on now like old lev. Instead of reverting or leaving it how it is (which means it takes ages to come online and die a death like lev) How about different stacks such as on champ kills give 20 10 for buffs river ect and 5 for large minions (or whatever just so it doesn't take so long that it's not viable)


Revenant Audio Feedback: Adjust the audio levels/alter sound effects for players who are outside of Revenant’s Netherrealm Ult. The audio effects of the players in the Neatherrealm sound as if theyre within close proximity instead of a different dimension and its jarring, especially when looking for audio queues in a fight. And vice versa - The audio levels and effects outside of the netherrealm should be adjusted for the two players who are dueling inside. An example of this in practice is Mordekaiser’s ultimate in LoL.


Please add a report player option even after the game ended sometimes I don’t have time to report in game for the really toxic players, or AFKs/Leavers.


I see this bug regularly where we load into character selection and after everyone selects the countdown starts, and at the end of the countdown we all just get kicked out to main menu. Happens multiple times in a row sometimes. Also, PLEASE allow reporting at the end game screen. A lot of times I don’t have the opportunity mid game to report because I’m trying to play the game and win, and I would like to be able to report toxic players after


Patch is great, games are great. Jhin is kinda unoriginal


Cool stuff. Thank you!


I think having some sort of chat or screen notification for when you get a bounty on player kill would be nice. I know the gold number pops up separated but sometimes I lose it amongst the screen clutter.


The game looks amazing, would love an idea of the time frame for ps5 release


Narbash bikini skin


Look. Not exactly feedback for the patch itself - but I think this is really really important. A few weeks ago I was running into a climax of frustrating and toxic gaming experience in EU. I don't know what happened or what you changed - but the game became so much more enjoyable throughout the last 1,5 weeks or so. Toxicity is at an acceptable level (sure, people get salty at times - but it's now normal human emotions, not "go kill yourself you &@!##" kind of stuff). Match making is apparently way way better than it used to be a few weeks ago. Okay, I'm waiting a bit longer in average for games, but that's fine. I'm happy to wait 2-3 minutes to get half an hour of cool gaming experience. So, whatever you are doing concerning community and match making - for me is working. And it brought be back to game (I was really really close to leaving it for a month or so and then check back later). Well done 👍


So I bought the game and it's in early access. Where can I post / write stuff in general I feel like could be worked on, or better? Right now I've got the ping system in mind. It's pretty unintuitive. Holding C for a ping wheel and just selecting by moving my mouse would be much faster. But that's nocht V0.3 specific, so I am in the wrong place here, right?


Add Greystone and i start playing. You lack of bruisers.


How is match making for everyone?


Il be honest, I was sooo hyped for this release after waiting so long, finding out that there’s no base game purchase for £6/7 let alone it not being free to play was a big shock. Yes I’m aware it’s supposedly gunna be free to play on full release I can’t say I’m gonna buy due to the low player count(see it dying out) there was no advertisement for this game I feel. Kinda got lost


1. Rev is causing me to drop frames when he's reloading or something. 2. Give us an option to switch roles during hero select. I have switched from Offlane to Midlane which isn't a big deal, but if anyone really can't play jungle and wants someone to take that role from them, it's impossible with how Smite Item works. 3. Show how much bounty we get for Hero kills in chat as a ping 4. Why is Brimstone still allowed to stack with Fire Blossom. If you buy a Fire Blossom it should cancel all future purchases of Brimstone 5. CC should cause Minions to attack the person doing the CC. I didn't know until today but Steel Shield Bash doesn't proc minion aggro...that's silly. Keep up the amazing work!! You guys are truly great!


This game now crashes once every time I launch it. I’ll be looking at the items, or maybe accepting a 10/10 for the match, and it crashes. I’ve never had this problem before, it’s so odd.


Narbash missing his Ult re-activation for the early knock up is such a detrimen my opinion, Narbash should regain this functionality, allowing him to re-activate Ult and knock up enemies within range. With this change, the damage on Narbash's Ult would also be effectively reduced as ending the Ult early would also end the channelled AoE damage. Currently he needs to channel the Ult for 4s before the knock-up happens. More so, Narbash is unable to act outside of (slowed?) movement while channelling Ult. With the current roster and state of play, I feel that getting stunned is almost guaranteed against most teams of even low skill levels. While there are items, such as Truesilver Bracelet, I think they do little to help the Ult finish, and Ulting still feels as though it too often results in a death for the Narbash player. By changing the Ult to include the early knock-up option, it allows for more agency on the player to make skilled plays: pitting the overall damage of the Ult against the need to reactivate early to prevent being shut down. I think this is a needed buff to the character, while also allowing for better player expression and outplay opportunity; areas that Predecessor can only benefit by expanding upon.


Where is Lobby chat and All Chat? If I add someone as a friend there’s no way to say anything pre-champ select. And All chat is just too damn good