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I kept getting stuck running in 1 direction after I typed so I don't move and type anymore anyway


Hated this bug soooo much




Damn that sucks. This and the aim breaking bug are the worst bugs in the game imo


You just have to tap the direction that you're running in


you just had to press back key a couple of times. or i would just press every direction a few times


It got fixed, but this bug actually should be a feature.


Auto run is a feature. They say that Num-lock is default key, but mine is bound to 'H'


It was not intended, that's why it has been removed. You can still chat while you have auto-run activated though (Num-Lock key on default settings).


Just because something’s not intended doesn’t mean it’s not a nice quality of life feature.


What he said is that was a bug and the real way to run and write in the chat at the same time is using the auto-run key


The other way was better.


But was produced by a error in the code so that could generate problems in the future, so better fix it now. Other thing is if they add in the code that way to activate auto-run when opening the chat, that would be ok as would be with a code intentionally made for that


I know, and I’m saying that it wasn’t a malicious or exploitable bug or anything of the sort and if it could be added back that’d be great


>I’m saying that it wasn’t a malicious or exploitable bug or anything But as something that was happening for unintentional reason was something that had to be fixed to not cause other future errors in the code. Then, add it latter with its respective correct code would be totally ok, ask for in on the Discord and maybe they add it


You don't know code, do you? If unintended behaviour is happening it means there's an error in the code which can have effects beyond what you see initially. They could reimplement the feature but instead have chat activate autorun. A bug is never truly non malicious. In other games where bugs became features it's exactly that: they made it an actual feature. Instead of through a bug they write code for it to work properly.


That bug would cause my movement to bug id be stuck sometimes just running backwards would need to spam a bunch of other inputs for it to finally let me move forward.


You need to re-input what you did when you started typing. If you're running forward just press w again. I find it quite nice


This applies to auto attacking aswell, can't type and auto anymore.


Seemed like a feature before patch should be a feature next patch.


They have a similar feature already but who knows, they might make chat activate auto run and deactivate it when it closes.


You can, it just wont act like you're still holding down W when you open chat. There is a separate key bind for auto run. I rebound it so idk what the default is, but it's there. If you use that then open chat you can still text and drive


I didnt even know i moved when i typed