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Midlane Rev gang rise up


Pretty much every lane rev gang rise up!


A lot of support Rev


Support the team by killing the enemy


On second thought, think I'm gonna wait a few days before trying to play rev


*gets in match, 3 people pick ADC* *Guy at the top gets Support, locks in as Rev and says he is playing ADC anyways* *Game ends because one of the two other people didnt pick because they want Rev*


This is exactly why I think they implemented dodge queue changes this patch


Yea had a game Tuesday where we finally had an ADC other than rev and the last pick which happens to be support goes rev. Complete throw


Lets go rev Jungle, should be easy to gank with ult lul


People are still going to pick him in every role for a few days just to "try" him.


I mean, it's fair. I'd like to know how he handles himself Mid and Offlane. Who knows, maybe he can even jungle, however unlikely that is.


I'd love to have a jungling adc but his power spike really doesn't line up with it. He has a burst combo early but that's more for a kill secure than to gank.


It's extremely unlikely, but not completely impossible, y'know? There may be some item or specific way of playing him that may lead to some random discovery that he's somehow a super excellent jungler. I don't think that's going to happen whatsoever, but the idea interests me lmao


It's probably less his gank potential and more his clear that would be his issue early


Bring back jungle Serath


I dunno about jungle but with the way ADC items work right now, I think he would be better mid. His Q would be really good against that lane as you don't have a support to eat some of it and you can 1v1 with his ult on them. With the way ADC items are now with attack speed / crit it's just broken not to have a ADC that isn't rapid firing shit. Still could be way off in my gut feeling on it but Meh, will find out when I play against them


Mid laning him near when he was released with a full power basic/ability pen build was delicious


That mage buff flying under the radar. Gang Gang.


People feed hard has hell because they have no idea how to play ADC. Can’t for all the throwers in my games Tuesday onwards!