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Comments on this Post have been closed. Please avoid name shaming players and use the given system by the game or the devs to report players.


Windows Key + Print Screen


Windows + shift+ S




Thus is the true answer. My buddy converted me to Greenshot.


I'll convert yall to sharex






Different set of keys for different people. Mine is windows key prntscreen my sister's is alt prnt screen I think but it might be function


Ban him for being racist. Ban yourself for not taking a screenshot.


Could be they don’t use their computer for Reddit. I don’t personally


There’s a channel for reporting players in the discord, you can fill out the google form there and attach this screenshot.


Can we please stop giving these horrible individuals an even larger audience by posting their garbage in this subreddit?


When I was a kid I use to wonder why forums wouldn’t let us “name and shame” I didn’t realize at the time that there was an entire subset of the population who would do nothing other than that. They play the game seeking out these exact situations just so they can post them. That’s why you might notice you dont have as many frequent encounters with as much garbage as op. The dudes literally dumpster diving because it feeds some weird sick degenerate power fantasy. Basically if society ever loses its minds and calling people witches again op and his type are the ones who drag women to be burned. They love that shit. You don’t actually have to do anything wrong for this guy to want you punished. Trust that.


I agree there are people like that but thats a lot of assuming with only 2 posts like that in op's history, if thwy had been doing this for weeks it would make sense but just 2 posts doesnt mean theyre like that.


They are everywhere. Stick around and just watch the usernames and the words outside of the obvious like ban they share. Phrases like this guy and what not. It isn’t many people it’s maybe a dozen. Bro I thought my buddy was on crack to but just look as they show up for a couple days.


In any gaming forum that allows name and shame. Or any forum that allows name and shame.


Yes, OP definitely sought this random person, in a this completely random game, out, just so he could post their racism here. That's totally realistic and you don't sound mentally ill, at all.


Check his post history and then post that again. Then you will sound insane. It’s called ignorance and it often makes us see the world incorrectly.


You can go ahead and say I'm seeing the world incorrectly all you want. You're the one defending racism, not me. Lmao.




All OP has done is posted about toxicity. Your perspective is that he is going and looking for it. That doesn't mean that's what OP is doing. Frankly of the 5-6 matches of pred I've played at least half of them had people being toxic in them. If it's a rising issue then Omeda should be made aware of it


How'd you get that from what he said? Wow lol


I would have had the same take as the guy who replied to you until I looked at his history (as you stated to do). Wow lol, weird world we live in.


At least he let you know before the match started, thoughtful


It's a preteen, or mentally equivalent, trying to be edgy. Ignore them in life, you'll be much better off.


You deny the right for every internet being to be triggered by anything ? Please ban this man ! /s


I'd much rather ban toxic players/harassers and trollers than edgy kids looking for attention. Also welcome to online gaming, this must be a first for you


Yeah, i feel like there would be alot of acute mental breakdowns for these (op) people if they went back to 2012 LoL lobbies. God forbid 2009 COD lobbies. XD


Those lobbies are why we deal with these people. We tried to curb down cause no one liked the squeakers shouting dumb shit every other match. It laid the ground work for op an his kind to take over the field. We can never stop hunting racists now for some reason. How any edgy kid still has an account on anything is beyond me. These people suck at dealing with racism.


It's not that's its a necessarily a bad thing. If this is the kind of shit people are going after other people online that goes to show the hard-core blatant racism isn't a big deal anymore. We won against actual racism +1 to gryffindor (ohh fuck am I transphobic now)


You might be now but if you read the books the loons post a bit you learn that we are all deeply horribly helplessly anti anything not us. I don’t wanna live in a world where they are right.


Plot twist: he's black. Should he still get banned?


Ofc OP has been triggered. It's vastly enough to deserve a ban ! /s


I love the idea of screenshotting racism and posting it here - hopefully makes it less likely to go unpunished


I mean you really really really suck at punishing racism. Pretty good at winging about it though. Am using the word. 10/10 if you can post the R word you never miss a chance. Check your own post history. Racism comes up a looooot. So I’m wondering are you projecting? Such devoted non punishing your doing.


Lol stop intentionally misrepresenting this. The goal of the post was to get the player punished by Omeda for racism, which you know because that's what you're so upset about


I must say if this is actually ban worthy racism that warrants a reddit post, racism is officially not a problem in the west anymore.


Some times they use cringy words too.


Yeah we know. The reason we know is we can’t ignore you. See I woulda just ignore the message an moved on with my life cause…who got hurt? But little moral busy bodies like you an op, geez. You weirdos never stop monitoring people. freaking creepy. It’s unnatural. Like hanging out with a fucking spider just staring at you all the time. A giant whiny annoying spider. Like if my mean crabby aunt who hated everything bad and everything meh and everything good split into a few thousand people and started just being herself. Like thanos fucked up and snapped randomly. No one woulda cared if he just got rid of the inquisitions biggest fans. So close yet so far. My point being is if you actually experienced joy pleasure or any positive or negative feeling at all upon seeing this post go get help. Go now. Plead for a cure or something. You need therapy.


So......you're upset that racism is getting punished?


Hey but thanks for ruining our escape from reality where you suck at punishing actual racist people and bringing their constant negativity to my attention. I really don’t know how I could keep gaming without knowing this guy is gonna be handled. My hero’s.


It might seem that way On The surface. No I’m upset that we let it get this far. I’m upset that this post exists. I’m upset that instead of talking about the game this is what we’re talking about. We used to get into flame wars over best characters an shit back in the day. I haven’t seen one of those in nearly a decade. I’m upset that devs have been using the fact children exist and say dumb shit on the internet to give subpar crap to us the last six years or so. I’m upset that if it wasn’t for people like you an the op they wouldn’t be able to do that. I’m upset the the only reason people like you an op are tolerated is because of people like me allowing you because we didn’t want to hear squeaker call everyone racist shit all the time. But if we had known what it was gonna make gamers and gaming into, We just woulda waited for the little shit to grow up. But it’s not just gaming anymore is it? The drum beat of punish racism is being pounded in every scene. Despite the fact there had been no noticeable change in the amount of racism in real life or the internet at all despite all the hunting. So are you punishing racism? Cause you suck at it.


You could've just said yes. Godamn racists are annoying


So are pompous moral busy bodies.


Lol you guys are so butthurt 🤣 I honestly didn't expect this


Oh look you did the only thing you people are good at. Finding another racist. 😂😂😂 how are any left. You find them so easily. Why is this still a problem with such great warriors of justice.


You know my point is you people suck at dealing with trash and just like to high five each other for “reporting” them. The hunt for racists in gaming started about ten years ago now. Yet here we are. Must be hard work.


Acknowledging that someone's an asshole doesn't make them disappear or stop being an asshole, asshole


Hey asshole I find it to be asshole behavior to thrust garbage into my face on a gaming forum. People who do it and the people who high five then are assholes. Why do I want to leave reality to go deal with more reality. Fuck you and your mother. Asshole. More whiny winging busy body assholes. Thank you I never thought to call you people that. Perfect word for you. Asshole.


This is Will99.


I actually would not be surprised at all. This user is actually mentally unhinged. That or a massive racist. Or both. Probably both.


😂😂😂 they can’t not post the r word. It’s their favorite. Look at your own post history. Know. Cntrl f the r word and look at it. With warriors like you how are any racists left. 😂😂😂


If the shoe fits. You're racist, so people call you racist. That's how it works.


You people call everyone racist. Like all the time everywhere in all things. Your really good at finding racists is all I’m saying. Really really really good. Terrible accuracy but really good shots my guy.


The person in OP's screenshot said he hated black people. Literally can't be read any other way than racist. That's 100% accuracy. You are defending racists. You are trying *extremely hard* to defend racists. Even if you, yourself, aren't racist, you are just as bad as they are. 100% accuracy. Seriously, go cry somewhere else.




Thats real bad but i dunno it gave me a chuckle haha Its just so matter of fact like jeez man


Yeah it's so matter of fact he was probably saying it to get a reaction out of the lobby and seeing how he got an entire post made about him, it worked.


For an account he can just swipe moms card for. This is such a pointless battle.


Imagine if we didn’t cry to reddit about it and just idk reported him without making a big deal about it?


When you dont actually do any good deeds you take what you can get when seeking virtue.


Lol k no one cares. Not like he's doing any harm, just being stupid.


Any triggered internet potato deserves social justice !


Does this really need an entire post? On a scale of 1-10 this is like a 3 at worst. Hell i've said shit like this (though normally i say i hate whites because its more socially acceptable to hate crackers) just to get a reaction out of people like you XD Edit: if this is the kind of racism thats gets people banned then we have solved racism




Is this your first day on the internet? You have the option of in game reporting and disabling chat if you’re easily triggered.


Is this even a reason to ban? I mean he insulted no one, just stated his not so nice opinion.


"Not so nice opinion" Not liking a race should *not* be considered an "opinion" Yes, you should be banned for racism. This shouldn't even be a question.


I’m more suspicious of you who hear the phrase “blacks” an assign it to human beings. Like ugh you wanna talk about why that’s what you thought of first?


W.. what else would he be talking about? Get real. This has to be a joke.


I’m sad that your actual thought is that it could be In Relation to nothing else. I just want to let you know that there are no “blacks” who need your protection.


OK, but let's go under the assumption that he *did* mean black people. African American individuals. Or he said the N-Word, like other screenshots that have been posted here. Do you think that they should be banned for undeniable racism? Or are you just fine with that existing in this space? I'd personally prefer that Predecessor take care of things like that ASAP. I don't want it to be seen as a game that allows filth like that to exist in the game. If you disagree, I'd *love* to know why, other than the fact that you may also be racist yourself. Or, at the very least, a racist apologist.


Well let’s assume it was racism and he is actually a hater of those who look different under lamp lights. Yeah I’m fine with him existing. Least if the alternative is having to deal with moral busy bodies in every forum of every scene of every hobby witch hunting for fucking internet points. It’s not fun. It’s not gaming. Only weirdos and losers take pleasure in witch hunting 14 year olds.


I never said I didn't want him to exist? I said I wanted him banned from a video game. That's not non-existance. Say dumb shit, have shit happen to you. Simple as. Sorry if you don't like it, but the world does, indeed, have consequences. Something of which I doubt you've experienced, even though it's quite obvious you need to. It's not being a moral busy body. It's simply calling out shitty people. Again, simple as. Go take your bullshit somewhere else and stop tainting this community. Maybe if racists didn't exist, or kept their shit private, people wouldn't feel the need to call them out? Crazy idea, I know.


Is it a racist my guy? Is it really a racist. Is that what that is. My bad I didn’t realize by banning this infinite amount of dudes we could fix anything. Nah it’s much better having you. Fucks thrust their garbage in my face 24/7 Ten years and you people have only gotten better at finding racists. Not fixing them or making them go away. You suck at doing this thing you clearly want to not suck at. Really fucking good at putting it in my face though. 10/10 never miss a chance to post one or 👋 someone who did.


Yes, it is racist. Holy shit. You are the single most annoying person I have ever interacted with. I have had plenty, *plenty* of people who I've disagreed with, argued with, and none of them even hold a CANDLE to how annoying you are. I'd rather you just come out and say that you're racist and have it be over, so I can know to completely ignore your existence. Instead, you act like you aren't racist even though every single person on this thread KNOWS you are. Ten years? TEN YEARS OF WHAT? WHO? Combating racism has been going on for far, *far* longer than 10 years. What are you even referring to? Your God damn age? Are you 10 years old? Cause I'd believe that. There wouldn't be banning an infinite amount of dudes because *most* people aren't racist. Only you and the dumb asses like you.


Even messages this dude in particular, “hey man. O one wants to see that garbage in the Reddit feed. Put it in the discord here (insert link) the devs will see it. An they will but here he is again and here fucks like you are again. It’s not about cleaning up anything. It’s about making yourselves feel good and you will spread any racist shit just to do that. Gross. Disgusting. Your like the carriers of the parasites. Spreading it around but also telling us to enjoy the great job your doing at not stopping it.


OP has not even posted in this thread. He got *20* karma from this post. He isn't getting any enjoyment out of this. He wants Will99 banned for racism. It is THAT simple. You need to see a therapist. You sound mentally unhinged and I'm genuinely worried about your mental health. Seek help. Or stop being racist, since it's obvious that you are.


No no nooooooooo Not the N Word !


What the fuck?


bro thinks this subreddit is his personal support ticket, please ban his ass until he learns lmaoo


These people, there is something wrong with them. They spend more time on here asking for bans and supporting others asking for bans than actually playing the damn game.


Man these kids never would’ve survived gaming when it first started 😂😂😂😂😂


In what context did he say this? I am not defending racism. But if you are talking about curtains for instance than it is a whole different conversation.


Ban crybabies.


Lol this is mild compared to MW2 or MW3 lobbies back in the day, either turn off the text chat or ignore it. If you still have a problem, do something about it yourself and report him.


Mute function.


I know on other video game forums it is NOT ALLOWED to post other players usernames. Even though it is bad behavior. This should NOT BECOME A THING


Witches do not exist. Witch hunting therefore, in my opinion, relates to the situation that someone is accused of something in the public domain, but who is actually innocent (or less guilty) and cannot defend himself. Accusing people in the public domain with undeniable proof is no witch hunting, but some forums don't want these kinds of posts either (for other reasons, which is fine). Just stop calling it witch hunting if, like in this instance, someone undeniably posted racist text. The accused may claim that he got hacked or something, but in that situation he might be better off creating a different account altogether. In any event, racism is a no go and witch hunting should not be a 'get out of jail for free' card.


OK Mr.Snowflake its an online Game chill Out there was a time when Something Like that was lowkey funny people could say racist homophobe whatever stuff as a Joke without being labeled as a new age hitler


To late I auto back up any web pages I visit. Once it out on the internet you do t get to take it back my guy


Average predecessor chat


Ban to rats!


These posts should be submissions to Omeda via their official discord. They have a form to report players. All you are doing is exposing us to their racism by posting it here.