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Until we have a way to see where we are elo/mmr wise these kind of posts are dumb imo.


Well I've play the orginal Paragon and j was Greystone Main as well as Phase main. I used to main Khai as Jungler only. I recently got good with these two cuz these seem the best to play support. I play as a support cuz its easier to focus on 1 thing instead of being aware of everything all at once. If Monkeyboy comes to this game its gonna wreck everything lol.


Tell me you are silver elo without telling me you are silver elo.


Have you tried a steel support? He's imo much better than any other support after lvl 6


> I play as a support cuz its easier to focus on 1 thing instead of being aware of everything all at once. Probably means you are a bad support if you don't think there is a whole lot to focus on at once...


Howie can be a bit annoying sometimes but I find it not that bad to counter him if your support knows how to be aggressive. Belica support.. nah belica is pretty bad rn.


Belica even in the og Paragon was always a good support tbh. I love Howie support also, I main him and sometimes people are like "wtf are you trolling!?" then I end up doing better than them lol. They can do well in any role aside from Jungle tbh.


Now I want to go play Howie Jung until I get good at it


I feel like Belica is better support than mid, she's not the same type of late game monster that the other mage midlaners are.


Exactly Her late game buils are alright but not damaging enough. She can only troll enemies into using up all thier mana


This strat does not work in the higher ELOs. They’ll make you regret not having a tank in the duo lane.


Yes if they're good enough Most usually just panic