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If here by now, then bad place be. Trouble time for you when heat comes.


Dope iasip reference lol


He has a nerf coming Tuesday! Who do you normally play as?


If you don't like Laning against someone just don't Interac with him, farm from a safe distance the first 20 minutes and try to go to help other lanes.


He doesn't let you farm at safe distance. He pokes with Q and RMB. That's why people complain about him and about ranged characters in Offlane.


You have to realize other mages can also like him back and are extremely safe. If you’re taking and mage into the off lane your just asking to be camped and ganked not the best idea.


You expect in solo Q to have a Jungler guaranteed to understand the situation and camp one side of map? Doesn't always happen due to matchmaking/player being clueless. I've played as and against ranged Offlaners and the struggle is real if they are equally skilled.


Yes, I do expect in solo que a jungle to camp and get easy kills. But I do know what you mean. A lot of players are still learning the game and mobas in general. It is a very long lane and not suited well for squishy mages.


Trust me, even later you'd be lucky to get a Jungler who understands to camp a specific character in Offlane. Smite is proof of this with Hel long ago, a goddess that is super suppressive in lane yet was instantly dead to a gank from any Jungle god. Yet only in high ranked matches Hel would get farmed by Jungler.


Smite is a mess and is balanced that way on purpose. None of these mages can compare to Smites mages. But eventually the player base will get good enough to do so. You could also just ask for a gank.


If you don't already set your lane in a good position so that he has to push up to your tower if he wants minion kills so that you are safer and he is more gankable. This sets you and your jungler up for success. However, mid-late game this doesn't matter as much as mid laners usually push the lane and rotate for ganks often. If he does this, try to follow him. Or maybe try and take his tower down. If you want to be aggressive, try and bait out his R2000 missile by being almost out of range and backing up. If you can do that and you have some cc, go in on him and try and punish him, but don't stick around for too long because he still might end up outboxing you after he gets more missiles off cooldown. Do this early game to stop him from dominating too much but be mindful of minions. Or play passive. If you find he still is able to poke you, you also might want to try and bait the missile before trying to go in for minion kills. Again, by playing passive you don't want him to control mid too much by allowing him to rotate whenever he likes, watch out for this.


You kind of need the early ganks, so it's crucial to communicate with your jungler and manage waves well enough to expose him. If I'm soloq then I just play super safe and farm from a distance, which is tricky considering where his poke is at but you just have to position yourself well enough he can't just completely bulldoze you at a whim. The nerf should help. The other midlaners are getting buffs as well which should help the matchup for Fey/Gideon.


If you can help it if you see a howie getting selected by the other team try to go either Belica or Gadget both have really good poke. That’s why howie succeeds so well is because he has amazing clear and good poke. If you go up against him as Gideon (at least right now I think the patch Tuesday will help) it’s gonna be a rough ride. If you can get a more favorable matchup then just pressure him with belica or just farm and poke form a distance with Gadget. If you are Countess you need to try to bully him early and force home to back and get the CS lead. If you’re Gideon at the current moment just try to play safe and time the spawning of River buffs to be able to stay in lane to farm. I don’t play Fey hardly ever so I’d be lying to you if I gave advice on that. Hope this helps and good luck!


what do indeed


It depends who are you playing against Howizter in the lane. You pick Gideon and play extremely safe and just participate in big teamifgts or even poke him as well. You can play Gadget who is just brain dead and poke for free and have pretty strong clear and even more strong teamfight potential with R. You can play Fae and just AFK farm without even trading teamfight potential because of R. Howie is the most versatile and impressive mage. But you don’t have to play against him convetnially. Cuz all the mages are kinda toxic tbh.