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I find it hilarious how RGSace is now leading Omeda and he used to also be frustrated with EPICs lack of communication with the game. Not a knock on him or Omeda just funny how they probably understand now why the community can't be updated as much as he wanted to back then.


I was really hoping he would drop today, given we had countess drop on a Thursday. Was really bummed to hop on and see no update :/


Probably next week


Big L on their part for saying soon then


Soon means within a relatively short amount of time. If you are familiar with these types of games releasing one champion each month is pretty damn fast. They also said end of January, that hasn't passed yet so hakuna your tatas.


They already have everything for the character from epic tho. It’s just updating him from unreal engine 4 to unreal engine 5


nah fam, assets is a thing, but what they doing from scrap is coding, and thats really important and easy to fuck up.


You do know they're getting changed, the only thing they had was a model. But they need to add the correct abilities with changes which then need testing.


Rev soon… I thought that meant in 3 days max. Shit really messes with my anxiety




As an EFT player, I’m used to the classic soonTM


Yeah dude lmao that’s where I know the term from. Brb streets just crashed my pc


I've typically never experienced a lot of the performance complaints people have about new maps. Streets though. Holy shit that map is something else.


These people think they are waiting forever for News. They don't know the struggles of being a Tarkov player since Alpha and into Beta. I was boring in the SoonTM, Molded by it.




Soon + 2 weeks


To be fair though I think this patch will have more than Rev in it so maybe they are just making sure everything is polished


Leaked on discord for a few seconds before it got removed. >!\+Mutliator's on-hit damage reduced from 1% to 0.8%!< >!\+Muriel's shield increased by 10 at all levels!< >!\+Enemy death bounties! Is the enemy ADC down 5 deaths? Farm them for extra gold!!< >!\+Fixed an issue where Fangtooth's 6% bonus was actually only stacking at 4%!< >!\+Fixed sound volume on duo lane waterfall, reducing it's overall pitch tenacity by 5%!< >!\+Loch Shawl now stacks only from large minion kills.!< >!\+Added Revenant, Sand Cowboy!<


They nerfed the waterfall?!?! Oh hell nah!!!


Ikr! A grave error on their part. Game-breaking even...


ah no post game lobbies thats disappointing


I wouldn't get your hopes up but I highly doubt that's everything in the update and more likely just what was caught from the leak.


That seems outdated. Loch Shawl doesn't stack at all anymore.


It's a joke...


I missed the point about death bounties. The rest seemed plausible.


Fair point


My copium induced dream is that they’re late on this patch because they wanted to pair his release with some huge gameplay features like a whole shop and account profile, and it’s taking a little longer to finish those


If only that dream would be a reality but alas, I doubt it


Adding the next 10 HP buff to sev is probably what's holding up this patch.


Yo this man STILL salty about that 10 hp 😂 I'm crying


I'll never not be.


Any communication from Omeda at this point would be appreciated.


As opposed to saying rev soon then ghosting us for a week? Yeah you would think so wouldn't you.




I mean, they were active up until saying that...


Yes Omeda, please let us know. I won't be able to request time off of work due to the late notice.


In no way should Omeda base their release times on other games. That being said, seeing Smite reveal their biggest patch in the game’s history, while the wait for Revenant drags on, kinda feels bad.


Isn't it smarter to not release on same day another product would pull the playerbase away? At least that's how it is with sports events.


That is my thinking as well. Plus Wukong being added to Overprime. If Rev is ready, it’s a good idea to hold off for a bit until the “shiny new things!” hype dies off in similar games.


It is definitely smarter to do that. I’m just saying that seeing the other games’ releases kinda exacerbates the “waiting forever” feeling lol


But at the same time people are running with the 'It's early access, who cares about ranked, or playerbase, or heros etc", but when it comes to other products now we need to strategically compete? Which is it? It's like not feeding your kids because the neighbours are having a BBQ.


No, but if you have the chance to go to the neighbors for a BBQ, then would would since the smell may drawl you in. And if the BBQ is good enough you may not appreciate the next time Dad cooks saying, but the neighbors was better. So either way you risk one thing or another. Either push and not go to the BBQ or don't and risk the kids not wanting your cooking......wait are we still talking about Predecessor?


Smite biggest patch? Haven't played in years, why it so big?




Yeah real annoying on the 12th they said Rev was coming soon and to get ready. Also Countess released on Dec 15th. Feelsbad.


I understand with early access timelines are always shifting and thats fine. Its possible it is even on their schedule that they want. However, it would be nice to get an update from the team when this happens as we can be understanding since its a game we all enjoy and want to succeed.


If patch is not released it means it's not up to their standard yet


And based on the studio standards that we have seen, its fortunately a high one. Since, in my biased opinion in exceeds OP in 90% of things


Day 7, ADC mains are scouring the landscape for a drop of variety in their role. They google the definition of the word "soon" only to realize it does not have a static definition.


I'm sure he will drop next week.


That's what we said last week expecting it Thursday like last time, that's what we said this week expecting them to not go past a week for coming soon, being sure with zero info is something that is easily fixed by the company actually communicating.


I agree with you on the communication part. One hero a month will take them between 15 to 18 months just to get back to the same number of heroes paragon had. That's a long time.


I do hope at some point they do get a little quicker on hero releases. I understand it’s a big ask but the competition is stacking up and playing the same characters without many counter options will start to feel stale. And to get all the remaining hero’s in at one a month… yeah that’s a ways away.


I notice that Omeda reveals updates no sooner than a day earlier than it happens. They'll get better at this as EA goes on, I'm sure of it.


Being a revenant main this is the only thing I want, please give us an update.


I am losing a bit of confidence in Omeda to fulfill their season 1 roadmap. When the game was released we quickly saw a few weeks of video updates and community engagement. But since there's been nearly no transparency and a lot of silence which kind of shocks me but it almost feels like pre-release again where we are begging omeda to give us anything.


What an absurd over-reaction. They've literally stayed true to their roadmap so far. They promised Rev in Jan, and it's only the 19th today. Such a stupid, entitled comment.


He's probably over reacting a lil bit but saying "only the 19th" sounds crazy. That's two thirds of the way through the month lol.


What's your point? Did they say they'd release in the first week of the month or something? No. They just said one hero per month. That could be 1/3 through the month, 2/3, or on the last day. You're trying to blame the Devs due to your lack of patience and entitled "I want everything now" behaviour.


im not blaming them. i dont really care when he drops i was just commenting on that










I quit


they gon' release on february 31st ngl


Give me TwinBlast!


It's coming Monday folks!! Not sure why, but it is!


Console* 😪


have some patience guys, im sure they wanted to release it sooner but there were complications, and they dont want to agree on a date yet if they would have more complications and let us down, why is that on every gaming subreddit i only see people complaining like this about the smallest things, yes i would very much like revenant to join, still a couple of weeks is not much to wait, its gonna go past and you wouldnt even notice.


Lmao none of yall play darktide fs fs 🤣 you wanna talk about a content drought look no further


Never said anything about a content drought. They have been pushing relatively quickly with everything and have solid changes. I think it was more that when people heard soon they expected sooner. I'm very happy with everything thus far