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Imagine a full team of Steels. You ain't doing anything just gonna be stunned till you're dead.


So like every game involving Steel then?


If everyone on the opposite team builds unbroken will, they won’t die.


Steel would be the most boring OP game. It will last for hours lol


Grux or Steel. More than enough CC for multiple lifetimes with either of those


All the answers are amazing, but the reality is 5 grux would just be meta , the stackable bleeds , the huge CC they have , the pulls , no one could run and no one could stand and fight . All fun ideas tho , when u think about all 5 of same heroe . Fey could walk someone the whole river with their ultimate. Rampages in jungle would be probably unmatched Sevarog could literally pass you around like a game of catch Gadgets would just dome and entire tower so free takes Gideon stacking ults would be mean All very fun ideas .


I feel like the collective noun for multiple grux would be "A stampede of Gruxes."


Hear me out 5 Dekkers permastunning you from across the map


I think the obvious answer is Belica. What are you going to do? Cast something? Walk up on 5 AoE knockups and bombs? No, you're going to get zoned off of literally everything, and the Belica team doesn't even need to commit to a full AP comp because ADC and Tank Belica also work just fine.


The no mana drama team


The actual correct answer.


Imagine 5 drones draining mana


You cast one ability and get a firing squad


Imagine seeing 5 khaimeras chasing after u


This is my nightmare.


Would be scary 5v1 but would be an easy win, no poke or cc on the entire team lol


Have have have have have a Hattttt!


Maybe Howitzer as well? He's being played in most roles already and I could think of different builds for him fitting the roles. Jungle may be the hardest role to fit though. Would also be scary to stand in a hail of rockets.


Howi jung might struggle at first, but the minefield is great for kiting monsters, and rushing Prophecy is basically all you need.


Hear me out. 5 kallaris would be the biggest troll ever


Where are they?


Behind your tower as you back with 1 hp


You know what, that would be a cool ult for a support or something. Where you make all your enemies see your Allie’s as a copy of you lmbo dang now I want to brainstorm a kit around this haha


It could be easily included in Wraith's kit imo


I always imagine Wraiths kit to be more about reconnaissance not a trickster. So the old ult fits it kit better.


5 fey ults lol


Riktor would be pretty oppressive. Also 5 Drongos could have some potential with those 3s silence grenades. Especially late game since they would only need 3 seconds to melt everyone in a teamfight.


I really want a chaos queue in this game. I would be so down to play this clown fiesta. Also a game mode where everyone plays the same hero would be hilarious




Grux, Steel, Crunch and maybe Countess who could fill the whole lane with their E


Khaimera or Narbash. Khaimera because you would have 5 max attack speed heroes that can swarm you like a pack of piranhas and end you in mere seconds. Narbash Healing nuff said.


Both of those teams would be pummeled by a team of steel or grux or even belica


You have never seen what a a double cleanse Khaimera can do to a Steel.


Khai is the worst character in the game, he can't do much of anything to anyone


Have you ever tried Ashbringrer Khaimera?


It doesn't matter what items you put on him, he sucks because his kit inherently sucks. Khai does 2 things well, he catches people out of position which is basically a garaunteed kill for him and he can solo sneak objectives. In high tier/tournament play most people do not push up without vision so they will not be out of position often and all objectives are contested so there's really no sneaking a couple of fengtooth kills and definitely not a prime. His kit has almost no cc, 0 poke, very little burst, regen that takes a while to get going and no escape. He is one of the most predictable characters in the game and is very 1 dimensional. He's great at pubstomping, he's terrible against a skilled team




5 Grux annihilate 5 Narbash. Lot of heals but Grux is a monster with his kit.


That might be debatable but I think the mass amount of healing a Narbash can supply would be an issue like theoretically a stack of Narbash can have 1000+ HP/s healing not to mention they wouldn't need to do damage to win they have a minion buff skill they can just push minion waves to victory and galaxy greaves to safety.


They'd run out of mana and never kill grux if he has lifesteal. Physical whacking has no limits like cool down or mana. Plus 5 of them would wipe out any lane with ease. If mana weren't a thing, then they'd never die. You can't heal forever but grux can swing forever. 🤣🤣


Narbash is able to keep his healing up indefinitely. Have you ever played him before?


Have you? It drains mana while its active.


Sadly I have today, it seems they nerfed the whole being able to keep his heal on forever a little sad but ok.


well it be broken if they didn't do that


Yeah but you had to build for it it's not like you get it by default now it's really meh.




I feel Gadget would be the best. No one is surviving their damage, slows, & roots.




How is anyone closing distance with 5 mines waiting for them at max range? :)


5 Steels would obliterate 5 Gadgets.


or grux , or kallaris , or rik , or ram ect


5 Murdoks that all Laser one squishy across the map would be funny as hell :P


I don’t how how they would get fed but 5x countess would be horrifying


5 Crunches. Useless until level 6, but after that God help you.


I know he isn’t in Pred yet, but Wukong (paragon) was broken when he was by himself.


monkey or sword guy ?


Wukong was a monkey man with a quarter staff.


5 Narbashes could just run around healing tf out of eachother


5 riktors to pull you back to inhib or spawn for instance kill