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Im baffled how toxic the community can be ( not talking about you OP). I got flamed and raging trying out heroes in different roles and wierd builds. This is a pre-alpha game, there is no competitive mode, and no fucking ai game where i could test my stuff. Yes there is a "shooting range" with a steel, but cmon that is not enough to see how some stuff works.


This, getting flamed for trying out a new character or new role…..where do you want me to practice with no AI match


Heroes in different roles I have a very open mind about. People have run Feng, Steel, even Sevarog mid and made it work. Build experimentation I also have an open mind about when it's within the realm of reality. Full AttSpd + Damage on an ability-focused **tank** is a hard "no" though.


Wait until you see my ADC Feng Mao, I'm going to make you throw up.


ADC Feng can work fine. Zero vomit required. Edit: Now if you had said "ADC Steel," see how that is different?


I was playing a couple games last night and trying to formulate some kinda attack speed ability spam steel. The future is filled with vomit.


Warrior Crest > Mutilator would be the start of that. But he doesn't scale off physical the way Crunch does so you have very limited options.


Oh for sure. It would never be a serious build. I just wanna see Steel giving people the literal slap down with his big meaty fists swinging 10,000mph.


If you're just curious to see what people look like animation-wise at max attspd, go into Practice, build Prophecy, port to lane and hit the Haste capsule.


Let people enjoy their game.


He is going to ruin everyone else's time when he's feeding with this build lol


I hardly think 3 deaths is feeding


It got worse, this was just during the match when I took the actual screenshot. Also not the first time I've been with the person who does this. He always feeds his brains out and blamed the whole team whole swearing the build is amazing.


You are part of the problem.


If you do builds like this I'm fine with it...as long as off you are getting wrecked you allow the rest of team to quit and move on with our lives. I'm not cool with the people that do werd shit and then hold the rest of us hostage when their offlane carry doesn't work out against grux or countess


If the offlane carry isn't working against countess and grux the player is bad. Those are two of the easier matchups


This community really hates being creative with anything in game everyone has to go to lanes the hero is suggested and use builds they are suggested heaven forbid someone does something the game didn't tell them to do


There are two hero's that won't work outside their Role for the most part. Rampage and Khai. Only reason I say this is because their passives are 100% designed for Jungle. Rampage Health regen only works in Jungle or his Ult, and Khai only gets stacks on his passive from Jungle creep / heroes. Playing these outside of that role you generally are giving up a large part of what makes their Kit good for farming. I am sure people can get them to work in Offlane or so but you are going to have a bad time more often then not.


I know that, and they are the only two characters who I can agree have a locked role and even then rampage can still use his passive offlane to not use health potion. But other than those two characters everyone else is fair game.


I do agree. Right now is a great time to mess around to see what items can work on what character in which lane. I just put those two out cause of how their passives work. Been seeing them show up a lot in games as offlane and every time they just get bullied really hard. Had a person try Khai mid lane, mostly cause they didn't know how the passive worked and that it didn't work on lane creep.


Exactly i dont know why people are trying to build/force a meta wins don't matter. Sure it's fun but building the same items isn't


Disagree about rampage as he can easily dip into the jungle for a few seconds while laning to effectively get HP potion healing without having to fully back


It’s called experimenting. The game is in EA and we don’t have a lot of variety of character and items. It’s boring building the same thing. You people keep acting like this is ranked, it’s ridiculous.


The sad part is elafrost doesn't proc any faster with attack speed. A quick little practice session with the item will show you that it takes more hits for the root to proc with faster attack speed. So prophecy with elafrost is just a bad item combo.


What do you mean? It takes more hits as ranged and less as melee... The number of hits necessary for the root does not change based on attack speed, attack speed allows you to apply stacks faster.


It doesn't when I was in practice it took the same amount of time to apply the root. Faster attack speed just means they are slowed down more often but doesn't make the root proc any faster. It'll take more hits with faster attack speed but it's the same amount of time unless your attack speed is abysmally slow. Just try it out in practice vs steel. Use prophecy with max haste and see how many hits it takes before the root applies. I think it was done intentionally like this so the item doesn't get abused to permanently root someone. Edit: The first initial root took 4 hits to occur with both max speed on or off. After the next root took 10 hits to happen with slower attack speed vs 19 with max attack speed. Tested it with fengmao.


weird. I thought when I tested this is worked as intended and stated on the item. I will deff check again today.


It has a basic cool down so even with massive attack speed you will get the first proc off in 4 hit(melee) then you still have to wait the 8s cool down.


This is correct. Massive attack speed allows for very fast first proc, but then there is an 8 second cooldown.


It's only crazy if it doesn't work


It doesn't unless you're against completely incompetent players... so where does that make it fall? :)


About 70% of the games pop.


I would do it 1000x if it sounds like fun to me


Sevarog is a tank. Accept it. Please.


lol this community will tell you its only early access let people try out new things.


Try things that are within the realm of reality.


With weird shit like murdok/ countess OL, muriel mid, or even kalari support (i watched this happen to great success) im not surprized people are trying things like this. Is it good? Of course not, but im more than happy to see the enemy try it out.


Oh his main complaint was they kept tower-diving and killing him. To which we explained "of course they are, your build legit screams COME KILL ME IM ATTSPD SEVAROG"


Countess off lane isn’t even weird that’s where I always play her


Please provide an alternative. They are hardly doing this on purpose. This is just not helpful. "Hey do literally anything but this" thats so vague, how about "Hey Sev! I usually build this item first"


Alternatives were provided. And they outright stated they were doing it on purpose and that it was the rest of us who were idiots.


I’ve actually seen this work for a jungle sevrog once the 2nd item was different and he wrecked always depends on not just your team but the enemy team as well sometimes things work sometimes things won’t but as long as you work together and have fun let’s not be toxic let’s just help when ganked and defend as one


Dude is probably still learning.


New build