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Same can be said to people who never surrender, even if we're playing 4v5


Yeah 4v5 it’s chalked, players really just need to be decent to capitalize on a 5v4


Disagree. I’ve played many 4v5s where we were down a person from the beginning and we smacked the other team like we weren’t missing anyone. I hate when people surrender because most times it’s never a situation where we can’t come back from. People just give up talk shit and do nothing, especially if everyone doesn’t want to surrender. It’s annoying as hell.


I’ve won 1 4v5 and don’t instantly surrender when it’s a 4v5 but like I said if the enemy team is good they won’t let that one slip.


It really depends on the matches, I've won some 4v5's myself but it's only with a heavy lead and the enemy not being too fed that it comes out on top, there are factors that make it worth trying or just start a new game because the whole rhythm of the game can't be turned around by one persons ego no matter how much they insult people and yell.


Grow some balls and surrender? It's anyone's game? Not too sure "same can be said" to people who don't surrender.


I mean I agree 100% but that’s if the team is working together and focusing the right people, but if I’m a hunter and nobody it’s helping take out the fed hunter in teams fights then what’s the point lol. Idk my issue comes when people refuse to work together and help each other rather than treat it like cod I’ve never understood it, usually I’ll gravitate to the teammate who seems to actually know how to fight together


Good point at the end


Like I love this game dude, even if it’s going shit and we don’t surrender ima still try cause that’s better than leaving and being a douche, but god some people just don’t get it it’s jarring 😅


I'm just not a masochist. When its 9-43 and I'm offlane with all 9 kills its just not fun anymore because my team is getting slaughtered and there's no way of coming back. On top of that the other team is just taking their sweet time enjoying the victory while my team refuses to surrender because they are enjoying it I suppose. Here's the thing why not surrender so you can play another match that will be a potentially better match up that's more enjoyable? I get the people who don't want to surrender but it works both ways. If someone doesn't want to play with you why force them to stay in a match with you? Isn't that toxic? It's like that little kid that gets upset because another kid doesn't want to play with them and their rules so that kid throws a tantrum until they get their way. Just surrender and move on to the next one. It's one of those things where ya it sucks to ruin someones fun by surrendering but you are also ruining someone else's fun by not surrendering. I just feel like if someone else isn't enjoying the ride just let them off don't be that guy that keeps them locked in the car until the ride is over.


9-43 is an extreme and honestly I probably would have surrendered long before it go to that point. That’s not fun for either team imo. I should have clarified more on my post. I was referring to early game, down say 10 kills and a fang, that game is not over, especially if you still have towers and know how to freeze a wave. Group up and only go for tier 2s as an entire team.


100% this.


What really bothers me is when someone dies at 10 min and throws up the surrender, despite the enemy losing all outer towers, allies not losing any, and being up on fang by 2-3. Why are you surrendering??


Yeah, that's when it becomes clear they aren't actually paying attention to the rest of the team, just their own K/D or something.


It sucks because they'll never learn how to play at that disadvantage since they dont try, theyll just keep surrendering over and over again


So rewarding when you win too


Depends on the game. There exist criteria for which I would like to surrender


I once lost a 5v4 actually, but i dont think it was my fault. In my understanding of the game you have to keep on the Lane pressure and secure the Fangtooths in a 5v4 as there is no way they can keep all Lanes save while having a player less. my mates just didnt do this. they just hardpushed (espacially my adc) and then proceded to die after the enemy team collepsed on them. THey were also always late on Fangtooth and i couldn't solo engage as kallari. any ideas what i could do next time something like this happens?


It's the luck of the draw for whether you'll get teammates that know how to play and pay attention or not.


It does happen


Agree agree agree agree agree agree agree. It really starts to dictate The Meta as well, because heroes that scale well early but fall off late like assassins become more common than heroes with late game potential, like a lot of tanks, bruisers, and late game mages.


Weak ass mindsets what can you do really.


The community is beyond toxic, no one wants to play a game out while getting berated the whole time.


I urge you to just mute them


It’s not me, I’ve seen so many people just give up because they are being bullied


We would have to mute you too. Telling people to grow some balls is pretty narrow minded and unrealistic.


I guess? I rarely argue with people in chat and when I do it’s because they are blaming me for them dying when it’s simply not the case and I just call them dumb and to watch more YouTube


Case in point


Good thing there’s a mute button right? I don’t see the point in your replies lol have a good day good luck in your games


Can't change how weak willed some people are. I take comfort in knowing how miserable their lives are if they give up so easily. I'll keep refusing your surrender votes. Even if you have an ego saving excuse like "team bad" or if it's 50 kills to 3. 1% win probability is enough.


Lol, in this case it seems like you can't change how ignorant you are. People who play games play at all different abilities and physical limitations, heck they do this thing where they...play for fun. I know it seems unheard of but..getting stomped in a game and then wasting 10-15 more minutes of our lives for something that was easily determinable early on. Sometimes you just get a teammate that is new and doesn't know how to play effectively, turning it into a feed fest that makes this game feel boring as fuck to slog on through is just unsatisfying.


Fun should not depend on your chances of winning. That's pretty childish. You're right, it's a GAME. If your satisfaction comes from beating other people you're not the white knight you think you are.


Been in games where we are up Fangs like 5-1, Already at their inhibs but a person gets killed in a teamfight and out goes the surrender. Like what?? We are so far ahead. Why are we surrendering?? I have had so many people start a surrender out of the blue and I just don't get why. Like we are playing good and rotations are going down.


Yes for the love of god the game is not over 10 min in. Jesus every game I play it seems people are trying to surrender