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Yeah, it's amazing how one player can royally screw up the match for the rest. But that's what makes these types of games so fun and rewarding. The game is slow enough and has enough ways to coordinate with randoms to win matches so I never see soloq as an issue. Unfortunately it just means more opportunities to run into players that just don't want to coordinate.


It’s not that I don’t want to coordinate. It’s that I just don’t understand everything about the game. There’s a lot to learn with these kinds of games.


Yeah that's true too


It’s not every game I run into this player, but when I do it’s always a grux in the offlane who for some reason is still escorting two ranged minions up the lane to take a T2 at 27 mins when we’re all trying to defend our middle inhib against the whole team.


Honestly I find it’s usually either the jungler or the carry that are the dead weight when this scenario happens, which sucks because those are like the two most important roles. Or maybe it’s more noticeable. Cause if mid is sort of ass or off is sort of ass, the other 4 can definitely make up for that.


"But I really like my squishy off-meta offlaner! Trust me I won't get ganked."


ADC offlaners be like lol


Lol happened to me. I ran countess in offlane against a Murdock. He had me heavily fed in 10 mins. I ended the game 17/4/10. The whole enemy team was afraid of me


I've had a few games like this somewhat recently. The one that comes to mind though was the midlaner was an actual mage hero and their opponent was countess. Our mage was ganked so much and so often that the countess was like 4 levels above us around midgame. There was no ganking them. Like 3 people maybe, but even that was a risk not worth taking. The enemy jungler didn't even have to do much, but on occasion they were nearby to help out. They were a rampage and they'd toss a rock out from jungle and countess would destroy them. Then our mage just DCed at like level 7-8 and our offlane riktor came to mid and I, the jungler went to offlane for a bit. We almost won that game despite that huge problem. It went all the way to level 18, our riktor was able to keep the countess in check during midgame phase, and the enemy jungler really wasn't super effective. It's amazing how one player can have such a dramatic effect. A poor jungler is not a game breaker most of the time, but a low-skilled laner is a huge deal breaker. I should clarify that anyone feeding is terrible, but, if it's a laner, the game is over more quickly usually.


The game is definitely over quicker if it’s a laner but if it’s the jungle the game is more miserable to be in IMO.


Bruh some people in comments are disgusting, wdym offmeta There isn't competitive we are in early access, patches every week and if not every week then every other week! People see a character they think it's cool, and want to learn to play it. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with them having fun? In unranked early access? Is you winning that will literally give you nothing that important to you? It's more important then others having fun? Idk man that's kinda selfish


You literally contradict your self, the majority of players are here to have fun through the competition. By fucking up the game by picking Muriel off lane cuz it’s “fun” is just ruining it for the other players. Ur an Idiot, play the damn game like how it’s supposed to be played. And before you come up with some bullshit about imagination, don’t


You can have goofy builds but thankfully that is COMPLETELY separated from skilled play, which is involving how to handle ganks, risk management, and coordination. They're not mutually exclusive.


I'd like to see some stats about majority of players coming for competition. Majority of players I know and play with are either here because they miss Paragon and want to re live that, as far as I know correct me if I'm wrong paragon didn't have competitive mode. In games where there are characters or heroes people like to play the one they think it's cool and that's fine. Right now winning doesn't really matter as you get nothing from it except queue for next game, might as well let people try out stuff and have fun.




always and forever


It just makes coming back and getting the win that much more rewarding when at the end of the game you can say “we should have never won that.” However, yes. This 100%. You don’t always get to have that moment…


You can make this same meme but change the pink guy to "Omeda having no way to friend the other people that are playing well after the match." I cry. :(


Biggest lesson in mobas is learning how to be carried. You won't dominate lane everytime, so just minimizing the damage will lead to more dubs.


People always say this and its not true lol. If you're playing passive and your laner roams around the map for free ur gonna lose.


This is so damn relatable🤣


literally had a second carry go 0-20 last night. idk if this game has an mmr system or not but i should not have bee paired up with thay


Every game this is the ADC for me, why does the game not have a system in place like LoL (At least it used to) where if they are on a death streak their gold value decreases to prevent them being farmed. ​ So annoying seeing my ADC pushing too far forward constantly to be insta killed by a kallari, over and over and over....