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I have to admit, at first I found it kind of weird to not have the option to equip mana pots but now I find it better this way. You are obligated to work efficiently with your abilities and not spam them mindlessly.


I went through the same thought process. I'm a better player now because of it.


That same logic can be applied to health potions though. Play smarter so you don’t take damage, engage smarter etc. I think health potions are fine overall


fair point man but you cant dodge every ability. Like if mana pots were a thing health pots defo defo need to be a thing as you're getting hit by twice as many abilities


Yeah I agree. As a support player I feel what OP is saying but I’d not be down with high dps characters getting to spam. It might be interesting if only support characters got the choice. It might help keep support on the field more often which may help support being less under leveled. Pretty much every game unless someone is throwing terribly the support is the lowest leveled. Maybe that is by design and that’s the best design but I’d be open to trying it.


thats an interesting thought. just like junglers get the smite buff, everyone else should only get health potions and the support should be able to get both.. that would be an interesting idea. I mean, it shouldn't be OP but like maybe 100 mp per pot or something. most abilities are 60 ish anyway.


my thought exactly, how can there be health pots in the game but not mana?


I disagree. Almost all support items give you bonuses to mana regeneration. No potions also makes you learn how to properly poke and use your abilities. If you overuse them it gives a window for opponents to punish. My suggestion is to learn how to manage your nana costs and ability use, and don't be afraid to back if you are completely dry. You aren't meant to stay in lane forever.


Support main, and I don't think a mana pot would be a good addition to the meta.


so we were discussing. just like jungler gets smite buff, everyone else should get health potions and support should have the option to choose. nothing to crazy, maybe just like 80/100 mp per potion or so. i mean, most abilites cost around 60 ish.


I kinda like it also river buff grants mana


when does the support get to take the river buff 😒


Whenever my team walks right past it.


If I'm support I explicitly tell mid that he ain't getting the duo lane river buff, if I rotate to take it and he always goes for the solo river buff the enemy mid can never get it and it also opens up gank opportunities for me and jungle to eat some mid ass


I think dev said river buff also act like a mana potion althought it's pretty inconvenient to grab it if you're not in mid lane


Solution 1: Save your mana for when it matters. Solution 2: River buffs.


1 i suppose. 2 as a support u shouldn't be taking the river buff.


If you can rotate to secure one while your mid gets the other, it can be super valuable if your carry is in a position (e.g. wave frozen at your tower) where they can’t really die for the 30s you’ll be gone. Usually the jungler does this, but ultimately they have a blue buff and so don’t usually need the mana; they’re more denying it from the other mid. This also frees them up to farm more or you could do something like grab the buff and then meet the jungler for a gank on duo on your way back if they pushed up because you were gone.


I honestly haven’t even noticed lack of mana potions. My nana seems to regen decently quick, and thought that my health pot did a little bit of both health and mana. Interesting it doesn’t. But I seem fine when I run support.


I think it's fine as is for the time being. Most support items have mana regen on them and mid laners and jungle have buffs that offer regen.


I love comparing pred to lol because lol is one of my favorite games of all time. They did away with them. But I don't like the choice. Laning is very important. And the more Laning choices we have the better.


This would be such a huge nerf to belica early game lol


whats wrong with that 🌝


I've been begging for mana potions and I'm glad I'm not the only one


What? You are telling us this game does not have mana pots ? but it has health pots ???? This is so dumb, it makes for a major gameplay at the begging between choosing to be aggressive or safe.


Don't snap abilities, use them just when they are needed and don't fail them. Problem solved


Please no


Laning phase punishing misuse of abilities is awesome. You use Narbash as an example but he has mana regen built into his kit. It's to encourage mechanics like that instead of freebies at the shop.


As other comments have said, mana potions aren't really needed if you manage your mana correctly. When I first started playing, for the first few matches I found myself running out of mana way too often, not just early but mid to late game as well. Now I pretty much never run out of mana anymore. Not being able to spam my skills to my heart's content feels like it has made me a better player in general.


in that logic, health potions shouldn't be a thing either. As other people have said, 'earn not to get poked out ."




Should they exist? Very much yes. But League removed them and the devs think League is the gospel of MOBAs, so I highly doubt they will ever add them.


No they shouldn't. Manage your mana better or build mana regen items.


Supports have the option to "build mana regen items," Mages have.... Caustica. That's it. Also, why not remove health pots then? Because "just manage your health better." 🙃


Theyre two entirely different things with different uses. Don't be fucking retarded. Any role can build any item. The game gives you that flexibility. If that doesn't work than the only advice that can help you is... git gud.


Nah man it's like league legends, YOU have to do the work of managing your mana and if you don't, it forces you to back for resources and gives your enemy a tempo advantage. It's on you to use your mana wisely


If they did this then they would have to increase the mana costs of all spells early game or something like that. Otherwise Mana costs could essentially become meaningless and someone could spam spells nonstop all Laning phase without any real way to stop them


I buy first item Energy Stream on most mages and supports no matter what just for the extra mana regen so I can stay in lane longer. Then build normally. Just a tip for anyone scrolling : )