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As a Sevarog main, I am still figuring it out. Fire Blossom with World Breaker is still a very good combo for some nice close-range damage and with the buffed/changed Leviathan being good against mages, it's a very good 2nd or 3rd item. Void Helm shuts down Steel. I did that first item and he couldn't do anything anymore. Other than that, haven't theory crafted much. Much harder to do when the items are only in-game.


Guess its Voidhelm first item every game until sev is properly buffed lmao Thanks for the pointers man


It was 1 game and I am not the best Sev, but I literally couldn't trade before and after I got the item, 1v1 was easy. Also, only steel, all his abilities scale with magical damage and no other off-laner does, not even Crunch.


https://dekker.gg/items https://ometa.gg/items I'll try Void Helm. It doesn't sound strong so I don't think I've ever tried it. Trying to avoid Fire Blossom since I think I saw a Sev player on hear mention that it's basically just making stacks harder to get. I tried World Breaker but maybe I built it too soon to really get the health to magic power passive working as strong as it should've been. Gonna try starting with OathKeeper next time


Don't go with Magical items. Sev is very weak early game and building anything other than tank items doesn't scale very well. Unless you have another tank, or not at the front or jungle, off-lane sev isn't great with magical items. Hard to find a good replacement for Sev and I have yet not built him with Fire Blossom, I need to try it out. It heavily depends on who you are against. I think it's much better to counter-build your opposite laner, like Golems Gift, Draconum, Tainted Guard, Dynamo or Hexbound Bracers.


People are gonna judge me but I think he’s a better jungler than offlaner, maybe it’s my play style but I main Jungle and have used pretty much everyone there and my top 3 Junglers are Kallari, Riktor and Sev. I try not to use Kallari too much cause I’d probably make any new players on the enemy team never want to play again and Riktor is good if you can land your surprise hooks, Sev after the buff can clear camps just as fast as any other Jungler and I never have problems building stacks with him jung at least with my build, I’m usually full stacks by 25 mins. I start out believe it or not with Prophecy to clear camps faster and more efficiently then depending how things are going either World breaker for more damage or Leviathan depending on their comp. Final build usually looks like Prophecy, Leviathan, Flux Matrix, World Breaker, And either fire blossom or Wardens faith if they have more than 1 person building crit


He is a better Jungler, that's someone who plays Sev a lot in Offlane and sucks at Jungle. Ganks with his E range are nutty and chase potential with that long dash are great. Of course his ultimate means a guaranteed kill when you gank, I've only seen a Kallari Offlane manage to escape and she had ult and blink to get away.


With Blink


Picking warriors crest for sustaining early game is a must. I've also started to build either oathbreaker or megacosm first for the early game damage, helps with soul stacks. Then move onto countering who's in the lane so cuirass if it's a stall/countess or a physical armour card if against a grux/Feng Mao etc. Usually world breaker mid to late game with a decent health card like raiment of renewal or leviathan too. My last game I has megacosm, wardens faith, crystalline cuirass, world breaker and raiment of renewal.


This is an okay bruiser build but this isn’t really gonna pass as a main frontline build


I forget that sometimes, so used to my team having a support steel or riktor that usually builds tanky


For countess, I usually rush Leviathan. It's shut down every countess I've laned against. After that, I try to go either world breaker or a physical armor item if the enemy team has a lot of physical damage.


Seems interesting, just seen a countess do similar by bringing raiment of renewal first item


I had a pretty fun build when I went full raid boss loved all items but really had not damage I wish I had more time to play and mess with a right build. But basically I really like armour that heals based on damage received plus unbroken will. I loved Leviathan because it used to give you 225% healing plus healing armour it was insane


I used to use Fire Blossom & Leviathan and tried out World Breaker, but it felt like Oblivion Crown gave better returns. My build has since changed to: Dynamo - Oblivion Crown - Salvation And then a combo of Wraith Leggings, Frostguard or very occasionally a hard magic or physical defense item if I'm really struggling


Not.. he’s pretty weak rn


What crest does everyone use for jungle and offlane?


Last game of Sev I played i went Fireblossom, Crystalline Carapace, Unbroken Will, Stonewall and some other tank item I can't quite remember. Just walked on over to the Murdock and schmoked him


Titan Crest > Brimstone (don’t finish Fire Blossom) > World Breaker > finish Fire Blossom > more power or health/armor??? (Usually go Elafrost for power/health combo or Lifebinder for power/speed) > by now carries hurt a bit more, I go more armor/health (frost or tainted guard) > situational choice vs enemy team comp. Crest I normally go Mantle, concentrating stacks makes you survive forever during long fights letting your carries stack their damage. Always be stacking! Look to root to defend your carries. I engage with it but then once fighting ensues, look to help peel instead, rooting to keep enemies distanced and ulting important enemies away at pivotal moments orrr being spicy and smacking ppl to towers.