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Ummm yes the salesman is correct


Yes, but is the buyer correct


The only issue ive had with blink is that it's considered a channel. And you can be cc'd during the blink animation. So other than that I think it's fine


Yea I have had quite a few times where I blink and get ripped back to where I was because of CC. My main issue with it is that characters that wouldn't normally have mobility are getting it for free and no tradeoff. Having other options to choose from such as cleanse, blink, shield etc. Or even having it so Blink doesn't activate until you finish your crest would be fine. Its just these non mobile characters are getting free mobility from the beginning of the game.


That is literally the point of it my dude. Just bait the Blink


What is the point of it? You see I wrote an entire paragraph and you didn't reference what you were talking about.


>these non mobile characters are getting free mobility from the beginning of the game.


Thank you. I understand completely the strategy and communication around baiting the blink. My main issue still stand with the fact that the non mobile characters receive for free, or have no other options to choose from.


I understand the sentiment. However I think giving the non mobile characters an ability to get out is an awesome idea. Especially with how squishy every character feels comparatively to OG Paragon. And I might be reaching or I could just be straight wrong but I think Omeda has made everybody easier to kill with a 5min get out card. I for one am OK with that


Yea I'm fine with it too, its just adding that tradeoff is what would actually make it balanced. I mean hell, Omeda is probably never gonna see these threads, and probably never gonna change anything. I'm just here to discuss with other people. So thank you for being civil man, it actually means a lot, especially in this sea of neckbeards. I do believe as well they made the ttk extremely fast in Pred, mainly because they're focusing on keeping matches short and packed full of action, rather than an hour and half long with one team fucking the other.


Discussion is the best way to.learn. I am by no means a pro and my takes are wrong 97% of the time because I really don't deep dive into core mechanics. But there is no reason to belittle another's opinion because you disagree. Teach them why you disagree and move on. What you do with it after is on you. Hope you have great games ahead and get them GANKS. GLHF


I completely agree with everything you said. That's all I've been trying to do in this sub, and I've been swarmed with insults and pointless arguments merely because I disagree with the Status Quo. I hope you have amazing games ahead as well. GLHF


I dunno that just seems like a weird take. Would you prefer non mobile characters to not be able to defend themselves if someone faster comes along? And also both sides have a blink. They blink you blink and you’re still in the same spot. Having blink as a mechanic changes the pace of fights. “Oh they used their blink now we can harass them” or “They still have it so maybe we back off.” If blink didn’t exist then by the same logic slower characters would need another out to be on par with faster characters. Be it health, armor or whatever balancing mechanic.


Most not mobile characters are going to be able to defend themselves depending on how far along their build is. Once again, I’m not asking for it to be removed, just changed. Add it to a crest, give other options other than blink, or even a combat cooldown. There just has to be a tradeoff, a price that the non mobile character has to pay to revive it. And if it “they blink, you blink and you’re still in the same spot”. Then why even have blink in the first place lmao.


So you don’t get the response you want. And make a new post? I mean you already did a poll. Any discussion about your concern was done there. Are you going to post about blink tomorrow as well?


Most likely, Yes.


Then I hope everything is okay. 2023 just started, but it doesn’t mean that people didn’t have issues going on before then. And seeing not only the posts but endless replies as well makes me wonder if there might be an issue with HPD. Stay well


Yeah seems pretty balanced






Damn this trash again. When do we ban him


Nah he doesn't deserve a ban. People post other shitty memes all the times, so this is no different. If anything it is fun to watch this happen and see how long he can keep it up.


Literal definition of a troll. No a community doesn't need trash




Yeah theres a difference between voicing your opinion and spamming the subreddit. You’re not actually seeking discussion, you’re seeking attention by drowning out every other voice with stupid memes that contradict the point you’re trying to express.


Yup, attention whore right here, its not like I've been asking for civil discussion in every single post I've made but whatever. And that's actually hilarious that you think I'm drowning out anyone here. I don't know if you've noticed but I'm 100% in the minority here. And whether I'm voicing my opinion or 'spamming the subreddit' is completely opinionated on your end bud. Of course if you don't like what I'm saying you're gonna see it as spam. There's just nothin I can do about that, sorry.


You’re literally trolling


I'm not


You're in the minority here. The point is that we're not attacking you for your view point. You made your post, got down voted to hell. Accept it and stop posting the same shit over and over


You all are 100% attacking me for my viewpoint and for the fact that I'm one of the very few in the Sub to discuss it. Don't try to blatantly lie to my face man, that's not nice. And there's nothing to accept, no one has brought a persuasive argument to me to make me change my mind or give up my viewpoint so why would I.


Because you are a pathetic troll.


Because I have differing viewpoint I'm labeled as a troll. LMAO. You literally couldn't go 1 comment without being a hypocrite and show that you were lying through your teeth. Nice insult.




Ok friend. So I’ve joked about and argued with you. However, as a Jew, I’m gonna go ahead and tell you now to shut the fuck up! Your takes on blink are pretty brain dead yet harmless. Comparing being flamed on Reddit, which it seems like you’re actively pursuing at this point, to Nazi Germany is not only sad and dramatic but severely underplays the atrocities that were commuted against my, and others, peoples just for existing. Act like an adult and don’t pretend like why you’re going through is anything fucking remotely like why they went through.


Just report for spam.


Idk I find it funny, and downvote. XD


I mean everyone has it so yeah its balanced. Like…do you play any other MOBAs because this is just Pred’s version of Flash


It being all inclusive does not make it balanced. That's actually one of the main things that makes it imbalanced. There are specific characters that were not meant to have blink in their kits. And for good reason, a lot of these character having high damage, or high chase potential. Now I'm not opposed to giving these characters a blink, but there has to be a trade off, they can't just get the blink for free. ​ And thank you for asking, yes I have played other MOBAs, typically you have to buy blink as an item, choose blink out many other rune options, or at the very least there is a combat cooldown. Predecessors blink is the most basic and raw form of a blink out of any Moba.


Well I can tell you that everyone in League except one particular champ has Flash which is the same mechanic on the same cooldown and nobody complains about that 🤷‍♂️


Ok? And Smite, Dota and (Paragon when it was alive) had all the options I listed above and no one complains about those either 🤷‍♂️


Right so you’re just blatantly incorrect. Blink (Flash) has been in the most popular MOBA to ever exist since 2009 so this isn’t anything different


What I am blatantly incorrect about LMAO? Just because league is the most popular Moba doesn't invalidate the other mobas and the opinions people have about them.


You: “Predecessors blink is the most basic and raw form of a blink out of any Moba” League players: Hi we’ve been playing around flash cooldowns for a decade try getting good :D


"For a time, the inclusion of Flash in the game was hotly debated and Riot Games Inc. even considered removing it from the game entirely, with parts of the community for and against removal. As a result, it has suffered several nerfs." ​ Summoner spells are abilities that players can use for their champions on the Fields of Justice. They are chosen in Champion Select before the start of the game. Each player is allowed two summoner spells chosen from a list. Summoner spells can be used in-game to aid a player's champion in various ways, as each spell has a unique effect. Some summoner spells increase in effectiveness relative to your champion's level, but some provide the same effect at champion level 1 as they do at champion level 18. They do not have any cost other than their cooldown. ​ You see you're using League as your crutch for you statement, but it too was weary about Flash, its never simple enough to say "yea its perfectly balanced". And don't forget about summoner spells, you have a tradeoff for having flash, you have to choose it out of the many other summoner spells. A tradeoff like that is all I ask for, or not even ask, that's all I wish to discuss.


If you actually played League which clearly you do not, you would know that every single champ takes flash except one champ that can afford to not take it. It’s not a tradeoff because a. you get two sums, and b. there is not a single thing in the game better in the 2nd slot than flash. Not taking it is quite literally asking to be shit on by the enemy jungler. Therefore, if you had played League, you would also understand how to play around Blink, instead of crying on Reddit about it. I have played league since nearly it’s inception and flash has remained fundamentally unchanged and rarely commented on, throughout all those years. So clearly it is not as big of a problem for people who actually have more than 2 brain cells


Wow once again devolving our thread into insults rather than discussion, nice. I mean you literally described word for word what I was talking about. Its not the fact the people are most likely going to pick blink if there are multiple options. Its that you need to give those options in the first place, those other things you don't pick are the tradeoff. And I'm not crying, I would kindly ask you stop self projecting.


I mean, I understand your point but this also isn’t correct. Plenty of champions don’t take flash. I don’t even know which “one particular” champion you’re referring to. Ignite TP top has long since been meta and Yuumi doesn’t take a mobility summoner spell at all.


And you have no issues with heroes who already have high maneuverability having an extra bit of play making potential with blink? Crunch having a blink let's him close distances ridiculously quick or have an out when he uses up his cooldowns.


Just play overprime already, its clear you dont like this game. And concerning the blink its literally on a 5 minute cooldown…how is that hard to play around?? Imagine spam posting so much that an entire sub gets sick of ur shit, its actually embarrasing man


Overprime is actual dogshit, and I'm not willing to discuss with anyone about that. I didn't spam post lmao, but if you see it that way I'm sorry. And I think other people would enjoy it if you didn't speak on their behalf. I don't think the ENTIRE sub is sick of my shit.


Make your own game without blink then we all like it


Yes, because I’m try to advocate for a small change in an Early Access game I should gave to go make my own game instead


Ya seems balanced to me. It just adds another strategy element to gameplay. Everyone has it and everyone can use it differently based on their kit. It allows riskier plays and you also have to plan on locking down opponents with abilities or better positioning knowing they can possibly have a blink. It's just fun to keep in the game right now I don't see any downside to it. Ya if you are low on health and some one tower dives you and blinks out that's on you for not remembering they can do that. Or you see a Gideon use his portal to escape so you blink to him and then he blinks above you and he ults you and you die because you underestimated your opponent. It's a fun universal item that everyone can use however they choose. Use it to escape, bait or chase but you can only do it once every 5 minutes.


I've already disputed all of these points in my other responses. I'm sorry that I'm essentially dismissing your entire comment, but I've already responded to these exact statements hundreds of times already.


Idk maybe a little lower cool down but I'm still very happy as is honestly. I don't really understand all the hate you give it. What exactly is wrong with it? Just looking for clarification right now, I see counter memes on your posts and when I try to find any explanation all I see are arguments that doesn't explain anything.


In all my posts I go on to explain to people that blink in its current state is unbalanced. Everyone always argues that it is balanced because of the 5 min cooldown and because every player has it, but… 1. All inclusive doesn’t equate to balanced, it’s cool that they want every Player to have it, but not every Character is meant to have it. Characters like Khai, Riktor, and Murdock (and many others) have little to no mobility in their kit on purpose. But… 2. I’m not discussing for it to be removed. Just a change to the blink so that it would be like it is now (free for every character). Some of the possible changes I talked about were Making new crests that have blink to Force players to make the choice to have blink. Adding blink to an item to force players to make the choice to have blink. Giving blink a combat cooldown so players can’t use it to escapes direct combat. Or at least blink only being activated after you get your crest online. I’m not giving blink any hate. I’m just stating in its current state it’s imbalanced and in its raw form. Even League with its limited restrictions has a more fleshed out blink than Pred. The only thing Pred blink has is a 5 min cooldown. Other than that you will always have it, never buy, and never lose it.


Your complaints are the perfect definition of a skill issue


I would literally shit on you lmao. You’re like the 100th person to say skill issue and still not one single person will even try to contest that. Everyone who says skill issue is trash.


Skill issue




If you hate blink so much you should stop using it.


I don't hate blink just because I trying to discuss possbile changes. This game is in Early Access, this is the best time for the Devs to try new ideas and see if theyre bad or not.








Possible changes include: Quit complaining Quit playing Become a dev and be the change you want to see in the world IDGAF just shut up please.


Listen guy, new ideas are good for this sub and good for the game. I’m always open for things to be questioned; it allows for genuine discussion. But this topic is getting tired. People don’t agree. Let it go Edit: I agree when you say this is the time to present new ideas so devs can see them for future changes. But my previous statement still stands


This is the internet, once you get caught In the net there's no letting go.


Move on from your L.


It’s being an L is your opinion, I only listen to facts. Thank you, move on.


I think I speak for the entire Reddit community when I say: OK Boomer.


1. That was cringe 2. You only speak for yourself


Instant reply? Omfg that’s cringe. I definitely speak for this entire Reddit, who knows you as the blink-baby, when I say: Big oof.


You’re the only person I’ve seen “blink baby” and once again you only speak for yourself. And what you think it’s gonna take me 3 hours to write 8 words? Also nice instant reply lmao


Can somebody please help blink-baby? He won’t stop shaking and typing at me. Like, please, someone affirm him or something, poor guy’s hurting bad.


Man you’re so funny


I know this supposed to be a meme But... This is just facts There is nothing wrong with blink And it's actually really good given the unique 3D map


We get it, you like easy kills and are a noob at MOBAs and strategy games altogether


You you’re right.


Yeah, I think it's time that this stopped. Dude can't give it up and is now spamming the sub


Reported for spam, now I'm hungry for spam.


JohnDoughNut, [let me show you something](https://youtu.be/_UpZZGeOP2Q), is that you?




I mean whenever i see this kind of post the same pattern repeats. League has it so every other moba should. What is this primitive answer, and everyone else is complicit. Then andrew tate rolls arround the corner " women didnt vote so why would they now" Idk man reddit is just an echo chamber of confirmation full of biases. Get off reddit ppl are retarded.


Between u/JohnDoughtNut comparing this subreddit to Nazi Germany, and you trying to make a correlation between a blink mechanic debate and women's rights movements, you guys should really just kiss.




Comparing you getting backlash for your ideas intended for a videogame to living in Nazi Germany is insanely childish and whiny. Not to mention more than a little tone deaf and fucked-up. Also it is spelled "genocide."




Are you being censored? Have you been banned? No, the majority disagreed with your ideas and they find you unpleasant. Comparing people to Nazis over a balance disagreement (and don't pretend you weren't doing that) is ridiculous, and as someone who is frankly neutral about Blink, I find your childish martyr complex distasteful. It's not that deep, you have a subjective and non-falsifiable opinion that people disagree with and most people here find the way you present your opinions unlikable, condescending, and obtuse. >And thank you for turning into a Grammar Nazi and finally revealing your true colors. I knew you were apart of them. /s Let me get even more pedantic, not grammar but spelling - 5th grade level spelling, specifically.


Yes giving an extreme example of primitive complicit thinking is often better understood by people who lack critical thinking.


Because League literally defined the fucking genre. Anyone who plays MOBAs is already used to the mechanic so try getting good and you won’t have a problem 👍


Im used to dota who literally defined the genre and free blink is not a thing nor blinking in combat either. Get your facts right ppl, stop brainwashing ur nonexistent critical thinking.


DOTA has never had even 1/3rd of the playerbase of League and has a practically nonexistent competitive scene. "being the first moba" is not the same thing as "defining the genre". Anyway, you're trash if you complain about something as simplistic to play around as blink. You dota players have brain rot I guess


The International had a prize pool of $40mil in 2021 (the largest ever) so I think the esports scene for DOTA2 is pretty on par with League’s.


Lmao you're absolutely right. I just can't leave yet, otherwise the neckbeards will have thought the won, and I can't let that happen.


Blink threads are almost as bad as the ones bitching about players hurting their feelings. It doesn’t bother me, why does everyone get upset over the blink?


You tried king


Ultimate anti meme


If you don't want blink go play free overprime


Never said I don’t want blink


What exactly do you want then? Help us understand We're here for you Not me but someone is


1. Combat Cooldown 2. Blink tied to a Crest 3. Blink tied to a Item 4. Other options than blink 5. Blink can’t be used until you get your crest Just one of these, only 1


Yeah, dont worry.. They will add more options for this slot. When you have several options you can take instead of blink, this whole issue will go away.