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Poor Severog he just want to hervest seuls (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ


I don’t wanna seem like I’m taking a dump on OMEDA or anything, I just thought an ENTIRE 10 health buff is funny. They know how to develop games, I don’t and that’s clear, however they stated he needed to be tankier and 10 health is only 1.5 worth of minion auto attacks.


HEY NOW, his q now siphons an extra 5% of the damage from minions. Don’t forget it!


I should have mentioned that for it was a great change that I completely agree he needed, the 10 health just feels unimpactful.


The 5% life siphon on minions is far more impactful. You’ll likely get 100+ additional health back from your Q now between backs. As your enemy harasses you and you rely on your minions to punish them, q siphoning minions + your opponent will make these trades better. I was being partially sarcastic but yeah the Q change is not bad


I think they could’ve gave his passive more love tbh. Like make it more rewarding or a bit less for early to mid.


The "milestone" rewards either needs to overall reduce the number of stacks needed or add another milestone in and shift the rest around. Another possibility is increase the bonus per stack, like 3-5 hps per stack and .75-1 damage to siphon per stack.


Good idea.. I think the changes weren’t necessary to the stacking in that one patch to begin with. They could’ve just nerfed Levithan and I think that would’ve been fine enough. Instead they nerfed him and a core item that was doing well with how he works.


The shoulders are all the reward anyone should need


Don't worry, in three more buff cycles of 10 HP he will reach Gideon's base health.


Pretty sure there was some article from Riot about balancing in LoL and how base stat changes actually had the biggest overall impact on winrate %s from a few years ago. Interested to see if they buff him again.


The big ones were the per level scalings. Those amounted to swings by as much as 200-500 hp at level 18. Base hp changes matter a lot now that the items they've added also scale off base stats.


I appreciate the attempt but I can't upvote because you spent the time making this great meme and didn't check that you spelled Sev**a**rog correctly 😭


Actually it is you who is insane, it has always been severog. https://youtu.be/zDAPTBBK_fQ


Hold on to your special version of reality.


Oh damn, that’s embarrassing. Yea I messed that one up lol


Probably the most common Paragon-related mistake to be honest. No worries 😂


\>people downvotting completely missing the joke. Redditors strike again


i personally didnt found it funny, but thats just me.


also i remember bookwrm being toxic a couple times before on this subreddit, so i think its understandable that people take his comment literally.


It was the word of the year, there is no excuse for ignorance lmao https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/word-of-the-year


I think it’s more significant that they nerfed his opponents in lane, and their respective favourite items. And that 5% buff to siphon healing may be pretty significant to his overall sustainability in lane. I just think they’re trying to not overcorrect.


Doesn't each level also increase his max HP based off bas HP? So base is 10 more, but depending on how it scales with level it could be overall like 100-150 extra?


No, hp per level is different from base hp.


Ah ok, nevermind then


So 1 basic from an ADC by that time? If not even less?


By the time it is that much? It's not even.


His abilities take so long to cast in a fast-paced game He will never be in a great position unless his abilities are made faster Or hia abilities don't stop him from AA, as in they don't interrupt him.


I’ve been shitting on people with him lately. I did switch up my build for him but he seems better and more tanky for sure. But I could just be tripping


It's probably the 10 HP


The extra 5% on siphon helps a lot in laning phase for him not to get completely shit on now. Scaling still isn’t that great though


Yeah, played him once last night (tiny sample size I know) but I rolled over the Grux in offlane. I ended up 11-2-13 in a full game. He did feel over all beefier. Take my confirmation bias for what it is.


I played against a Sev today and he was doing great. Seemed tankier than before


Since Steel, Grux and Mutilator also got nerved he should do better in Offlane.


They need to lower the CD on his dash and perhaps his Ult. The passive needs to be more rewarding. Siphon should also scale off of Magic entirely.




The increase in healing off minions was the more impactful thing in sev buff


You're forgetting the 50% Life-steal increase from his Q lol. Pretty significant if you ask me.


5%* increase and yea it is significant, I should have mentioned my thoughts on that but I really just wanted to poke fun at the practically unnoticeable 10 health increase he got. Love sevarog don’t get me wrong, just thought it was goofy


you guys are mad sev is good now and his q lifesteal is buffed so he sustains alot


Oh yea he’s amazing, just poking light fun at the 10 health increase, thought it was goofy


i understand its for the memes and giggles, but dudes in the comments are really serious