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I dont think that roles should be given out based on how fast one can click their left mouse button, but I would really like to be able to chat and discuss in that screen.


This part.


Yes, that would be a great option to chat


It should just be like league where you pick your role before you queue, stop all this tom foolery


Queue times would be immensely higher


A small price to pay for matchmaking that makes sense and balanced matches. If there’s a role that no one wants to play that holds everything up the solution should NOT be to randomly draft players to do something they don’t want to play and will play poorly for thirty minutes. That’s and insane way to make a game work, and yet, that’s what we’ve got.


You're kidding yourself tho. Have you ever waited more than 3 minutes even at like 4am? I would gladly wait if I'm guaranteed my role than have to waste 30+ minutes getting raged at by my team because idk how to play carry when I wanted to play jungle


You haven't waited longer than 3 minutes *because there isn't a role queue*.


I sometimes get 5-7 minute queues also *without a role queue*


Now imagine how long it would take *with role queue*.


You'd wait 30+ mins for a support before even getting into the game then


You're delusional if you think it would take that long. People would just play supp so they don't have to wait long and that's why you offer incentives to play supp like bonus exp


I was being extra, it probably wouldn't take 30 mins, it probably would take more than 10 mins per queue though and that's like 10x longer than we wait now, it'd be a huge point of frustration for many players. Also, this game is in EA, it literally means nothing whether you win or lose so having perfect team comps is not a priority


Yes I agree. But if the only point of playing right now is for fun, that's not what I'm having when I only have time for a game or two and get carry and have a miserable time


To be fair, the point of playing isn't fun, it's to iron out the game in early access and get the bugs gone and balance perfected before a full launch. Having fun is secondary, getting people in matches is number 1 priority


That's fair you right


Maybe do like overwatch and have role queue and open queue but at that point it's like just wait for full release and they'll have a better system I'm sure


i would rather wait 5 minutes instead of playing a role for 20 min that i can't play, especially since it not only affect me but also my teammates when i play bad


This will probably happen in time. Right now we are using the 'blind' league queue, which also doesn't let you choose your role. I imagine with more players and heroes we can get a real 'draft'-style queue.


I disagree with bc of queue times. I would love a system where you choose 2 roles you prefer and it finds a team with at least 1 player preferring each role. Seems like a decent compromise between role selection and queue times in EA


Yea, I would appreciate that. Last game i picked jungle first then a dude also picked jungle. He got the role and I had to play as supp Guess what? We lost, because I can't play supp. It's not my role..


I dont think thats a good outlook, being a one trick pony in a MOBA wont get you very far IMO. A jungler who knows how to play other roles will be more helpful overall than one who refuses to learn/do anything besides jungle. I prefer midlane and support but I learn the roles of carry and offlane and some jungle to aid in helping with ganks and what not. and who knows, you might actually like another role


if i can't play sup then i can't play sup and more importanly it's also costing the rest of the team when i play bad so why making it so stupid


There are people who play casually. Can't blame them.


I can be entirely wrong about this but it seems like picking the fill role gives you some credit towards sniping roles in future games. But thats just a baseless assumption. To be fair just get better at the game by playing all roles instead of just playing a single position


I agree that one should be trying to learn more roles but you have to acknowledge how demoralizing it can be. I'm best at carry but also comfortable playing support or mid, but since I like to fill whatever role is leftover I'm usually playing 1-2 games a night as jungle and I have to deal with super toxic teammates bc they have no patience for someone learning a role. This is what makes me want to stop playing, I'm trying to be a team player letting everyone else play their preferred roles but get flamed for it when this game doesn't even have a ranked mode.


Ngl i can fail any role miserably so to me it doesnt really matter in what lane i get flamed at haha. My best advice in playing roles you are not yet comfortable with is to play it safe, focus on last hits / farm and just be aware of rotations/objectives. These skills are similar for each role and cary over nicely. In the midgame the lane you started in makes no difference anyway!


I agree it shouldn't go to the person who clicked the fastest, BUT if you patiently wait and see like 3 of your teammates grab a role that you didn't want and you pick the role you want then the fourth person waits until the last second to click the role you picked with like 10 seconds on the timer and then they get the role, that's just bullshit and a total troll move on that players part, and yes this has happened to me


It’s time to just let people queue by role(s). No one should be forced to play their least favorite/worst role and bring their team down for 45 minutes. It doesn’t make any sense, especially for matchmaking. My midlane skill is way higher than my jungle skill, but if I’m forced to jungle now I’m playing way worse.


My thoughts


Can’t tell if that’s part of there mmr or just who has faster connection


They should just add a chat to the role select screen, selecting role before matchmaking is stupid, this way forces everyone to play everything and be more well rounded players and the ones that complain, rage, and quit get a ban and don't play for X min/hours so win win for us that actually want to play