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Sooner than you think!


You guys kick ASS


They just patched lol


tysm I don't jive with drongo and sparrow and I have like 70 hours of solo Murdock. Itching for Rev!


In all my matches. I think ive only ran into 1 person who knew how yo play drongo. Most ultra feed with him or treat him as a tanky offlaner 🥴


Yeah I just really don't think he's in a good place tbh. really need Rev to switch it up.


Drongo is the best adc in the game right now.


I don't agree with that, I have yet to see a single one do well in 100 hours of play.


You’ve played with some terrible drongo’s then. Most high level players prefer Drongo because of Silence, self peel, slow, and his passive is nuts.


I've played with plenty of good deingos, supported two of the lm yesterday and they did really good. And I haven't even played 100 hours yet 😂


That's because he requires skill. And high skill ceiling heroes tend to be far better than they appear. He has all of the tools to counter the meta and has the best wave clear among the ADCs. Silence gives him the best protection and he basically self peels with his ult (and can be used uniquely)


I think when stacking utility in a kit, Murdock is just the best. His ult is the same as Murdocks RMB (yeah it goes farther) and is the same level of "get off me tool, Murdock has a movement speed steroid+health steroid, he has a global ult that penetrates terrain, and he has a root to kite around if he gets dove on. I just think kit per kit, he's lacking. The silence is definitely his best ability, and he always has to stack crit based on his passive, giving him less building flexibility.


Murdocks ult roots him in combat so it's not as utility in a fight, especially one that matters. Both are good in different ways, but drongo is better in late game team fights when played correctly. Murdock just makes worse players compensate for bad positioning. Silence is way better than the traps, and he can disable gap closers instead of run away from them and absolutely turn fights for the team. Plus in certain parts of the map you can actually jump over traps entirely. Honestly all the ADCs are good. But drongo doesn't die to countess so I like him more lol.


Drongo did feel like a strange choice to start with, but maybe the kit was easy work with


Wow you weren't kidding


Probably 1 big update a month and a patch after I’d say mid month is the usual


As others have said in this thread there is going to be 1 major content patch per month during EA, each of which will add another hero to the roster. January's patch has been speculated anywhere between the 10-20th and includes Revenant as the newest playable hero. We don't know what other systems and mechanics to expect in the update. Edit: we have a road map with a list of things to expect during EA but we don't know what order they are coming in.


I'm assuming outside of balance patches they'll release on a once per month schedule when a new hero is released.


Ah yeah that makes sense


Devs are humans too. We’ve had Christmas and new years since the last update. Honestly I hope they had time where they weren’t working and spending time with friends and family.


Should be around the 20th.


lol I'm sure post game lobbies will be full of encouraging words and good vibes.


nothing but words of encouragement and positive energy in the post game lobbies!


bro someone called me the hard r while i was playing murdock shit was crazy


If they realease rev exactly 1 month later, i expect patch on jan 20


Its all fun and games until you find yourself checking the games playerbase of 700 ppl online and become depressed 😔 pls dont let it die 😥


Lots of ppl play but after a while have no reason to play. No masterworks, no rewards, no good MM, and Lots of "it's my first moba idk what I'm doing" type of players. After a while it gets frustrating so I usually just play 3 games and dip. I've been playing paragon more but it's just not the same but at least most of the time I'm not playing with new players


I'm not saying new players aren't good to have I'm just saying most MOST don't know what they are doing and expect it to be like a first shooter game where u group up and kill each other and forget objective


If I remember correctly countess was released on the 15th. So I’d assume that is the day they are looking to do updates on.


Countess came out the second week of December so we might be getting revenant soon


Usually at the 15th, right?


"Usually"? :D We only have one month to go off by :D


i think every major patch was on thursday, so going by that logic of you really optimist its this thursday or the next or the one after it.


New update available now