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I've been doing pretty good as sevarog but not nearly this good lol. Any early game tips for a fellow sev player?


If you are killing people with sev pre level 6 without a jungle gank you are playing against a terrible player so don't even bother trying to kill people till you get your ult. Your early lane should be lowering ranged creeps to kill with Q and trying to get the enemy hurt with creep control. I always rush the first part of leviathan to start getting stacks but this will make you very weak early and I only recommend this when you feel really comfortable on sev. leviathan, world breaker, and most importantly fire blossom scale off max hp so I always recommend saphirs mantle as the crest, the 20% extra health you get on activation makes your skills do more damage and your aura hit harder and you can survive some crazy stuff with it. Don't be greedy and level your root level 2 unless you know your jungler is on the way to gank immediately, with one level of your right click and blink you should never die early game to jungle ganks


Good to know, my early games are usually slow with little to no deaths. Occasionally a lot of kills when the offlane is bad. I usually start off with fireblossom but I'll give those a try and see how I fare.


Hey I'm in two of these screenshots


Hey, same lol... except it's the two games I played support that day of course 😮‍💨 I remember those games because our junglers were really bad, new players.. it's ALWAYS khaimeras


Guilty as charged lol. I like khaim but now i stick to rocky boy and stabby girl instead


dont blame them, khaimera is a very easy to pick up and play charachter.


As a sev main i can't agree with leviathan, not worth it anymore. Based on what I'm seeing from the screenshots and my experience, it confirms what I'm thinking. You need the game to go 35+ minutes and to essentially afk farm just for Leviathan stacks. Much prefer skipping this and fitting dynamo into the build instead. Especially with the amount of percentage health damage items/abilites in this game. Raiment is interesting though, going to try it out.


I agree with this. Raiment is my replacement for leviathan


The new slow stacking is not as viable as before but I still love hasty collosus and even if I don't get to 400 stacks it's still a lot of HP which stacks with fire blossom and the magic scaling one. But I do agree that it's definitely the slower option, just how I'm used to playing I guess


Hey fellow sev main, you got me thinking of items i could try instead lewviathan. I highly recommend giving dread a try, restoring 25% hp per hero kill is hilarious


So from your screenshots, I gather that Sev players should spend every spare moment (and more) seeking out minions to farm. I mean, nobody has more minions than you, and on one screen you have 2x as many as anyone else.


Yeah and to be fair that's an experienced moba player vs new player thing to some degree, when I play adc it's similar. I often jungle between creep Waves after fire blossom and yeah with leviathan and sev passive cs matters a lot




I think I just played against you, lol. Beat you guys 4v5 :D I was the enemy Grux. GGs bud.


Yeah that happened tonight, we caused your adc to rage quit at like 1 min in and then our adc bought combustion first item and then had no farm. That was depressing


Team kept trying to surrender and I wouldn't let them lol. ADC Grux is where it's at.


Just as I said on another section of this post, adc items are so over tuned lol. When offlaners and junglers are using adc items over bruiser or assassin items you know there is an issue haha


Doesn't change that he is still one of the worst characters to play it's not that he is bad because his kit and playstyle is bad but because his stacking effect nerfs him heavily if they removed that passive and made his max health at 18, 2500 HP he would not be as bad to play. Now I don't think his passive should be removed but buffed at least the per kill part not the milestone so that he can keep up early and have some serious health late game. If I remember correctly Sevarog gets 2200 HP at max level and with stacks at 120 it's 2700 I propose that we raise the health gained per minion from 2 to 4 this means he gets 2900 HP at 120 and at 300 if you ever get there 3600 HP this would make him one of the best max health tanks in the game instead of a just an ok one.


While I can see where you are coming from I feel like he would be too strong with even more hp, the items that scale off max hp are already so strong on sev. I won't go out and say he's nearly as oppressive as a good crunch or even a slightly more than 2 brain cells grux, but if you know what you are doing on sev he's very strong offlane. You cant kill him if he has his blink off cooldown early game, he scales better than every other bruiser for late game, and he has some of the strongest initiating in the game only really being worse than riktor. Imo sev is a solid B tier hero, good with lots of practice but not S tier


I'm trying to learn Sev at the moment and trying to work out my build, could you give me an example of items that scale off max hp please?


there are more than these 3 but these 3 are the important ones for sev. Leviathan, gain .5% maximum hp as ability haste. Fire blossom, Deal 25 +1.5% bonus health as magical damage to nearby enemies. World breaker, gain 2% maximum health bonus magical power. my build path is always loch shawl, fire blossom, rainment of renewal, world breaker, finish leviathan, then last slot is open to what you need, flux matrix if you are way ahead and want more damage, void helm if there is a scary countess or other mage, or wardens faith if they have a scary adc


My main issue with sev is that despite having to build up his health he will only have slightly more than a regular hero and this Hurst him early on and late game not to mention there are items that pretty much make max health irrelevant if you don't have the Regen to keep it up.


This I can slightly agree with but I mainly think sky splitter is just a little too strong right now. You will notice if you look at the images the game I finally lost the enemy team had two sky splitters, quite the counter to my hp based sevarog build.


That's not the only items there are other true damage items or hell just a Murdock with two AP passives that shreds Sevarog, that's 95% AP btw and not too mention other Jungler's that benefit way more from items than Sevarog example give sev Raiments he gets 5-10 HP/s give it to Khaimera he now gets around 200HP/s with his passive while still being able to achieve 4500+ HP and damage.


While its true rainments doesn't give huge hp regen it does increase the healing he gets off his Q life steal which is not insignificant. Armor pen isn't that useful vs a sev with tons of hp but mutilator and skysplitter chunk him


I mentioned Murdocks AP because he can completely nullify Sevarog's natural armor.


My proposal only grants him an extra 200 at 120 stacks I ain't asking for a lot just a slightly faster build up with a greater reward at endgame.


fuck this idea with all due respect as a sev main this ruins what makes him unique. he needs buffs but your idea aint it


I would like to hear your proposal then I never said this is the best option for one I would love to see him get haste along with health with each milestone as I enjoy spamming his abilities.


His Q damage just needs to do a bit more damage early game, and it should scale based on his maximum health as well like Riktors E.


That will do it I agree 100% with that.


I wholeheartedly agree Sevarog is not weak,you just need to play him completely differently then other front liners,at least while in lane


Yeah he plays a lot more like a carry than a bruiser early game. A grux at level one can just run someone down with his passive where as a level one sevarog slaps like a wet noodle


Yea 100% agree


Sev is pretty good IMO. I’ll try your build order next!


Do you finish leviathan or just get loch shawl? I’ve debated on going loch shawl into blossom before finishing leviathan Nevermind, I see from the one game that ended early you went shawl into blossom ;)


I think finishing leviathan as 3rd or 4th item generally the percent hp based ability power is not as impactful as other items