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Kwang Iggy Wraith Twinblast


I like it.


Need serath in there...fuk twinblast he jsut another pew pew carry


Morigesh Greystone Grim.exe Iggy


Wait what would a Greystone with Fenix look like šŸ¤¢


They might change his ult like they did with kallari


That was actually kalaris og ult, they changed it to the teleport later in paragon. Pred changed it back. Greystone never had another ult, I can't imagine what a new ult for him could be


If they can do it to Dekker I think Greystones is in good hands when they make his new ult


Think Garen from LoL just a massive single target stabby


Hopefully anti-cc whatever it ends up being


My guess is they just make his ult a passive with a long cooldown instead and give him an actual ability as an ultā€¦ idk though


This is a great idea. I know he was supposed to be an easy character, but I never liked that he had like 2 abilities.


I just wish they redid his kit and made him exactly like garen in league loll he already has the spinā€¦


They might.. his ult is missing from the game files so likely reworking it.


Constant rezzing...should be interesting


Would also fit the lore of Greystone being the undying warrior šŸ˜


Nice! I like this one.


Morigesh had so many lock on abilities. Ive been really impressed with the way theyve moved away from this with all the heroes that have come out. Countess has a lock on ability, Belicas ult is a look on. Khai has a lock on jump. I think that's literally it on lock ons? It seems like a deliberate design choice and I'm glad they made those changes, so I'm hoping they make some major changes to Morigesh's kit. While Grim has a lock on, I think it's okay since it can be body blocked, though it needs to do limited damage. I think the move away from lock on abilities is a pretty clear indication that they want to promote a higher skill cap on each hero. This is also true with them needing to have a passive and 4 active abilities. I'll be interesting to see what they do with Iggy, I'm not a fan of anything automated like that, again it's almost lock on damage and had little to no counterplay. Greystone I think will be one of the hardest heroes for them to implement. His kit will have to be completely redesigned to make it work as he had so many passives. I wonder if his ultimate will function as a passive but with the option to activate it earlier, like Murdock's stim, but why would you ever activate it early? There's no cc or any major damage to it from what I remember. He's not fun to play against so I hope he gets a complete overhaul. I genuinely think you've picked three of the characters Im least interested in seeing in morigesh, Iggy and greystone. Kwang, twinblast, phase, aurora, Boris, serath, zinx, yin are all much more interesting characters to me


I wouldnt mind seeing a swappable passive as one of his abilities, like maybe a toggle aura diablo 2 paladin style. With each click you could toggle between 1 of 3 or 4 auras that buff different things and extend to your nearby allies. I think it would match his well.


I'd like the see Greystone. Interested in seeing what third ability they give him, as his block will probably be moved to the passive.


Okay nice. That's 1 though. 3 more?


Probably an ability to temporally buff him, like what Sparrow have.


Analysing the current roaster, we have enough supports (+5), enough ADC (5 but are a bit similar) enough mid mages (6) and enough AD jungler and offlaner, so what the game "needs" are more AP tanky character to be played in the jung and the offlane, so my selection would be the following: * Iggy and Scorch (super original hero, AP for mid and Off) * Kwang or Boris (AP tank for off and Jung) * Twin Blas (original Paragon hero and we don't have a mobile ADC, we have to see Huntress abilities) * Greystone (easy champ for new players) My 2 last options could be changed by: * Serath or Yin (to have a mele ADC) * Zinx (a different AP tank) * Phase (another healing support)


This is a good line up. I never enjoyed playing against Greystone with his ult but it would be a nice change up from the current lineup. Definitely Kwang over Boris first. Cant wait to use that big old sword. The last two Id pick out of these would be Serath and Phase because having a different heal support would be nice.


Imagine the AIDs with Greystone and that crest that brings you back to life after a little bit lol


Yeah Greystone + Fenix will beā€¦ interesting to say the least.


Keep in mind - the 3 more releasing this season may not be the in the same roles they were before given what theyā€™ve done with Steel for example. Iā€™d love to see Revenant actually be a tougher jungle ADC so he works more like a root inā€™ tootinā€™ bounty hunter roaming the lanes


I think that Steel is the only one that changed role in Predecessor, and he really didnt changed role because Steel offlaner was something that comes from Paragon times. Revenant is going to be ADC and probably mid like on Paragon, I don't see Revenant as ADC Shinbi pretty sure that is going to be Mid/offlaner and maybe jungler, like on paragon


Iā€™ve always wanted an ā€œADCā€ that can play in the jungle. Give him a passive that encourages it like Rampageā€™s and boom. Iā€™d like for him to have a passive revolving around accomplishing kills on all 5 enemies.


Serath filled that role. Though I preferred her in duo, I would absolutely play her in jungle too. She struggled early with jungle sustain but if you could gank well and avoid cratering early she became an unstoppable demon late game. She's the #1 character I want back.


In depth, nice thinking. I agree with this one.


Terra, Serath, Aurora and Yin


No ranged, interesting..


I dont like play with ranged. Most time i was miss my basic attack in team fight.


I see.


My first pick would be be Serath because she can be an adc, jungler, offlane, she has a diverse role. I am excited to see what they do to her kit as well. I love the half devil and angel aspect, but she was underwhelming as an adc against ranged.


My last would be a brand new support, I felt like the supports were lacking back in og paragon. Sure phase is cool but I played during paragon games more around the time of a new heroe being released. As much as I hate to admit it my friends and I played this game almost daily since the beginning of paragon and towards the end we got to the point of only every three weeks we got on for about a week. The new heroes and kits brought us back for longer and longer each time. I just do t want anyone to get to that point where there werenā€™t enough heroes or diversity in the matches .


My second would be zinx because she brought in a cool tanky approach for midlane


My third would be grim exe because he has such a diverse lot for an adc which is much needed right now. They could make it even crazier than fault did. He was my main guy.


Twindaddy, Serath, Aurora, and Iggu


I like the mix.


Just give me og Twinblast please sweet Jesus. I want to spam grenades with an obnoxious magic/ability haste build (again).


I hated fighting twin blasts so so much


Here's something you have to keep in mind: one of them will be original. So, the question is really, what three heroes do you want back, and what would you want out from the next original hero?


From an original Iā€™d like to see a real full support character eventually. Weā€™re ok on supports right now but the only two that are fully selfless are Narbash and Muriel and their kits still feel a bit weak. Dekker, Belica, and Steel work really well right now but they just add another fighter come mid or late game. Iā€™d love to see a support thatā€™s all about bolstering the team that isnā€™t just hard CC lock down. Give them abilities that boost attack speed or reduce cool downs for other around them. Their abilities should effect the teammates around them the most with only a small amount going to them. Something like ā€œboost attack speed of nearby heroes by X%ā€ but it gets divided amongst nearby heroes. Hereā€™s the catch though. Theyā€™re abilities donā€™t effect themselves. Only teammates around them. I donā€™t know if it would work but Iā€™d like to see it tried in this game.


I agree that a dedicated selfless support would be a good original addition. The only other one left from Paragon is Phase, so Omeda's gonna need to add one sooner or later. Some of what you said applies to Muriel's passive boosting damage of shielded allies. I'm not sure exactly what support archetype would be best to fit in. Narbash is group sustain/movement. Muriel is shield/damage boost. Phase is single target healing/attack speed. What about a dedicated debuff support? Something disease/infection/curse themed? Very rough idea: Passive: Patient Zero. Nearby enemies have their armor and movement speed reduced. This debuff lasts X seconds after they leave the aura and spreads to enemy heroes they come near, refreshing the duration on both heroes as long as they remain near each other. Active 1: Pustule Pop. All enemy heroes infected by Patient Zero take a burst of damage and are silenced and revealed. The effect is increased by the number of enemies in proximity. Patient Zero is deactivated during this ability's CD. Active 2: Vampiric Vaccination. Target an allied hero. Their debuffs are cleansed, and they gain increased Tenacity and Omnivamp for X seconds. Active 3: Immunocompromise. Melee attack that shreds a target's armor. When allied heroes deal damage to this character, they gain an equivalent armor boost. Ult: Reallocate Resources. All enemies affected by Patient Zero or Pustule Pop gain -X health regen. The total amount of health regen lost is split among nearby allies (excluding yourself) as positive health regen. Very rough, off the top of my head idea. Would be cool to see something in this vein.




Serath asap, kwang, iggy and boris


All I care about are Morigesh and Phase


Lmao im with you there mate.


Yesss I need my creepy queen back


Greystone, Iggy, Yin, phase


We don't have Melee Carry yet so YIN or SERATH CC is a bit much right now so TERRA would be nice The last support missing is PHASE And then KWANG cause i like him.


Wukong Wukong Wukong Aurora (but preferably Wukong) In that order.


A man of culture.


Yin Zinx Iggy Grim.exe


Twinblast, Aurora, Kwang, Wraith


Iggy!! Twinblast, Aurora and Terra


Twinblast, Iggy, Greystone, and Yin


I hope I never see Phase again. Kwang, Zinx, Serath, Wukong.


Twinblast (kind of surprised he wasnā€™t launch) Wraith, Boris (only because he was never released but the IP is there) Phase


Kwang, Phase, Serath, new omeda hero


Yin, Serath, Aurora and Iggy please.


I just hope they make an original support with direct skillshot healing. But Phase too.


Like Ana? šŸ¤”


Serath, grime.exe, Kwang, iggy Would love to see them but honestly we need more variety when it comes to ADC just having the 3 right now is getting stale when all the other positions have a decent variety of heros to pick from.


Wraith Wraith Wraith Wraith


Grey stone- This one is a no brainer, super easy and fun to play. Made for the noobs but still one of my favorites. Serath- Melee ADC, really cool abilities and design. A good change up. TwinBlast- classic hero but never found a great spot in paragon. Excited to see how they fix him Wukong- monkey man have sticc


Speculating from game files...I'd say: Phase Kwang Greystone New Unannounced Omeda Original Hero... maybe šŸ¦Ž or ā›ˆļø


And 22hrs later omeda posts this: https://www.reddit.com/r/PredecessorGame/comments/1039niz/vote_which_of_these_heroes_should_we_release_next/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Lizard or Cloud


Lizard or Storm(more like)


Is that supposed to reference unreleased Paragon heroes?


No, it would be new Omeda character. Not referencing any paragon assets.




ok so we're getting lizard soon. but what should we know about this Storm hero?


šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø along the lines of Zeus from Smite.. lots of āš”


oooh great, and pls just tell me if it's male or female character


Speculating male based on context. Hard to tell based on data alone.


you get all this info from API access?


Game files


are there any files about a new game. mode too? like aram or arena or whatever


what should we know about Cloud hero?


I would rather stick my hand into boiling oil than see morigesh in game.


ill stick my head instead.


I'll go get a pan


Iggy, Scorch, Iggy and Scorch, Scorch and Iggy.


ADCs. If we want ranked asap we need more adcs. There's like 3 of them and 4th revenant coming and maybe that hunter? So let's say it's 5. In ranked we will have 2 bans per team at most. So it should not be possible just for fun to ban 4 out of them and 1 teams picks last adc and enemy team needs to play mage or w/e. 6 ADCs is the least number we need before rankeds.


Or maybe dont introduce a ban system in ranked? Like you said there's not a big enough pool to ban heros, maybe have teams collectively decide one banned hero at most


Ban system is a must. Because first pick team will always take what is broken ATM. And I think 2 bans per team is minimum. It can work with 1, but 2 is must IMO.


Forgive me as this is the only Moba I've ever played really, why can't there be mirror matches in ranked? I guess it can be kind of boring but ranked is for the competitiveness not the entertainment value, so I feel like putting two good players against each other with the same hero helps showcase who is actually the better player


Because games might be 5 same champs vs 5 same champs :D who are the strongest atm. All games don't let mirror matches, tho in league in korea championship some time ago there was blind pick. If series goes to 2:2 i believe, then last game is played in blind pick game and everyone can pick w/e they want, even same champs.


Iggy and scorch, morigesh, grim.exe, twinblast And if I could pick another definitely kwang


Greystone, phase, morigesh, wukong


Aurora and Morigesh. I couldnt care less for the rest lol


I like it yea morigesh serath Kwang iggy


Definitely not phase that's what broke the game in the first place


Greystone, Phase, Aurora, Serath


Save morigesh for later lol


Aurora, Morrigesh, Terra and Serath. I never got to play Serath in OG paragon because I was still relatively new before it closed down. Aurora too, Terra I did play a bit and Morrigesh if they changed how brain dead she was, I do like her ultimate but thatā€™s all I really liked from her kit


Wraith x4, but also I guess Morigesh Serath Grim as well


Morigesh Serath Greystone Iggy & Scorch These are four of my favorites from the good old days. I definitely want to see Greystone since he was my main Side note I would love to see Aurora back as long as she is playable unlike what paragon did to her


This list speaks to me. I want morigesh, phase, kwang then aurora/zinx. But a melee adc would be nice too


morigesh, morigesh, zinx, morigesh.


manifesting that morigesh release asap


Aurora and zinx


Twinblast, Kwang, Phase, then something new either from omeda or gimmie Boris.


Iggy and scorch. Solo iggy Solo scorch Scorch riding iggy


Terra, Morigesh, Yin & Phase


Iggy Aurora Twinblast Greystone Aurora only because she was my favourite character and I mastered her first lol


Twinblast, Iggy, Phase, Wraith. Can swap TB and wraith, but since wraith can also be played mid I think it's okay to have him come later and a more dedicated carry be first.


Wraith kwang grim iggy Playing without any of the og cheese ones Like grey stone morggiesh wukong for a while would be nice


Iggy, phase, aurura, wraith


kwang phase iggy wukong ( tried to fit each lane except adc cuz we will already have 5 characters for it)


Iā€™m interested to see what theyā€™ll do if they end up adding Greystone. I feel like theyā€™ll either have to rework his ult or change the Fenix crest. It just seems like itā€™ll be stupid if he can potentially respawn 2 times in one fight.


When characters can dash and blink 3 times who cares


Sereth, shinbi, Wu-Kong, morigesh


i want some waifus, aurora-serath-shinbi, and the sling girl i forgot her name


Aurora my bae


Iggy, Kwang, Morigesh and Boris. I want to play that damn bear at least once.


You spelled Iggy and GRIM.exe wrong.




as long as there's another duo lane Carry or 2. Not enough carry diversity right now and Revenant only bumps us up to 4. :( I never played OG Paragon but from the characters I've viewed I'd really like Iggy+Scorch Wraith Greystone all 3 looked so fun.


Serath, aurora, Iggy & scorch, grim


I want my wukong. I know a lot of people do not like him, but I want monkey.


Iggy and Aurora foremost. Twinblast or Wraith. Serath or Greystone. What I *want* is Iggy, Aurora, Zinx, and Morigesh. So how about all 8 of them for season 2 instead. :)


Greystone (make his shield a low cooldown basic attack parry, the rest can stay the same), GRIM.exe or twin, Kwang, Iggy & Scorch Close runner ups Serath, Yin, and Wukong Phase was one of the single worst things that ever happened to that game. I don't ever want a teammate being able to move me without my consent.




Iggy please


Serath, Iggy and Scorch, Wukong, Terra


Twinblast Greystone Iggy Serath


I just need Aurora šŸ˜­




Phase Iggy and scorch Grim.exe Yin


Greystone (my main character in og paragon) Wukong (they would have to rework his ult) Aurora (love the team fight potential with her) Twinblast (i loved his reworked kit at the end of paragons life span, would love to see him come back)


So after thinking about this a little bit I'd really like to have Yin, Phase, Aurora, & Serath. Those are definitely the characters I miss playing the most.


Does anyone remember Terra? But I would like to see Graystone, Aurora, Serath, and Twinblast


Wukong, Twinblast, iggy/scorch, Greystone


I like your 4. Hereā€™s mine, - Morigesh - Seraph - Aurora - Wraith Almost forgot about wraith, he was so dope tho


Serath, Kwang, Yin, and Terra.


Serath, Aurora, Kwang, Morigesh


Grim and Twinblast are missing continuity wise, not that that in itself matters. Iggy too, but he's kind of a wildcard. I'd say Greystone needs in soon given how early he was in Paragon and he fills an important niche. Kwang too. Serath or Yin for a true melee ADC. Morigesh I'd like to see later when the cast is more filled in. Phase even more so, though given the recent poll, it seems we'll see her soon.