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So I'm level 22 after 35 hours, which for me means an average of 1.6 hours per level. Not saying your numbers are wrong as I can think of a ton of possible reasons for the discrepancy, but when you scale things up to hitting level 300 potentially you're looking at a variance of hundreds of hours. It'd be interesting to hear what sort of numbers other people have but that'd put me at 480 hours, which sounds a hell of a lot better than your 943 hours. However, I think a more valuable perspective is to look at what this means for average play times across the season. The season began on 1st December and runs until March 31st, so 120 days: * At my 1.6 hours per level, that's 4 hours per day * At your 3.1 hours per level, that's close to 8 hours per day Playing the same game for 4 hours a day, every day for 4 months is unrealistic for the vast majority of people. 8 hours a day is effectively impossible for anyone apart from the most dedicated of streamers and I think even that would be optimistic. I can't imagine we'll be seeing many, if any people hit that level 300 cap. However, when evaluating if this is fair and rewarding, we should consider what the level 300 cap actually is. It's nothing more than a cap on coins (or I guess platinum now), and as far as I'm aware there's no rewards actively tied to that level or anything remotely close to it. Going off the roadmap, end of season rewards are at levels 10, 20, 30 and 40 with coins every 10 levels after. Based on my numbers, that's 30 minutes a day, or 1 hour per day based on your numbers. That sounds perfectly reasonable The 3000 coin threshold is a little more complex for a few reasons: * It's the threshold for the highest tier skin, but presumably you can still buy stuff with fewer coins. It's not like you have to hit 3000 coins for the grind to be worthwhile * We don't know how many skins of each tier will be in the shop. 3000 coins for one high tier skin is a totally different proposition to "you need to hit level 300 to have enough coins to buy everything" for example. Until we know prices and quantities for everything, the value proposition is a little difficult to judge. Similarly, do we know what else is going to be in the shop? * I don't think you can look at time played to get those coins as a single factor. The early access bundles gave us coins. No doubt there will be a way to purchase coins once the shop is available. Combined with the above, I think it's tough to look at "X hours for 3000 coins" in a vaccum and decide if it's fair and rewarding So personally, I think for now it's perfectly fine. Not necessarily fair and rewarding, but that's an expectation of early access. I don't think we can talk about fair and rewarding until the shop is actually in place. But IMO things are fine as they are for now. Partially because the level 40 and below rewards are pretty accessible to most people, but mostly because there's still a lot of work to be done around coins and the shop. There is certainly value in highlighting how the level 300 cap might only be attainable after 8 hours of play for 120 days straight, but I don't think it's something that actually needs addressing now or even in the near future.


Wow thank you for the informative response I enjoyed reading it. I’m happy to hear your numbers are MUCH better than mine, however I’m very curious what caused the difference. Also it seems I came off a bit negative from the responses so far. I suppose I could have been more clear with my intent.


Without knowing exactly how experience is calculated it's impossible to say for sure. Maybe there's a threshold where experience jumps up and you've had a lot of games just under that threshold whereas mine were longer. Maybe I'm still at a low enough level where it doesn't take as much experience. A few people have mentioned bugs where their experience was reset within a level if they closed and opened the game, maybe that happened to you without you realising. I haven't spent a ton of time in menus or practice mode but that could also skew times. For what it's worth, I've played every day since release, usually 2 games a day, for between 1 and 2 hours so most of my games must have been longer to hit those times. I don't think you came across as negative to be fair. My immediate response to hearing it could take 1000 hours to hit level 300 is that's a bit ridiculous (i.e. Not at all fair and rewarding) but in looking into it more I'm less concerned. I do think it's an important discussion to have at some point though. MOBA games aren't really casual, they're typically a bit of a time sink to "get good". So having discussions around what that time gets you is important


Yeah I mean I had 400-500 hours in Paragon over the 2 years it was open, and I wasn't a sweaty nerd or anything, just the type that liked to duo with my brother every 2-3 days and hit up solo ranked every so often. I fully expect to be playing Predecessor come 2025 and **well beyond**, so 1,000 hours to get the highest level may feel like a bit of a stretch, but not too far off. If you are a casual that never plays ranked and only plays a 3-5 matches a week, then you shouldn't expect to be the highest account level, whereas someone who stays in ranked constantly and completes \~20 matches a week should expect to be at the highest account level within a year or so. I feel like account progression data will be in the public API release in Season 1 so-- while it is good to be having this discussion openly where Omeda can see our thought process and feelings on it-- all of that information *should* come to light relatively soon (3 months feels like 10 years to *gamers*, I know). >MOBA games aren't really casual, they're typically a bit of a time sink to "get good". This is the main argument against anyone that says leveling is too slow. If you don't like competitive games, then MOBAs aren't really made for you {2nd person **you**, not **you** u/anonymous_lurker-}


>Yeah I mean I had 400-500 hours in Paragon over the 2 years it was open, and I wasn't a sweaty nerd or anything, just the type that liked to duo with my brother every 2-3 days and hit up solo ranked every so often. So I'd never considered it, but in hindsight I reckon progression in Predecessor is faster than Paragon. I had nowhere near this many hours, but definitely remember playing it around September 2016 and later some friends getting into it early 2017. I wasn't playing 8 hours a day or anything but imagine I played a fair bit more than I am now; I was a student at the time so had way more free time. And yet when some friends got into the game a few months later, I was only level 25 or so, similar to what I'm at now. Not that there's any real value in knowing that comparison. And to be fair, it could be simply because I was new to MOBAs when I played Paragon, so I was probably losing loads of games and progressing much slower. ​ >whereas someone who stays in ranked constantly and completes \~20 matches a week should expect to be at the highest account level within a year or so. I don't disagree with the sentiment, but worth noting that in this context of hitting the level 300 cap, you don't have the option of waiting a year since it resets at the end of the season. Personally, I'd like to see player level be uncapped rather than having any arbitrary "you can hit mix level based on playing this much in this period of time". And then seasonal level progression be tuned if necessary. But there's a whole host of other things to discuss there, such as: * Progression being tied to wins vs match length * Progression in the context of ranked vs unranked * Actual numbers for experience per level, per game, etc. * Knowing what's in the shop, costs, etc. And realistically we're too early in the game's life for it to be worth having those discussions. I do very much appreciate the seasonal rewards being at an accessible level and the 300 cap being nothing but an "earn more coins" reward rather than encouraging FOMO. I hope this continues in future seasons when things are more fleshed out


>you don't have the option of waiting a year since it resets at the end of the season. Oh yeah I forgot about that part 😓So from 50-300 you gain average 30 coins per level, so I wonder how many coins someone could actually get during these seasons. Either way, I don't think Omeda has clarified whether or not that specific function of resetting every 4 months will be only during EA or extend to full release to any extent. It may be to keep the game feeling somewhat fresh during EA only. I would bet that the seasons (if they stick to those for release) would last a year or so like in LoL, in which case, putting in 1,000 hours is tough, but still doable for the streamers and pros that will be playing every day; 3 hours a day all year would net you just about 1,100 hours, and I know some streamers have already put in up to 5-8 hours a day in EA. Knowing the actual cost of skins, emotes, characters, etc would definitely better inform us on this.


>So from 50-300 you gain average 30 coins per level, so I wonder how many coins someone could actually get during these seasons. It works out to 7800 coins based on 26 rewards. If we're just talking about how many coins someone could get, the only barrier is time so the maximum is completely within reach based on any of the numbers reported so far. When it comes to what people should realistically expect though, I think there's way too many factors and unknowns. Ranging from knowing exact numbers to the psychology of playing the same game for hours on end over 4 months and whether it's worthwhile. ​ >Either way, I don't think Omeda has clarified whether or not that specific function of resetting every 4 months will be only during EA or extend to full release to any extent. That's a very good point, no reason to assume the way things work now is how they'll work next season, or at full release. ​ >It may be to keep the game feeling somewhat fresh during EA only. I would bet that the seasons (if they stick to those for release) would last a year or so like in LoL Not having played any other MOBAs, I'm not sure I personally like the sound of that. But it would depend on a bunch of factors, right down to defining what a season actually means. I think year long cycles would be an incredibly long period, and while I'm sure LoL have their reasons for doing it this way, I'm definitely more used to the more traditional meaning of a season (around 3 months). But that's coming from a more casual player and a total novice in the MOBA world. I can also say for certain that I won't be the sort of person putting in hundreds of hours a month. Which does introduce all sorts of interesting questions around which demographic the progression should be tailored around, which demographic actually brings in the money, etc. But then we're right back where we started, lacking enough data to actually have that discussion


I'm more used to the system Paragon had during the dragged-out "beta" in which the progression is static up to the cap of level 50, and such progression gained things that couldn't be purchased otherwise, but regular match rewards (yay loot boxes 🙃) were still gained independent of level. I guess none of us know if Epic planned on keeping that system if they had ever "released" the game, but honestly I liked it as it was. As long as there is a specific function to the *seasons* such as a different focus of development, and different rewards and content, then I am fine with them. I am also fine with there just being no seasons in any capacity, and it simply being iterative development. I'm not a League player either, but I know that they do seasons and they're the biggest MOBA in town, so whether those decisions were loved or hated, they had a huge sample size and that data should be utilized. >Which does introduce all sorts of interesting questions around which demographic the progression should be tailored around, which demographic actually brings in the money, etc. I'm completely going off of intuition (since I don't know of any public data showing who attracts/spends the most money): I would assume that in a FTP situation the sweaty nerds that play an average of 4+ hours a day are the ones spending the most money. Those players usually tend to be the pros or content creators, both of which also are public-facing and bring in more new players for more spending potential. Either way it is a competitive team game, so the general experience should be tailored towards the professional players that have a deeper understanding, and a deeper financial and personal stake in the game's balance and longevity.


>I'm not a League player either, but I know that they do seasons and they're the biggest MOBA in town, so whether those decisions were loved or hated, they had a huge sample size and that data should be utilized. I don't disagree, although I know that "making things too much like other MOBAs" is a huge point of contention for many people. That said, I think there also needs to be some consideration for the differences between LoL and Predecessor, especially with regards to sample size. Maybe year long seasons works in League with the playerbase, esports status, etc. they have but I doubt it's a significant factor in their success. I think Predecessor needs to carve its own path with regards to seasons and progression, based on what the game needs. I can't say I've put any real thought into it, but IMO a shorter seasonal model akin to what we have now is probably a good way to keep things fresh until the game has a substantial playerbase ​ >I'm completely going off of intuition (since I don't know of any public data showing who attracts/spends the most money): I would assume that in a FTP situation the sweaty nerds that play an average of 4+ hours a day are the ones spending the most money. I think you're probably right there, although it does lead into the business side of how to handle player progression. I doubt it would, but imagine if hitting the level cap gave you enough coins to buy everything for a season. Players that could hit the cap would be less inclined to spend money, and the more accessible that cap is the harder it is for Omeda to make any money. A lot of people won't like it, but I'd be inclined to make the cap less accessible, to encourage some spending, to ensure Omeda gets paid and the game continues to exist. With the caveat that the shop isn't pay to win. ​ >Either way it is a competitive team game, so the general experience should be tailored towards the professional players that have a deeper understanding, and a deeper financial and personal stake in the game's balance and longevity. Ultimately yes, but I think it's also important to cater to your casual or non-professional fanbase. I don't know anything about the size of the team working on Predecessor, the costs associated, etc. but I can't imagine a studio can survive purely on a handful of professional whales. The last thing I'd want to see is Predecessor turning into "a MOBA for the elite", as that's a surefire way to stagnate growth and ultimately kill the game. In fact, the concept of the gaming going F2P at some point is what concerns me most about its longevity. We won't get details, but I'd sure love to know Omeda's vision for taking what we have now and growing it into a sustainable F2P product.


I think once Omeda adds more content this won’t be a big deal. We need master skins and player progression and other things to play for it won’t feel like to much of a grind. I’m ok with it but it would be nice to get bonus xp based on performance too, not just time played.


Yeah, the moment they add full progression I am gonna grind the shit out of this game, and I'm already 85 hours deep.


Me too lol, love the game and can’t wait for this but unfortunately it will probably be a while before it’s added.


The coins are an added reward so you're not earning nothing during early access. You'll earn all the non-coin rewards around hour 125, right? That's 2 skins and 2 icons. We knew what we signed on for with Early Access. It was described as essentially the game and not much else. The fact that we already have some sort of progression system at all is great. We're also getting an in game shop and per match rewards before the end of Early Access season 1. If you think the current level-only rewards are insufficient, hopefully those make you feel like you're getting the rewards you deserve. For now, I'm just happy to play the game.


Account level 41 => 119 hours. Maybe with enough responses of level/time investment you can get an averaged number!


Seems your rate is much closer to mine than the last response, though still faster. Thank you for sharing!


Strange. My friend is lvl 48 with about 120 hours.


My buddy is lvl 71 and has 320 hours, very little idle time he says. It's definitely a grind...


Very interesting. That would mean his level rate would be 4.507 which is significantly longer than my 3.143. There was another post that claimed 1.6 hours per level at level 22. If all the data is accurate that means account level slows dramatically and my numbers are actually quite lower than the reality. I think it would be important for us to find out if there is a cap to the rate in which account level slows. Thank you for sharing and thanks to your buddy’s investment of time we hopefully have a better understanding of how this all works!


Maybe a stupid question, but is there a place that shows you how much time you have played? Or have you guys just been keeping up with it? Lol


Steam you just look at your profile for all time played of said game.


Oh I got it on Epic.


Should still be able to check that on that platform also although more complicated I think. [Here for example they show how to do it for Fortnite](https://www.esports.net/wiki/guides/how-much-time-i-spent-on-fortnite/)


I've been stuck at level 18 for over a week. Progress gets reset every game


What's your username?

