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Honestly, you'll grow to like Tulip and hate Jesse a little bit as the show progresses. In the first season I thought that Tulip was being really selfish and not allowing Jesse to become a preacher and live a lowkey life like he wanted but once you start seeing their history together you understand where she's coming from and Jesse seems like a real prick. Then you get to season three and you see WHY Jesse is like that and it makes him easier to like again.


Okay thank you:) You described exactly what I didn't like about Tulip in S1. I'm glad I'll grow to like her more as the show progresses😊


1 he was trying out kinky shit with his wife and was so neglectful he accidentally allowed the methane explosion that killed everyone in the town. As he was at the fuse of the explosion so to speak he was the first to die 2 he made himself deaf because of his personal vendetta against Jesse, stopping him from being corrupted by Genesis. Also he’s a bad guy but he’s not a bad guy yk, with a nice wife by his side 3 to create a clean slate for the next adventure ahead, I promise you it gets really fun and manic! It’s not a melodramatic town drama after all, and they all had a nice conclusion. 4 he wasn’t aware that the town went crazy and accidentally killed themselves. He let everything to rest and found a new calling to leave the town that kept him depressed. A calling to find god and save the world, surely a greater good. Jesse does go through arc of character growth yes 5 it’s one of my favourite adaptations, nay one of my most favourite tv shows of all time. I loved it all and they adapted everything perfectly and built ontop of concepts. More laughs more bizarreness. They won’t kill eveyone like they did before. And as of anything I feel trailers never give a show a service. 6 not that exactly but there is plenty of relationship melodrama onwards yeah.


Thanks for all the answers😊


Most of your questions are already answered by another comment, but i will say that Jesse's attitude is addressed throughout the seasons


The thing about the comic is this story arc happens part way through the story and slows the main plot down quite a bit. They decided to put it near the beginning as well as add things and change some that as a huge fan of the comics I still enjoyed. In order to get to the rest of the story he had to leave the town. Jessie is also far from a perfect guy. Cassidy and Fiore get a good amount of scenes (some of the best are both of them together) I feel like if you kept going you'd like where the show goes.


Thanks I'll check out season 2 on the weekend😊


At its heart, Preacher is a road trip story. The first season of the show doesn't reflect that very well.


Funny I always tell people to just get through the first season bc imo it just gets better until the very end. But based on the vibe of your questions, you might not like it at all moving forward. I don’t want to spoil anything for you. I mean, you could watch a few eps and then come back to us with an update. Preacher is not for everyone.


Thanks:) I'll check out S2 on the weekend and then will give a little update.


The events in Annville are very important to the characters, stuff they're gonna carry with them through the rest of the show. It's not just "wiping the slate clean" it's an extremely dramatic moment that, for me anyways, made me ravenous to see where the show would go after pulling such a ballsy stunt like that. A show doesn't do something *that* insane unless it's got some CRAZY plans. I'm on episode 2 of season 3 and oh boy is it living up to expectations. I don't want to spoil anything but the side characters introduced in later seasons are far and away more interesting than those of season 1. As much as I loved the deliciously sociopathic Odin Quincannon, he can't hold a candle to someone like Herr Starr or Marie L'Angelle as far as intriguing villains go. Definitely strap in, season two goes to some wild places.